March 2024

Next meeting – 21 March
You are invited to the next General Meeting of the Forum on Thursday 21 March from 7 pm at the Vida Walsh Centre, 2b Saltoun Road, SW2 1EP (entrance faces Windrush Square). 
The main agenda items will be:

  • Neighbourhood Plan, seeking your agreement to take this forward.
  • Priorities for the year ahead, so we can apply for renewed funding.

Enquiries to the Secretary at

Whose Plans for Brixton?
We flagged up last month that we had started to explore developing a Neighbourhood Plan for Brixton, to reflect local preferences and needs.  We have been consulting with nearby neighbourhood forums about boundaries.

In parallel, Lambeth Council has just launched the latest version of its Site Allocations plan document, which highlights 3 sites in Brixton (and 2 more at Loughborough Junction) for high-density rebuilding.  At first sight, it seems to threaten us with more tall buildings, while putting the squeeze on health and community facilities.

The full package of Council documents can be found on the Lambeth website at:  

This latest draft of the plan is open for comments or objections until Friday 3rd May.  We should warn you that there are limited grounds on which you can object, and we aim to provide more guidance on this shortly.  If you have specific concerns, we urge you to share them with other local groups, and with us, or with our friends at the Brixton Society at
336 Brixton Road One of the target sites on Brixton Road in the Council’s current plan 

Other Coming Events

Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour
Arrangements have been confirmed by Action on ASB for the follow-up meeting with Police and Council representatives.  This will be on Wednesday 27 March in the Level 4 Hall at St. Matthew’s Church, Brixton Hill SW2 1JF. Enter by the basement doors at the side of the church (lift available).  Please reserve a place via Eventbrite at
It would be helpful if you have time to complete an online survey by 25 March, to help identify the main issues and “hot-spots” of local concern.  Find the form at
Black Culture Market
Their April event is once again Downstairs at the Department Store, 248 Ferndale Road SW9 on Saturday and Sunday 6 & 7 April, open 11 am to 5 pm each day.  Support Black-owned businesses and makers in Brixton. Admission free but please book in advance via the website,
If you want to trade at these events, please e-mail to
Events at Brixton Windmill
Guided tours of the windmill, on at least one weekend a month, start from 30/31 March(Easter weekend).  As with other events, please see the website for details and booking,
Sadly, there will be no Beer & Bread Festival this year due to increased challenges with staging it, however, other events are forthcoming:
Easter Family Day on Sunday 31 March, between 1 pm and 5 pm.
Baking Workshop for families, Sunday 14 April, 10-30 am, for families with children aged 6 to 12.
More events will follow.
Mayor and Assembly Elections
These take place on Thursday 2nd May.  We should remind you about two government measures to reduce support for other parties: Firstly, voters will need photo ID to vote in person. 
The other change, which has had less publicity, is that you will no longer be able to vote for a second choice for London Mayor or GLA members.  Also note that, following the boundary changes to Council wards a couple of years ago, your polling station may be in a different location to the last time you voted.

Arts, Culture, Leisure

 Brixton Blog & Bugle Art Show
Entry is now open for the ever-popular Brixton Blog & Bugle Summer Art Show. The show is open to any artist – professional or self-taught – who is at least 16 years old and is based in or around Brixton.

You can submit up to TWO works. They must be no larger than one metre square and capable of being hung safely and securely on a wall.  To enter, all you have to do is send up to three digital photos of each work to

Please entitle the email ‘Summer Art Show’ and include your name, address, contact number, social media, the title and a brief description of the work including its dimensions. The closing date for entries is Monday 13 May 2024.  All selected works will be exhibited in the Summer Art Show in the Brixton Tate Library throughout July 2024. The winner will be decided by a people’s vote.
Supported by the Arts Council of England and local businesses.

Youth Drama Opportunities
You are You is a drama group for the 11-16 age range, held at St. Vincent’s Brixton Community Centre, Talma Road SW2 1AS.  Their sessions run from 4-30 to 6 pm on Wednesday evenings.  There are a couple more sessions yet before the Easter break, or you could even join at their Easter party on 6th April.  Enquiries to Leanne Twidale, by
e-mail to or text to 07 960 445 930.  Travel costs support available for asylum seekers/ refugees.
Longfield Hall is hosting a free drama programme during the Easter school break for ages 6 upwards. The aim is to devise and perform a Play in a Week, for 3 age groups:
Age 6-8, Monday 8 to Friday 12 April, 10 am to 1 pm daily
Age 9-11, also 8-12 April, 2 pm to 5 pm
Age 12+, Tuesday 2nd to Friday 5th April, 2 pm to 5-30 pm
To book a place, call 07 988 629 697 or e-mail

Brixton House Theatre Community Consultations
Brixton House are developing their creative engagement programmes for the local community and would like to find out more about Brixton individuals, businesses and community organisations at one of 3 events in March:
Daytime consultation: Tuesday 19th March at 12pm to 2pm
Evening consultation: Thursday 21st March at 6.30 to 8.30pm
Weekend consultation: Saturday 23rd March at 11am to 1pm
RSVP to with the date you would like to attend.

 Health and Social Care

Local Health Events
Health professionals are concerned at the rising number of measles cases among children and young people, in part due to low take-up of vaccinations.  These can be arranged with your GP practice, or there is a community catch-up clinic at the Civic Centre, 6 Brixton Hill SW2, on Saturday 23 March between 10 am and 4 pm.
Black Health Inequalities Summit
A reminder about this event organised by Inspire, to be held on Monday 25 March, bringing together black healthcare professionals and community activists.  Enquiries to or see their website: www.inspireblackhealth,london
Feeding in to Local Health Services
Lambeth Together holds a Public Forum from time to time, and the next one takes place on Thursday 21 March at 1 pm.  This provides an opportunity for local communities to meet decision-makers, ask questions and raise issues with the leaders of Lambeth’s health and care services.  The open session is followed by the Board meeting between 2 pm and 5 pm, which the public can attend in person or on-line.  For more details including board papers and joining instructions, see
Healthwatch Lambeth is the organisation which can support patients and carers who have issues or complaints about local health services.  They channel your feedback to NHS leaders and care providers to make changes happen.  Enquiries to:
Thriving Fiveways is a new health and wellbeing initiative encouraging community-based projects on the north-east side of Brixton.  Initially they are looking for ideas around the Angell Town and Moorland Estates.  Enquiries to Shanelle Webb at
Support for Older Residents
Age UK Lambeth has appointed a Wellbeing Champion to signpost older people to suitable resources for their health issues, as well as running events which offer basic healthy checks and advice.  Enquiries to 07 873 102 248 or to
They are also re-launching their MYSocial service, which offers exercise classes, meet-ups, visits and days out of London.  Most events are free, or otherwise at affordable prices.  From 1st April, membership is £50 a year (payable in monthly instalments if preferred).  Enquiries to 020 3143 5695 or or via website

Green spaces, Green issues

 Events at Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses
Just a taster – there’s more on their website at
– Plant stall at Herne Hill market, south end of Railton Road SE24, Sunday 17 March.
– Introduction to Green Woodwork – from log to spoon, Friday 22 March, 12-30  to 4-30 pm.
– Plant Art Club, Sunday 31 March, 10-30 am to 1-30 pm.
– Nature Writing Workshop, led by Freya Bromley, Saturday 13 April, 2 pm to 3 pm.
– Willow Weaving Workshop – make your own sustainable plant supports!  Sunday 14 April, 10-15 am to 3-30 pm.
On Your Bike

Brixton BID is again sponsoring monthly sessions by Dr Bike mechanics for cycle safety checks and essential maintenance, 12 to 3 pm at various sites:

  • Wednesday 27 March, by Brixton House Theatre, Coldharbour Lane.
  • Wednesday 24 April, outside F Mondays, Brixton Hill (near corner of Blenheim Gardens).
  • Wednesday 29 May, outside British Heart Foundation, Acre Lane (across the road from Tesco).

 Funding, Training & Support

Grant deadlines approaching
Once again, a reminder of grant schemes already notified by Integrate – if you missed the original alerts, contact them at:
Sport England Small Grants Fund, up to £15,000, closing date 31 March.
Active Spaces Fund, up to £80,000 to improve sports facilities and inspire activity, closing date 19 April.
Locality has also advised us of these offers (Google the funder for contact details):
People’s Health Trust – Nature for Health: up to £40,000, closes on 20 March.
Peter Harrison Foundation – Opportunities through Sport, up to £50,000, closes 1 April.
Baring Foundation – Arts programme, up to £50,000, closes on 23 April.
Ironmonger’s Company, for charities working with disadvantaged young people, grants up to £10,000, closing date 31 July.
National Lottery Communities Fund – Climate Action Fund, opens for applications 27 March.
Training Opportunities
Social enterprises and small businesses within the Brixton BID area should be able to join their free training courses.  Next up are:

  • Health & Safety, Wednesday 27 March, 10 am to 4 pm.
  • Personal Licenses, Monday 8th April, 10 am to 4 pm.
  • First Aid (level 2), Tuesday 23 April, 10 am to 4 pm.

These 3 sessions will all be at International House.  Enquiries to
Running a Charity?
If your organisation is a registered charity, or aspires to be, support is available for your board members, trustees or management committee members.  Getting On Board runs a Trustee Learning Programme, mainly as free on-line sessions.  Find out more at
Your Forum Bulletins
We changed our production technique for these bulletins last month, so that we can also share it as a Word file or even paper copies. It worked more smoothly for us – but how was it for you?

Get your name out there!  If you are doing something around the Brixton area – an event, a new service, or making changes in what you already do – you are welcome to use these bulletins to tell (550+) other Forum members.  We aim to circulate around the 10th of each month, but please allow us a week to put it together, because we work on a very part-time basis. So, send items to the Forum Secretary at by the 3rd of the month.

Keep in Touch
We want to be inclusive and ensure that these bulletins reach all community organisations, social enterprises and activists in the wider Brixton area.  Please contact us at

  • If you want to be added to our mailing list, or to add a colleague or neighbour.
  • If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so that you see them more quickly or reliably.
  • To unsubscribe, if you have moved away or are no longer interested.

February 2024

Next meeting – 21 March 2024

The next General Meeting of the Forum will be on Thursday 21 March from 7 pm at the Vida Walsh Centre, 2b Saltoun Road, SW2 1EP (entrance faces Windrush Square). 

More details from us next month, but among other things, we want to identify priorities for the new financial year. Our board is meeting this week to agree the agenda but if you want to add to it, or make a presentation to the meeting, please contact the Secretary quickly at

Making Plans for Brixton

The Brixton Neighbourhood Forum was set up in Summer 2011 with a view to devising a Neighbourhood Plan that would reflect the needs and aspirations of the community rather than the ambitions of developers or Lambeth Council planners.  As it turned out, there was not much in the Council’s Masterplan that we disagreed with, so the Forum has found other things to do, supporting local groups and community organisations to attract resources and network together.

After a dozen years, it’s clear that planning policies increasingly favour big developers over the local community’s concerns.  Time perhaps for the community to put forward its own ideas? Rather than cover everything, we may be more effective if we focus our energy on a few key issues or sites.  Concerns already raised with us include anti-social behaviour, the state of public spaces and the threat of over-development on the Tesco site in Acre Lane. But if there are other matters or sites that you think should be included, you need to tell us NOW.

Meanwhile, we will be sounding out other Forums who adjoin our catchment area and scoping out a series of consultation events for the months ahead.  We would like to make our initial bid for designation by the end of March, taking advantage of our links to Locality.

Initial comments and enquiries to Alan Piper (Forum Secretary) at

More Events Coming Up

Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour

Following the public meeting with police and Council representatives on 30 November, we hear from Action on ASB that another meeting to report back on progress is likely to be on Wednesday 27 March at the Town Hall.
In the meantime, the Safer Neighbourhood Panels have finally begun meeting, based on the ward boundaries adopted at the last Council elections.  These are open to community groups active in each ward, and meet every 3 months.  Brixton Windrush ward had its first meeting on 1st February. 

Issues can be fed back to the ward’s police team by e-mail to but to report a crime, dial 101 or visit or in emergency, dial 999.  The police stressed that more crime reports help them attract more resources to the area.
Events at Brixton Windmill
Some special events are coming up:

  • A Milling & Baking Day on Sunday 25 February, 10-30 to 4 pm;
  • Flavours of Easter Baking Class with Fabio on Saturday 23 March, 10-30 to 4-30 pm;
  • Easter Family Event with free craft classes on Sunday 31 March

Dates have been set for this year’s tours of the windmill, on at least one weekend a month, starting from 30/31 March (Easter weekend). Please book for all events via the website,
Wednesday Warm Space sessions continue between 1 and 3 pm until 20 March.

Arts, Culture, Leisure

Brixton Performs returns soon

Brixton Business Improvement District is organising another series of performance events at various local venues, during the period Tuesday 12 to Saturday 16 March.
If you want to present music, poetry, comedy or other performance, contact 
Community Research Exchange

Tony Cealy has alerted us to an upcoming 3-day event in collaboration with the Brixton Project and Impact on Urban Health

Saturday 23 March will be the Narrative Exchange, including workshops for community members facilitated by local practitioners. The day will end with a discussion of preserving traditional communications and performances, curated by Vinyl Sound Memories.

On Tuesday 26 March, the theme will be community research in practice, presentations by creative performers will lead up to an 81 Acts retrospective.

Finally, on Wednesday 27th, Shifting Power will involve keynote addresses, reports back from the community researchers and mapping exercises, concluding with an evening reception at International House.

Enquiries to
Saturday Arts & Cooking (age 8-13)

Sessions run from 12 to 3 pm at St. Vincent’s/ Brixton Community Base, Talma Road SW2 1AS.  Kids take part in arts, crafts and cooking, lunch is provided.  To register, please e-mail to or text to 07 960 445 930.  Travel costs support available for asylum seekers/ refugees.

Volunteer Assistants are also sought to help run the sessions with the Session Leader, for 3 hours a week for a 12-week term. Enquiries to Leanne Twidale, as above. 

Health and Social Care

Support for Mental Health

We shared some useful contacts last month, but we have received a more complete list from Lambeth Together which we can forward on request.  We should highlight:
Support and advice for under 18s: These 3 services all operate 24/7:
Kooth – website
Shout – Text YM to 85258,
Papyrus National Helpline: tel. 0800 068 4141 or text 07 786 209 697
Supporting staff and volunteers:
Employers are encouraged to sign up to the Mental Health Charter – bronze-level membership is free and you can join up online via
And if you rely on volunteers to keep the show on the road, don’t put them under too much pressure – invest in a copy of the Volunteer Management Handbook from the Directory of Social Change, see
Black Health Inequalities Summit

We flagged up the work of Inspire in last month’s e-bulletin.  They are now planning this summit for Monday 25 March, bringing together black healthcare professionals and community activists.  Enquiries to or see their website:  www.inspireblackhealth,london

Green spaces, Green issues

Views from Brockwell Park

One of the Council’s current consultations is on protected views from sites around the borough.  Most of these are at the north end of Lambeth, but there are a couple from within Brockwell Park worth a look.  This matters because of Lambeth planners’ enthusiasm for tall buildings.  More details on the consultation pages of the Council website, but the deadline for comments is 23 February.
Events at Brockwell Park

Community Greenhouses

Just a taster – there’s more on their website at
Introduction to Green Woodwork – from log to spoon, Friday 23 February, 12-30 pm. A nature-based meditation workshop, Saturday 24 February, 1 to 4 pm.
Repair, Recycle and Refresh – a free community event including clothes swap and repairing, tool sharpening tips, and an update on the Brixton Remakery’s Materials Garden, Sunday 3rd March, 12-30 to 3 pm.
Fermentation Workshop, Sunday 10 March, 12-30 pm.

Incidentally, their new Barn was recently shortlisted for the 2024 MacEwan Award, which recognises successful community buildings.
On Your Bike

Brixton BID is again sponsoring monthly sessions by Dr Bike mechanics for cycle safety checks and essential maintenance, 12 to 3 pm at various sites:

  •  Wednesday 28 February, Mosaic Clubhouse in Effra Road SW2.
  • Wednesday 27 March, by Brixton House Theatre, Coldharbour Lane.
  • Wednesday 24 April, outside F Mondays, Brixton Hill (near corner of Blenheim Gardens).
  • Wednesday 29 May, outside British Heart Foundation, Acre Lane (across from Tesco).

Refuse Collection Changes

Household waste collection from black wheely bins will be reduced to fortnightly from 15 April. Recycling collections will continue weekly.
Further south, around Tulse Hill and West Norwood, fortnightly collections began on a trial basis from 6th February.  Housing estates with communal waste storage should not be affected.  For more details of recycling and waste services, see

Funding, Training & Support

Grant deadlines approaching

Once again, a reminder of grant schemes already notified by Integrate – if you missed the original alerts, contact them at:
London Greening invite from the Kusuma Trust for creating or improving green spaces (aimed at larger organisations), closing date 28 February.
The Inman Charity grants programme offers up to £5,0000 for health and social care, closing date 29 February.
The Naturesave Trust Charitable Food Fund, grants up to £2500, closing 29 February.
Disability Justice Fund, from the Trust for London, for organisations led by people with disabilities, closing date 4 March.
Sport England Small Grants Fund, up to £15,000, closing date 31 March.
Digital Accelerator for Arts & Culture, from Bloomberg Philanthropies: offers grants and technical assistance with IT systems for nonprofit cultural organisations, closing date 13 March.
Locality has also advised us of these offers (Google the funder for contact details):
Peter Harrison Foundation – Opportunities through Sport, up to £50,000, closes 1 April.
Ironmonger’s Company, for charities working with disadvantaged young people, grants up to £10,000, closing date 31 July.
Training Opportunities

Social enterprises and small businesses within the Brixton BID area should be able to join their free training courses.  Next up are:

  • Food Safety (level 2) 28 February, 10 am to 4 pm at International House.
  • Conflict Management, 11 March, 10 am to 4 pm at Brixton House.
  • Health & Safety, 27 March, 10 am to 4 pm at International House.

Enquiries to
Learning from High Trees

High Trees was set up 25 years ago in the former St. Martin’s Library on Tulse Hill.  Based on their wide experience across social action and employment training, they have produced these free guides and templates.

  • A practical guide to collaborative working, aimed at smaller VCS organisations trying to work together.
  • A guide to delivering person-centred employment services.
  • Templates for VCS organisations running community buildings (with the Lambeth Community Hubs Network).

Enquiries to  

Your Forum Bulletins

Get your name out there!  If you are doing something around the Brixton area – an event, a new service, or making changes in what you already do – you are welcome to use these bulletins to tell other Forum members. That’s well over 550 on our current list.  We aim to circulate around the 10th of each month, but please allow us a week to put it together, because we work on a very part-time basis. So, send items to the Forum Secretary at by the 3rd of the month.

Keep in Touch

We want to be inclusive and ensure that these bulletins reach all community organisations, social enterprises and activists in the wider Brixton area.  Please contact us at

  • If you want to be added to our mailing list, or to add a colleague or neighbour.
  • If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so that you see them more quickly or reliably.
  • To unsubscribe if you have moved away or are no longer interested.
  • See more about the Forum on our website 


January 2024


It takes a while to get up to speed after the Christmas/ New Year break, but we already have several items to share, and a few more worth repeating in case you missed them in the run-up to Christmas.

Planners Bid for Revenge?

Lambeth Planners, thwarted by the collapse of their favoured Hondo Tower proposals in the face of local opposition, are renewing their efforts to damage Brixton.  The Brixton Buzz website recently reported two sets of proposals going to Lambeth’s Cabinet on 15 January.

The first is a package of 4 sites proposed for over- development: Tesco in Acre Lane, sites on the east side of Effra Road around Curry’s, on the west side of Brixton Road opposite Max Roach Park, and at Loughborough Junction between the station and the new tower block. Among other issues, this revives the threat to We Are 336 in Brixton Road and the Mosaic Clubhouse in Effra Road.

The second report is a review of 3 local Conservation Areas, Brixton Town Centre, Ferndale Road and Loughborough Park, where additions proposed by the Brixton Society were brushed aside.  The only addition to the Town Centre is the staff smoking area behind the new Civic Centre, while the former Brixton School of Building is to be deleted from the Ferndale Road CA.

The Challenge of Anti-Social Behaviour:

Over the past few years, our meetings have picked up concerns over anti-social behaviour in the Town Centre, much of it blamed on the night-time economy and the Council’s failure to adapt to it. Yet, despite the flagship O2 Academy being closed for the past year, it is widely felt that the situation has deteriorated in that time, particularly with aggressive begging, drug dealing and street sleeping added to the familiar problems of noise, rowdiness and nearby streets and forecourts being treated as public toilets.

Over 20 local groups and many individual residents have come together as Action on ASB to press for action from the authorities, and a well attended public meeting at the Town Hall on 30 November heard responses from the Police and the Council. However, Health authorities were notable for their absence, and links with mental health services will be crucial in resolving cases and reducing reoffending. The authorities have promised to bring an Action Plan and timetable to a follow up meeting in March. In the meantime, Action on ASB can be contacted at

Brixton on the Move:

Popular pizzeria Franco Manca is relocating from Market Row to the former Railway Hotel on the corner of Atlantic Road and Electric Lane, which was briefly used by Wagamama.  Franco Manca has been trading in Market Row since 2008.

 We also hear that Studio 73 Art, absent since 2020, will be returning to Brixton soon in purpose built exhibition space, so expect more news soon of a “We are back” art show.

Dwaynamics in Loughborough Park: The Dwayne Simpson Foundation are now operating from the former Playgroup building in the centre of the Loughborough Park open space (access from Moorland Road or Loughborough Park, SW9 8UA). Soup & Support Sessions are held between 12.30 and 2pm, 3 days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday). The aim is to offer, not only food and drinks, but also a comforting atmosphere and some respite from the cold weather, completely free. Enquiries to 020 7274 6691 or see their website


Tai Chi Classes:
The free classes initiated by the Friends of Tate Library Brixton will return to the Library from Saturday 3rd February. In the meantime, the sessions on Saturdays 13, 20 and 27 January will be at St. Matthew’s Estate TRA Hall in  St. Matthew’s Road SW2. The classes run from 9.30 to 10.30 am. Enquiries to

Events at Windmill Gardens:
For the over 50s, there are also Beginners Tai Chi classes at the Windmill Centre on Wednesdays, 10-30 to 11 30 am – free and no need to book. Pilates sessions for the over 50s are run on the same basis on Fridays, noon ’til 1 pm. For a wider age range, there are also Tai Chi sessions in Windmill Gardens on Saturdays at 11-30am on a pay what you can basis. Warm Space Wednesdays run in the Centre from 1 pm to 3 pm, providing a hot drink and a chat, with a drop-in advice service available from 2pm. For further events and services, see the website

Events at Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses:
Their next music gig will be on Sunday 14 January, at 5 pm. The magical Demi Spriggs, supported by violin and piano duo, Anser. Two upcoming workshop sessions will be: Fermentation on Sunday 4 February at 12 30pm;  Introduction  to Willow Weaving on Sunday 11 February from 10 15am – make a simple bowl or basket. For more events and details, see their website,

Sunday Drama Classes at Longfield Hall:
A reminder that the hall, across the street from Minet Library, will be hosting free drama classes for children from Sunday 14 January for 10 weeks Age 6-8 from 10am to 11-30, age 9-11 from 12 noon to 1-30pm, age 12-16 from 2-30 to 4pm. To book a place, please email to or phone 07988 629 697.

Art4Space Courses and Studio Sessions:
Once again, several courses and workshop sessions are on offer at their studio in Jeffreys Road SW4 6QU – see their website Among this year’s courses, Creative Pathways is a free art course for young people between 18 and 30, on Wednesdays 2 pm to 5 pm, starting on 17 January for 10 weeks and leading to an Arts Award/ NOCN accreditation.

Memories of Brixton Rec:
A project kicks off in February to gather stories and memories of activities and events at the Brixton Recreation Centre.  There will be a series of workshops to learn how to collect community heritage, open to anyone over 18 and for which attenders will be paid.  This may lead to some paid work experience opportunities at future eventsThose events will aim to collect information from users and local residents, including commemorating individuals who have contributed to the success of the Rec or any of the activity groups based there. To get involved in any aspect of the project, see or phone 07966 878 433.

Calling Local Artists:
This is early warning that the Brixton Blog and Bugle Art Show will return next summer. The call-out for entries will be at the beginning of March, with a closing date of mid-May.  Last year, 52 artists exhibited over 70 works, and over 1000 people took part in the people’s ballot to select the show winners.


Hedge-laying in Brockwell Park:
In case you missed last month’s note, volunteer help is welcome as work is resuming on hedge-laying, repair and fencing around the perimeter of the park. This is organised by Brockwell Park Community Partners and The Conservation Volunteers. Work days usually run  rom 10am to 4pm, but please check the website in case of any variations or cancellations – see Scheduled dates are Tuesday 9th, Wednesday 10th and Thursday 11th January, Tuesday 6th, Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th February.

Rubbish, Recycling and Repair:
The Council’s general household waste collection, via black wheely bins, will be scaled back to fortnightly collection from APRIL. If you think you will need a larger bin to cope, please apply to Residents are being urged to recycle as much waste as possible,  and the green wheely bins will continue to be emptied weekly. For bulky waste, see  

Repair Cafe
Over the past year, the Repair Cafe has helped people with the repair and re-use of items that would otherwise be thrown out. So far they have helped 972 people at their monthly sessions, saved 304 kg of waste and prevented 2.7 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions. The Repair Cafe CIC is a joint venture of We Are 336 and the Integrate Agency. Most sessions are on the first Saturday of the month at 336 Brixton Road, but occasionally they pop up at other locations – enquiries to Olga on 07951 400 025 or e-mail to

School Streets Expansion:
As part of the next phase of reducing traffic pollution and accidents around local schools, Sudbourne and Loughborough Primary Schools are among 5 Lambeth schools proposed for inclusion.   However, this is moving slowly, and proposals are open for comments until 20 May – follow the links from the Consultations page on the Council website or email your comments direct to


Crisis Lines and Support Services:
These are some of the contacts that were recently shared with us… In the runup to Christmas, Lambeth Larder circulated an updated version of their  Directory of local support services. If you missed  it, see  

For support and activities for older people, see 

For health and wellbeing support, see

For online support and counselling for children and young people, see 

In addition, these National Crisis contacts were recently shared by the Mental Health Charter:
CALM – Call 0800 58 58 58 or visit which provides listening services, information and support for anyone who needs to talk.
SHOUT – Text SHOUT to 85258 or visit for a confidential 24/7 text service offering support if you are in crisis and need immediate help. 

SAMARITANS – Call 116 123 or e mail – open 24/7 for anyone who needs to talk.
THE SILVER LINE – Call 0800 470 8090 for support, information and advice for older people who may feel lonely or isolated.

Lambeth Together Public Forum:
South East London  Integrated Care System organises regular public forums to share information and concerns about local health services. Currently these are held on-line via Teams, and the next is on Thursday 18 January, between 1 and 2 pm. To join, see the webpage or contact the team by e-mail at

Supporting the Health of Black Londoners:
The London Inspire programme is designed to raise awareness and promote targeted interventions to reduce health disparities faced by Black people in London.  It seeks to:
– facilitate community events and health screening;
– highlight best practice;
– map community assets;
– share key health resources.
More details on the website  or e-mail to


Grants Reminders:

What with Christmas shopping and then the Twixmas break, you might have missed the alerts about these approaching deadlines for grant applications. If so, contact the Integrate Agency:  for:
the 7 Stars Foundation, grants up to £2500, closing date 31 January.
Lambeth Wellbeing Fund, grants between £1000 and £5000, closing date 31 January.
– The Naturesave Trust Charitable Food Fund, grants up to £2500, closing date 29 February.
Disability Justice Fund, from the Trust for London, for organisations led by people with disabilities, closing date 4 March.
Sport England Small Grants Fund, up to £15,000, closing date 31 March.

Training Courses:

The Integrate Agency has also lined up some on-line briefings (contact as above to book):
– Engaging and Influencing Parliament, Tuesday 16 January, 10 am to 11-30.
– Understanding Community Interest Companies, Tuesday 16 January, 12 noon to 12-30 pm.

Training with Brixton BID:
The BID has lined up another series of training sessions for local enterprises and their staff, including:
– Emergency First Aid (level 3), 25 January, 10 am to 4 pm;
– Mental Health First Aid, 25 February, 10 am to 4 pm;
– Food Safety (level 2), 28 February, 10 am to 4 pm;
– Conflict Management, 11 March, 10 am to 4 pm;
– Health & Safety, 27 March, 10 am to 4 pm.
This batch are all to be held at International House, Canterbury Crescent SW9. Enquiries to

Supporting Community Groups:
The current contract with Integrate for supporting voluntary and community organisations operating in Lambeth expires in April and the Council is consulting on the scope of a new contract.  Are there services which should be enhanced or added, or even scaled back to shift the emphasis elsewhere?  Should there be a collective voice speaking to the Council on behalf of community groups, rather than just a one-way information service? Would you suggest a different provider? The closing date for comments is Friday 2 February – there is an on-line survey via the Consultation pages on the Council website at  or you can e-mail your views direct to

Something to share with us?
If you are doing something around the Brixton area, why not use these bulletins to tell other groups and activists about your next event or activities?
Please send items for future bulletins to the Forum Secretary at Ideally by the 5th of the month so we can publish around the 10th.  We may not have time or space to include everything, so short announcements are preferred.

Keep in Touch:
We want these bulletins to reach all community organisations, social enterprises and activists in the wider Brixton area.
Please contact us at
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our circulation list;
– If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so that you receive them sooner or more reliably;
– If you have moved away, or are no longer interested.

December 2023


There are a few more seasonal events still to come, plus advance notice 
of some meetings and courses early in the New Year.

Friday 15 December, 4 pm to 7 pm, Festive Fete at Dexter’s Playground
Montego Close/ Railton Road SE24:Come down to Dexter’s for an eveningfilled with fun, food and excitement, organised by BigKid Foundation.

Fridays 15 & 22 December – Free Drumming Sessions
The last 2 free drumming sessions of the year, 5 pm to 7 pm at Stockwell Park Community Trust Centre, 21 Aytoun Place, SW9 0TE.
Organised by Shamha Vibration, enquiries to Peter at or see

 Saturday 16 December – Clari the Christmas Fairy – A Mini Panto:11 am to 11.45 am at Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses (between the tennis courts and the walled garden), tickets £8 to £10, book via their website: 
In addition, their shop will be selling festive gifts on Saturday 16th, 
Sunday 17th and Friday 22nd.

 Saturday 16 December – 100 Voices for Xmas Time at Myatt’s Fields Park:
Celebrate the Season in song, 3 pm to 630 pm by the Bandstand in 
Myatt’s Fields Park, SE5 9RA. Expect mulled wine, pumpkin soup, gifts for children and christingle-making, concluding with carolsinging accompanied by the Brixton 
Chamber Orchestra.  More details from

Monday 1st January – New Year Wildflower Hunt in Brockwell Park:
Roy Vickery of the South London Botanical Institute will be leading the 
annual guided walk.  Meet by the Clock Tower in the centre of the park at 11 am sharpDuration of walk 60 to 90 minutes.  
Enquiries to

9-21 January – Shape Arts: Open All Hours Exhibition at 198 Gallery:
Open Wednesday – Friday 11am to 5pm, Saturday& Sunday 12 noon to 5pm. An exhibition of art works by 18 disabled and non-disabled artists from around the world, on the theme of time, productivity and the pace of modern life,

From Sunday 14 January – Free Drama Classes for Children:

Longfield Hall will be hosting free drama classes every Sunday for 10 weeks, age 6-8 from 10 am to 11-30, age 9-11 from 12 noon to 1-30 pm, age 12-16 from 2.30 to 4 pm.  To book a place, please email to or phone 07988 629 697.

Tuesday 16 January – Ecosystems Coldharbour Coffee Morning:

Local groups get together monthly to share ideas for tackling youth violence, improving employment prospects and coordinating activities in the former Vassall and Coldharbour Wards. December’s meeting will be taking place just as this bulletin will go out, the theme for January was still being firmed up, but should be from 10am to 12noon at Marcus Lipton Centre, Minet Rd. SW9 7AH.
Enquiries to Jedidah at

Until 28 January – Brilliant Black British History:
The current exhibition at the Black Cultural Archives, based on the 
children’s book by Atinuke, has been extended until 28 January.
Admission free but check seasonal opening times with their website at


Recent meetings and other conversations have shown renewed interest 
in developing a Neighbourhood Plan for Brixton.

We next need to discuss what should be the key themes that we focus on,to keep the process manageable.  We will set up some consultation meetings in the New  Year, but it would be helpful to hear your ideas or 
priorities sooner rather than later, so don’t hesitate to 

Another idea recently revived is to hold a showcase event where local 
organisations can have stalls to promote their activities and network with each other. There are a few ways we could do this, so again your 
suggestions will be welcome.


Gardening in Loughborough Park:

Over the past year, a team of volunteers from the Friends of Loughborough Park have been steadily tidying and replanting what had been a forgotten open space on the east side of Brixton.  Their final session of the year will be on Sunday afternoon, 17 December, to plant the last of the bluebells, cut down the last of the invasive snowberry, and tidy away the last of the rubble and rubbish dug out of the undergrowth.
Next session after that will probably be litter picking at 11 am on Sunday 28 January – enquiries to

Winter Gardening in Brockwell Park:

There are more opportunities for volunteer gardening in Brockwell Park, organised by Brockwell Park Community Partners and The Conservation Volunteers Charity.  The following sessions will be for hedge laying, 
gapping and fencing, to enhance the hedge planted around the south and west perimeter of the park:
Thursday 14 December, Tuesday 9 Jan, Wednesday 10 Jan, Thursday 11 
Jan, Tuesday 6 Feb, Wednesday 7 Feb and Thursday 8 Feb.
Work days usually run from 10 am to 4 pm, but arrangements may vary due to weather conditions – please check with the website,

Grow your own Materials:

The Remakery and Urban Growth are collaborating to develop a new zone in the Paulet Estate Community Garden, next to The Remakery at 51 Lilford Road, SE5 9HY.  This will be planted up to provide materials for dyes, paper, weaving and inks.  Enquiries to

Parklets for Business:

Koala Coffee at 64 Railton Road are currently crowdfunding to create a 
parklet in front of their cafe.  They are only seeking the cost of materials, and will organise the work themselves.  The aim is to provide an 
uncluttered space where customers can sit and relax, accessible for 
prams and wheelchairs.

The Brixton BID are now promoting the concept more widely, in collaboration with Lambeth Council. Applications will be open until 1st April, but there is a shortlisting windowopen until 12 January for the first wave.More details on the webpage, or contact


Grants reminders:

Once again, a reminder of approaching deadlines for grants previously notified by Integrate.  If you missed the news, please contact
Ironmongers’ grants to charities, for work with disadvantaged young 
people, deadline Friday 15 December.
London Health Accelerator for Social Enterprise, deadline Monday 18 December.
Lambeth Wellbeing Fund, deadline Wednesday 31 January.
Trust for London: Disability Justice Fund, deadline Monday 4 March.

Community Ownership Fund:
Locality have sent us details of this fund, to help community organisations to save, acquire or adapt a building to work from.  A new funding round opened last week, and will be open for applications until noon on 31 
January.  The fund is operated by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities. Bids of up to £2 million will be considered but they expect most grants to be around £250,000.

Energy Efficiency Scheme for Voluntary & Community Organisations:
The Government has just launched a scheme to assist VCS organisations by funding Independent Energy Advisers to help improve the energy efficiency of your premises.  Organisations which receive an energy assessment may then be eligible for grant aid towards installing insulation, solar panels or other measures.  All measures will need to be installed and paid for by March 2025.  More information can be found at or

Ageism Action Day – Micro Grants:
The Centre for Ageing Better is holding an Ageism Action Day on 20 March.  To encourage local events and activities linked to this, they are offering small grants of up to £500 to community groups and voluntary organisations, plus an extra £150 to help make the event more accessible.  Deadline for bids is 10 January, further details from

Step Up Programme:

If you are over 19, living in Lambeth and either unemployed or on a low wage, the Step Up programme returns with 3 10 week courses starting in January.
Photography runs on Mondays from 29 January, 11.30 to 4.30 pm at Photofusion, 2nd floor, International House, Canterbury Crescent SW9 7QD.
Film and Video runs on Tuesdays from 30 January, 11-30 to 4-30 pm at 198 Contemporary Arts & Learning, Railton Road SE24 0JT.
Art and Design runs on Wednesdays from 31 January, 11-30 to 4-30 pm, also at 198 Contemporary Arts & Learning.
Courses are free, so to sign up visit
Enquiries to

Support for Community Green Spaces:
Environmental charity Hubbub launched a new fund last month to support community green spaces and give people more contact with the natural world.
Grants of up to £6,000 are being offered to improve or develop a green space which is accessible to the local community.  Applications should be in by 11 January, and successful applicants should receive funding by the end of February.  (This came to us without any links, so you will have to Google it!)

Grants for Research in British Art and Architectural History:
The Paul Mellon Centre offers a range of grants, fellowships and bursaries to support research and events in the above fields.  Closing date for the Spring round is midnight on 31 January.  Further details can be found at

Become a Street Trader:
One traditional way to start in business was to open a market stall – at 
least it worked for Marks & Spenser, and for Jack Cohen of Tesco!
Lambeth Council is inviting applications for market stall pitches in Brixton, on either a casual or regular (Monday-Saturday) basis.  They were advertising a few pitches in Electric Avenue and Popes Road, and several in Brixton Station Road (which certainly needs more stalls!).  Applications accepted up to the end of January – further details from

Courses and Sessions at Art4Space:
Winter Crafty Workshops for children age 5 – 16, 10 am to 2 pm on 27, 28. 29 December and 2, 3, 4, 5 January.
Free but donations welcome, and priority given to children receiving free school meals or with SEND status.
Drop in Crafternoon for adults (all ages), monthly from 12 January 2pm to 5.30pm. 
Creative Community Champions: Tuesday mornings for 10 weeks from 10 January.
Creative Remedies, making bespoke textile figures: Wednesday mornings for 10 weeks from 17 January.
Creative Pathways, creative art course for young people (age 18-30): Wednesday afternoons from 17 January.
All the above sessions at their Community Arts Centre, 31 Jeffreys Road, SW4 6QU.
For more details and events, see or enquiries to


For People with Memory Loss, and their Carers:
Age UK Lambeth runs sessions on certain Tuesdays to help people experiencing forgetfulness and memory loss, and providing social contact.
There are monthly sessions at the Vida Walsh Centre, 2b Saltoun Road SW2 1EP (facing Windrush Square) – due to the Christmas break, the next session will be on Tuesday 30 January.
There are also fortnightly sessions at the Cafe Van Gogh, 88 Brixton Road (corner of Mowll Street) SW9 6BE, the next being on 9 and 23 January.
Enquiries to or phone07706 628 890.

Support for Rough Sleepers:
During winter weather, Lambeth is offering extra help for homeless people on Brixton’s streets.  If you come across somebody who needs help, please alert the  Outreach Team at who can arrange emergency accommodation.  Their advice if that person is under 18 and in danger or needs urgent help, is to call 999.

Winter Vaccinations:

The National booking system for Flu and Covid vaccinations ends on 15 
December.  Healthwatch Lambeth advises that you book a Covid vaccination directly with a local service, such as a pharmacy or walk-in centre.  You can book a flu jab by contacting your GP surgery, or visit 


Warm Hubs Return:
Warm Space Wednesdays are back at Windmill Gardens.  Brixton Windmill Centre is now open every Wednesday between 1 pm and 3 pm, continuing until 20 March 2024.  Pop in for free hot drinks and a chat in their welcoming space.  Ferisa will be providing free advice sessions from 2 pm on everything from benefits to housing.
If your group is offering something similar, we would love to share it with our network.

Advocacy Academy plans a new centre:

The Advocacy Academy has hosted some of our meetings in the past year, but had to leave its base in Vining Street last month.
They have signed a tenyear lease with Lambeth Council for space below 
the Brixton Recreation Centre, with access from Beehive Place.
They are now fundraising to fit out a new youth and community centre on two floors, with a total target of £250,000.
They want to raise £50,000 of this through crowd-funding and local donations – see their webpage at
If you can offer volunteer help with fundraising, please contact

Brixton Tate Library closed for upgrade:
Brixton Library is currently operating from Level 5 of the Brixton Recreation Building, until 30 January.  This is enable installation of a new lift (which will also serve the basement) and upgrading of the toilet provision.  Lift works are likely to continue into May before full service is resumed, when the children’s library will return to its previous size.

Virtual Study Support Schooling Programme (VS3P):

The VS3P programe is run by CEFLyncx in the evenings during school terms.  It’s an online extra curricular booster programme to provide extra learning support with English, Maths and Science for both primary and secondary age school children, to improve attainment levels in these core subjects.
For more information, see the website,

Reach Other Forum Members:
If your organisation has not been mentioned in this edition, why not make an effort to appear in the next one?
If you are doing something locally, why not tell us about it?
We love to hear about events that are coming up, and we are happy to record your achievements as well.
We want to share information that will help local groups and enterprises, and interest the wider community.
Please send information for future bulletins to the Forum Secretary at – preferably by the 5th of the month so that we can publish around the 10th.

Don’t Miss Out:

If you have not seen these bulletins before – or for a while – you can get on our mailing list by e-mailing your details to
Use the same contact to tell us:
– if you want to add a colleague or neighbour;
– if you want to update your e-mail contact so you see these bulletins more quickly or reliably;
– if you have moved away or are no longer interested.



Thursday 23 November, 7pm at the Vida Walsh Centre, 2b Saltoun Road, SW2 1 EP (facing Windrush Square). We will be following up some topical issues this time, including:
A report from Friends of Windrush Square;
Anti-Social Behaviour in the Town Centre;
Based on this and other local concerns, should we put together a Neighbourhood Plan?

NB: We will feature Brixton’s Arts and Creative Industries at the following meeting in the New Year. This is also likely to be our Annual General Meeting, when we review the past year and elect a new committee.


THEATRE OF THE OPPRESSED Wednesday 15 November:
The last of a series of workshops run by Tony Cealy at the Advocacy Academy, 7 Vining Street SW9.
Story-telling, learning and communal sharing, 3-30 to 7-30 pm – open to people of all age and abilities, no theatre experience necessary.  Please book via Eventbrite.

BROCKWELL LIDO Sunday 19 November:
The Brockwell Lido Users Group and the Brockwell Lido Steering Committee hold their joint Annual General Meeting at 10-30 am on Sunday 19th at the Lido, when members will be able to vote in their new committee.

BLACK CULTURE MARKET Christmas Edition, Saturday 2 & Sunday 3 December:
Downstairs at the Department Store, 248 Ferndale Road, SW9, open 11 am to 5 pm each day.  Free event, but please book via Eventbrite.
If you are interested in trading at these events, please contact the organisers via

WINTER MARKET around Brixton Windmill, Sunday 10 December:
12 noon to 3-30 pm with a range of stalls including food and drinks, live music, craft workshops for children, and of course, Santa’s Grotto.
Also a festive wreath-making workshop for adults, 12-30 to 2 pm, fee £12 – please book in advance at

2 pm to 5 pm, to include a Christmas market, carol-singing and a Christingle-making workshop for kids.  More details from


We occasionally hear of local projects recruiting paid staff, though our publication schedule seldom ties in with closing dates for applications.
One that just fits in is at the St. Vincent’s Centre in Talma Road, SW2 1ASwhere they are seeking a part-time Activities Co-ordinator (22.5 hours a week). The role is to develop the arts and cultural programme at the centre, as well as establishing long-term food and service projects in the area.
More details can be found at but the closing date is 15 November.

Once again, a reminder of approaching deadlines for grants previously notified by Integrate – if you missed the news, contact

Make it Big with Pathway Fund: deadline Thursday 16 November.
Lambeth Advice Services Grants: deadline Wednesday 22 November.
Dying Matters – Hospice UK Community Grants: deadline 24 November.

Afreesixweek minicourse aimed at local food growing groups, to be held at Myatt’s Fields Park greenhouses.  More details from Fabrice at

Our local Business Improvement District is offering free training sessions for small businesses and social enterprises within the BID catchment area.  Book via their website at or enquiries by e-mail to  Upcoming events include:

Emergency First Aid at Work (level 3) – 15 November.
Food Safety (level 2) – 20 November.
Social Media – 22 November.
Anti-Terrorism Training – 28 November.


There was strong interest at our last Forum meeting in how Lambeth would take forward the housing development along Somerleyton Road.  A design was approved some years ago, but Homes for Lambeth failed to follow up on it.  Lambeth is now looking for a partnership with a private developer.  It is currently looking for 12 local stakeholders or residents to join a “Meet the Bidders Day” to help select that developer and shape local engagement.  Total commitment is 12 hours between December and February, and panel members will be paid.  Priority is being given to residents or organisations based in Windrush Ward,   but closing date to apply is 26 November.  Find the application form at 

From 13 November, Lambeth Council is introducing several new play streets on a 6-month trial basis.  Motor vehicles (except permit holders) will be banned from those streets Mondays to Fridays during school term time, for an hour in the morning (typically 8.15 to 9.15am) and again in the afternoon (typically 3 to 4 pm).  This is intended to cover the peak periods when children are travelling to and from school.  On our patch, the roads affected are:

– Lambert Road, between Branksome and Strathleven Roads.
– Mandrell Road, the whole length.
– Strathleven Road, between Lambert and Mauleverer Roads.
– Minet Road, between Lilford Road and Rupert Road.
Enquiries to

The latest phase of street landscaping for the Railton Road LTN will take place between 8 November and 15 December, between 198 Gallery and the corner of Herne Place.  This will be followed by some road surfacing work on that section, on 16/17 January.  During these periods, the 322 bus will be re-routed Atlantic Road/ Coldharbour Lane/ Effra Road/ Dulwich Road and then resume its normal route.  Enquiries to

Something we have had plenty of in the past few weeks!  Lambeth is trialling some new techniques to reduce the risk of flooding when the drains can’t cope with the flow of rainwater.  A new landscape layout has been designed for the Effra Road frontage of the St. Mathew’s Estate, including one temporary and two standing ponds, with new paths and damp-tolerant planting.
Details can be found via the Consultation pages on the Council’s website – but the deadline for responses is Tuesday 14 November.  Send comments to or use the on-line survey form.

An opportunity to thank your leading volunteers or highlight your group’s work.  Deadline for nominations is Sunday 26 November, culminating in a presentations event expected in late February. Details on the Council’s website at


Art4Space are due to host a couple more sessions on Mental Health First Aid at their studio in Jeffreys Road, SW4.  Sessions are led by It’s A Playground.
Refresher half-day for previous attenders on Friday 17 November, fee £150, or £125 for Lambeth residents.
Adult Mental Health: Two-day course on 23 & 24 November.
Bookings via

Solidarity in a Crisis (SiaC) offers support for anyone experiencing a mental health crisis, in Lambeth, Southwark or Lewisham.  They offer an out-of-hours crisis helpline – 0300 123 1922, 6 pm to midnight Monday to Friday, midday to midnight at weekends.  They also have a Community Team who can offer individuals a course of three to six one-to-one support sessions.  For more information, e-mail them at

Two upcoming free events, both at St. Matthew’s Church at the foot of Brixton Hill SW2 1JF:

Let’s Talk about Mental Health, Tuesday 14 November, 11 am to 1 pm, in the Level 2 co-working zone (with free pizza!).
This workshop is to enable local people to share their experiences – anything shared will be anonymous.
Organised by Lambeth Healthwatch and the Lambeth Living Well Collaborative, to reserve a place e-mail to

Lambeth Open Space Event to help shape Mental Health services in Lambeth, Thursday 23 November, 9-45 to 4-30 pm, food provided.
Led by Public Service Works with the Lambeth Living Well Collaborative, to reserve a place e-mail to

October 2023


Town Centre Developments – Feedback from meeting on 25 September:
We covered a lot of ground at last month’s meeting, including developments around the Rec and reactions to the Council restarting the Somerleyton Road housing project. We will place the meeting notes on our website shortly. One strand that we picked up on, and that has also been raised elsewhere, is antisocial behaviour within the Town Centre, particularly drugdealing.  This is despite the extended closure of the O2 Academy reducing the Nighttime Economy.  Brixton Station Road and Atlantic Road are still suffering from the Arch Company’s mismanaged renovation of the railway arches, many of which remain empty due to the rents being too high.
November Forum Meeting – Arts, Sports and Entertainment:
We are currently sorting out the date and venue for our next meeting – details will be confirmed in next month’s bulletin. If you want to present something about your organisation or group, see the final section of this bulletin.

Events at Brixton Windmill:
Although tours of the Windmill have just ended for this year, there are some special events coming up at Windmill Gardens, off Brixton Hill:
Sunday 15 October is a Milling & Baking Day, between 10-30 am and 4-30 pm, cost £85 including lunch.
Sunday 29 October is a Spooky Halloween family event, between 1 pm and 4 pm, with practical activities and story-telling.
An add-on for £15 per parent and child is a Monster Cookies workshop, from 10 am to 11-30 in the Brixton Windmill Centre, for children of 6-12 years (£5 per extra child). Bookings via their website,
Finally, advance notice of the Winter Market in Windmill Gardens on Sunday 10 December, from 12 noon to 3.30 pm.  Once again there will be 
opportunities for groups and craftspeople to run stalls. More details soon.

Black History Month:
There are still events to come in our area, even running into November:
Saturday 21 October – Author talk with Derron Wallace, on his book The Culture Trap, in conjunction with the Black Cultural Archive, 2 pm at 
Brixton Tate Library.
Wednesday 25 October – Speak Out! Book launch with the Brixton Black Women’s Group, 7pm at Brixton Tate Library.
Thursday 2 November – Author talk with Jacqueline Cross, on her book Fire Rush, 6.30 pm at Brixton Tate Library.
Friday 3 November – Pegasus Opera Company present Legacy and Hope, 7pm at Clapham Library.
All event bookings via Eventbrite.
Emerge and Establish – art exhibition continues until 1st November at Brixton Library, showing the work of a small group of Black British artists.

Working on the Railway:
Network Rail are due to be carrying out repairs and renewals to the line between Brixton and Herne Hill between 11 pm on Saturday 14 October and 4 am on Monday 16th, including overnight work.  Enquiries to 0345 711 4141 or see

Lambeth Civic Awards:
Lambeth Council has relaunched its Civic Awards scheme, this year with 11 categories, to recognise the work of voluntary organisations and individuals working in the community.  The closing date for nominations is 19 November, but maybe you should start canvassing support now – for further details see Lambeth Council’s webpage at  There will be a presentations event in February.

Grants Reminders:
Our usual reminder of grant deadlines previously notified by Integrate – if you missed the original notices, contact
Lambeth Community Fund – closes 12 October;
Trust for London: Social Justice Fund – closes 16 October;
Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund – closes 16 October;
Founders Fund Perfect Pitch – closes 17 October.

Training at High Trees: This is based in the former library at the crossroads of Tulse Hill and Upper Tulse Hill.  They were recently in touch through the Lambeth Forum Network and are willing to offer training to groups and individuals from a wider area, not just Tulse Hill.  We hope to tell you more next time.

Creative Bootcamp for Young People (age 16-22)
WeRise are hosting a week of briefings, insights and hand-on experience for young people, as part of Lambeth Council’s Elevate careers programme.  It will be held at 3Space, International House, from Monday 23rd to Friday 27th October, and participants will be paid the London Living Wage.  The emphasis will be on the Creative and Digital Sectors, including design, fashion, styling, social media and content creation.
For further details, see their website:

Healthwatch Lambeth This acts as the champion for residents facing difficulties with health and social care and provides a channel to the NHS and other care providers, to promote improvements.  You may see their outreach stall at various local health events and wellbeing festivals, but 
they are now based in the Tripod, the workspace in the basement of Lambeth Town Hall.
They will hold their AGM and launch their annual report on Monday 16 October, 2 pm to 5 pm.
The following month they are hosting a workshop “Let’s talk about Mental Health” at the Town Hall on Tuesday 14 November, between 11 am and 1 pm.
To attend either event, please phone 020 7274 8522 or e-mail to to book your place.

Help with providing Defibrillators: If you are considering installing a defibrillator at your premises, help and advice is available from London Hearts, a charity based in Borough High Street SE1.In the event of a heart attack, access to a defibrillator within 3 to 5 minutes can improve survival rates from 6% to 74%.  London Hearts can provide funding towards the cost, together with free online training.
There is an online application form at 
and you can contact them via Jess Morris on 020 7043 2493 or e-mail to

Foster Parents Wanted: Lambeth Council recently launched a new campaign to recruit more foster parents.  This could involve short-term placements, longterm care, or specialising in meeting particular needs.  There are more details on the Council’s website at but you can also call 020 7926 8710 for an informal chat, or e-mail if you have specific questions.

Moving On:  Photofusion will be moving round the corner to the workspace currently being fitted out below the Brixton Recreation Centre, with 
access from Beehive Place.
The Advocacy Academy is hoping to take space alongside in April, but they have to leave their Vining Street premises by the end of November, so services will be delivered on a virtual or nomadic basis in the meantime.
Brixtonia are expected to move along Brixton Station Road to the corner of Popes Road, formerly the LVAC Volunteer Bureau.
Now that the temporary management of International House by 3Space has been extended to mid December 2024, many users will be staying on, but space has become available on the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th floors so new tenants are being 

Brixton BID Seeking Renewed Mandate:  Members of the Business Improvement District – in effect, all business rate-payers within its catchment area – are currently being balloted to agree the renewal of the BID for another 5 years.  Voting papers must be in by 18 October, and the result should be announced a day or two later.

The Empathy Museum: Currently installed in a railway arch at 20 Atlantic Road (opposite Electric Lane) with a selection of their interactive installations, including “A Mile in My Shoes”, until 2nd November.  They are also hosting a number of evening discussion sessions, 

Friends of Loughborough Park: People began to rediscover this little open space during the Covid lockdowns.  The Friends group has been organising a monthly litterpick on the last Sunday of the month, between 11 am and 12 noon, so the next session will be on Sunday 29October.  There have also been some extra sessions recently to clear invasive shrubs ready for some new planting.  For more information, contact them at

Event Management with Rapport Festival: Deliver Events Like a Boss, 6 week event management course 31st October – 5th December Tuesdays 6.15pm – 9.15pm £145/£110 concessions. Contact

Homestart:  support for families early years

Leaftra A walk of north Brixton, Sunday 15 October from 2.30pm. Meet in front of St Mark’s Church opposite Oval Tube. Led by Alan Piper. Booking essential at Come on Nelly’s walk in the morning, have lunch at either Annapurna Cafe where the Nelly walk will end, or at Van Gogh Cafe on the way up to St Mark’s Church. Other eateries are available but these would be my two tips in the neighbourhood. 

Circle of Life (COLI) 9 weeks of free wellbeing activities for families directly affected by youth violence in Lambeth; contact

Team Lambeth Volunteering:

Something to Share with us?
If you are doing something around the Brixton area – an event, or a new service, or just changes to what you already do – you are welcome to use these bulletins to share your news.  You can reach over 550 contacts (groups or individuals) via our current list.
Please send items for future bulletins to the Secretary at – preferably by the 3rd of the month so we can publish on the 10th.

Also use this contact if you want to present your work or ideas at a Forum meeting, or raise a topic for discussion.

Are we reaching the right people?
We want these bulletins to reach all community organisations and activists in the wider Brixton area.  You might be involved in a social enterprise, charity, residents’ group, small business, or just interested in what’s happening in your neighbourhood – we want to be inclusive.
Please contact us at
– If you want to add a neighbour or colleague to our mailing list.
– If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so that you see them more quickly or reliably.
– If you have moved away, or are no longer interested.

September 2023


Monday 25 September – 7 pm at the Advocacy Academy, Vining Street, SW9

Despite seeing off the Hondo Tower proposal – at least for now – there are lots of other changes in the pipeline for the Town Centre.  Join us for a review of current threats and opportunities.                                                                    

We are planning another meeting for NOVEMBER focussed on the Arts and Creative Industries.  Date and venue to be confirmed soon. If you would like to contribute, contact us at


The empathy museum launches a six week residency in one of the Atlantic Road arches (opposite Electric Lane) from Thursday 21 September.  They will show all their recent projects under one roof, and are curating a new programme of events and conversations – see or enquiries to

HARVEST FESTIVAL AT BRIXTON WINDMILL – Sunday 24 September, 1 pm to 5 pm, with seasonal stalls, activities and tours of the mill.
Access off Brixton Hill via Blenheim Gardens, SW2, more event details at

SHAMHA COMMUNITY DRUMMING: Free sessions are continuing through September at the Stockwell Park Community Trust, Aytoun Road SW9, on Fridays between 5 and 7 pm.  Drums provided, everybody welcome. More details at

BLACK CULTURE MARKET, Saturday 30 September and Sunday 1st October, 11 am to 5 pm both days, downstairs at the Department Store.
Kicking off Black History Month with black-owned businesses offering a variety of food, drinks, gifts, cards, art, jewellery, clothes, accessories, skincare and male grooming products. Admission free but please book in advance via Eventbrite, or contact the organisers if interested in trading at this or future events – see

BRIXTON HOUSE THEATRE: Tony Cealy presents “Without Planning Permission” performed by the Black Men’s Consortium, 4 to 6 October.
Combining themes of climate crisis, environment, racial and social justice – for tickets see and follow the links.

Gardening Year Workshops will run through the year from October to June next year, with monthly sessions on a pay what you can basis.  The aim is to cover the essentials of running a productive kitchen garden, as well as ornamental borders and basics like composting.
In the meantime, there’s a Fermentation Workshop on Sunday 17 September at 1.30 pm, and a Natural Dyeing Workshop on Saturday 2September at 2 pm.  For all event details, se the website


HEALTH & WELLBEING SURVEY CLOSES 15 SEPTEMBER: Lambeth and Southwark Councils have jointly commissioned an on-line survey by Opinium.  This is to enable long-term planning of health services across the two boroughs.  If you can spare 15 minutes, the webpage is and follow the links.

YOUTH MENTAL FIRST AID COURSE, 21 & 22 SEPTEMBER: Art4Space are hosting another Mental Health course at their Jeffreys Road studios.  This one focusses on the needs of young people, including anxiety, depression and eating disorders.  Once again, the course will be led by It’s a Playground.  Booking enquiries to


GRANT DEADLINES REMINDER: Our usual reminder of closing dates approaching for grants previously notified by Integrate. 

2023 Which? Fund to support consumer protection and advice – 18 September.
Leap Co Create Fund to support work with under-5s – Friday 29 September.
Arts Society Charity Grants – Saturday 30 September.
Time after Time E-waste Fund – Friday 20 October.
Foyle Foundation Small Grants – no set date but early application advised.
National Grid Community Grant programme – similar.

Applications are invited for a range of grants and fellowships from the Paul Mellon Foundation, closing date 6 October.
Support is also available for conservation and digitisation of art material and records.  Full details at

The Brixton Business Improvement District (BID) is about to start a ballot of local businesses to seek renewal of the BID for another 5 years.  Voting begins on 18 September – enquiries to

The Impact Brixton Hub is running sessions on how to SET UP YOUR BUSINESS at its base above Electric Avenue on Thursdays 14 & 28 September with a range of expert advisers on hand, followed by a launch party to celebrate enterprises already running under the Impact Hub umbrella on Friday 29 September.  All enquiries to

Slaughterhaus Gallery are running a variety of workshops and courses on different print-making techniques this Autumn.  The gallery and print studio is located in Vincent’s Yard, off the southern end of Hackford Road (119-123), SW9. Enquiries to

A reminder that Art4Space are about to start two courses at their Creative Learning hub at 31 Jeffreys Road, SW4 6QU
Creative Community Champions runs on Tuesdays, 10 am to 12-30 pm from 19 September.
Creative Enterprise runs on Wednesdays, 10 am to 12-30 pm from 20 September.
More details of all their courses at


The next scheduled election is that for London Mayor in May next year, but there is always the possibility of byelections (there is one coming up for a Councillor in the north of the borough) so it’s worth a reminder now.  You need to show a photographic proof of identity when turning up to vote. You may already have something suitable, as a wide range of documents are accepted, but otherwise you can apply for a free Voter Authority Certificate – more information at The other essential is to be on the electoral roll in the first place, itself a challenge with the turnover of flatsharers in rented accommodation – you can register at
Although the Government has talked about reducing the franchise, currently British, Irish and European Union citizens are all eligible to vote, as well as Commonwealth citizens with leave to remain.

Lambeth Council has introduced an alternative to its paid bulky disposal service.  Working with the Emmaus charity for the homeless, items which can be reused will be collected for free, restored in the charity’s workshops and then sold in their shops.  Collection slots can be booked via or phone 0300 123 2001.


Something to share with us?
If you are doing something around the Brixton area, we encourage you to use these bulletins to tell other Forum members about your events and activities.  You are also welcome to present your work at a Forum meeting, or raise a concern for discussion.

Please send items for the October bulletin to the Forum Secretary at by 3rd October so we can publish by the 10th.  Also use this contact to suggest items for the Forum agenda.

Is this your best e-mail?
We want these bulletins to reach all community organisations and activists in the wider Brixton area.  Please contact us at
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to the mailing list.
– If you want bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so you see them sooner or more reliably.
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested.

August 2023


Brixton Chamber Orchestra check their website for upcoming gigs
and residencies,

Brixton X Harlem Festival, 15-20 August
Brixton BID celebrate their twinning links with Harlem’s 125th Street BID over a 5-day festival. Local businesses are presenting a varied programme of events – details on the website at

Windmill Gardens, See the website,

Black Culture Market, Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 August
Returns to Downstairs at the Department Store, 248 Ferndale Road SW9, open 11 am to 5 pm with a different mix of traders and makers each day .Admission free but please register via Eventbrite:
If you want to trade at these events, contact the organisers via

Everywhere’s a Beach – Sunday 20 August, Myatt’s Fields Park
Longfield Hall presents a family-friendly aerial circus theatre show in the Quiet Garden in Myatt’s Fields Park. Tickets from £10, shows at 12 noon and 2 pm, book online via

Summer Holiday Activities for children and young people
NB – Some events may be fully booked by now, but there may also be places available due to cancellations – please check with organisers first. Free Summer Holiday activities for children: for a summary of what’s available across the borough, see

Summer of Play at Max Roach Park Tuesday to Thursday, 10-30 am to 3pm until 24 August, free play and activities with lunch, age up to 13 but children under 7 must be supervised.  Run by LCC at Max Roach Centre, Wiltshire Road, SW9 7NE.  Enquiries to 020 7737 2472 or or see website

Creative Minds Summer School is a joint effort between Photofusion and 198 Contemporary Art & Learning.  They offer one-week courses in art, design and photography, with a choice of 3 dates remaining:14-17 August for 8-12 age range;21-24 August for 12-14 age range;28-31 August for 14-16 age range. Register on-line via

Holiday Art Classes at Art4Space: Mondays 14 & 21 August, 9 am to 12 noon or 1 pm to 4 pm, for ages 6-12 years, £35 per half-day, choice of media. Held at Art4Space leaning hub, studio 1, 31 Jeffreys Road, SW4 6QU.

Summer Scrap Club at Art4Space: Wednesdays 10 am to 2 pm, Thursdays 10 am to 1 pm, Fridays 10 am to 2 pm, running until 1st September. For ages 5-16 but children under 8 to be accompanied by a parent/ carer.  Free but priority for children receiving free school meals or with special educational needs or disabilities.
Enquiries for all Art4Space events to

Events at Sunshine International Arts
Based in railway arches at 209a Coldharbour Lane – opposite Loughborough Junction Station (Thameslink).
Open Studios and Thrift Market – Saturday 19 August.
Hand Lettering workshop – Saturday 9 September.
Watercolours workshop – Saturday 16 September with Jason Gibilaro. 
Enquiries to or see website

Lambeth Heritage Festival runs through September
Heritage Festival will run through the whole month, with events all over the borough.  Around Brixton we should highlight:

Lambeth and Music Hall – Thursday 7 Sept., 6 pm at Brixton Tate Library.
Brixton Market Walk – Saturday 9 Sept., 2-30 pm.
Brixton Hill Walk – Sunday 10 Sept., 1 pm.
Urban Sketching in Brixton Market – Sunday 17 Sept., 10 am.
Tracing the River Effra – Sunday 17 Sept., 2-30 pm from Canterbury Square.
Windrush 75 Guided Walk – Monday 18 September, 11 am from Windrush Square.
Brixton Windmill tours – Saturday 23 Sept., open 1 pm to 5 pm.
Harvest Festival at Brixton Windmill – Sunday 24 Sept., 1 pm to 5 pm. 
Stockwell Green Walk – Sunday 24 Sept., 2-30 pm.
To see the whole programme, go to or see

Interested in History?
Volunteers are invited to take part in a research project into the history and awareness of the Transatlantic Slave Trade.  This will involve a visit to the Museum of Docklands or the National Maritime Museum in September or October.  You can register via this link: or enquiries to

Health and Social Care 

Making Lambeth an Age-friendly borough
Lambeth Council are currently consulting on how to make the borough and its services more user-friendly for older people.  Last day to input comments is Sunday 10 September – see the webpage or you can e-mail comments to

Volunteers wanted to support Older People
Age UK Lambeth are seeking more volunteers, particularly for their Walking and Befriending programmes.  For more information on all their volunteering roles, see

Mental Health First Aid Course
Art4Space will be hosting further Mental Health courses at their Stockwell premises. The next course on 21 & 22 September will be focussed on the needs of Young People, where issues can include depression, anxiety, eating disorders and addiction, which can be common at a young age.  As before, the course will be run by It’s a Playground.  Booking via

Re-use Outgrown School Uniforms
Work is currently underway to collect in good-quality items of school uniforms, coats and shoes to help struggling families with kitting-out their kids for the new school year.  There is already a collection hub at St. Margaret’s Church, Barcombe Avenue, SW2 3BH (drop off weekdays between 9-30 am and 2-30 pm) in conjunction with Norwood & Brixton Food Bank, but other hubs are being set up too.  Enquiries to

Drumming for Wellbeing, Myatt’s Fields Park
Shamha Vibration are holding drumming sessions in the Roundhouse in Myatt’s Fields Park every Friday during August, 5 pm to 7 pm.  All welcome – free and drums provided, more details at or e-mail to Peter at

Funding, Training and Support 

Funding deadlines approaching
Another reminder of grants previously notified among VCS groups via Integrate – contact them if you missed the earlier notices OR if you are not on their mailing list yet – e-mail to

Lloyds Bank Foundation – for Deaf/ Disabled People’s organisations: deadline Thursday 31 August.

Local Collaborations to support local or regional collaborations and networks, deadline Friday 8 September.

The 2023 Which Fund to support consumer advice and protection, deadline 18 September.

Community Organisations Cost of Living Fund offers grants between £10k and £75k for services supporting people on low incomes.  Deadline 16 October BUT Integrate suggest that you apply now. See

Time after Time e-waste fund – to support digital inclusion and re-use of IT equipment, closing date Friday 20 October.

Training courses and sources 

Top Tips for Social Media, Monday 21 August: Targeted at voluntary and community groups, an on-line briefing by Integrate, 10 am to 11-30.

Grantspire – a focus group for young fund-raisers, Tuesday 22 August:
Aimed at fund-raisers (or prospective fund-raisers) aged under 35.  Another on-line session by Integrate, 10 am to 1 pm.
Enquiries for both events to

Keep in touch 

We’ll Meet Again…
We have had our funding renewed for another year through the Lambeth Forum Network, so we are currently planning our activities over the next few months.  Right now is a difficult time to get everybody together because of holidays, but we have booked a general meeting for all Forum members on Monday 25 September, 7 pm at the Advocacy Academy in Vining Street, SW9. .  In the meantime, please get in touch if you want to present your project to the Forum, or raise an issue for discussion, or suggest a topic where you need more support.

Reach other Forum members
Wonder why some organisations often appear here and yours does not?  If you are doing something locally, why not tell us about it?  We love to hear about events that are coming up, but we are also happy to record your achievements as well.  We try to feature a range of local organisations, and to provide information that is likely to interest the wider Brixton community
Please send information for future bulletins to the Forum Secretary at – preferably by the 5th of the month so we can publish by the 10th.

Don’t miss out!
If you have not seen these bulletins before – or for a while – you can get on our mailing list by e-mailing to Use the same contact to tell us if:- You want to add a colleague or neighbour to the mailing list;- You want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so you can see them earlier or more reliably;- You have moved away, or are no longer interested.

July 2023

Coming up soon

Wellbeing Festival, Wyck Gardens, SW9 7AH Friday 21st July 3pm ’til 7pm fun activities for all the family.

Windrush Family Fun Day @ Max Roach, Wiltshire Rd SW9 7NE Sunday July 23rd 1pm ’til 7pm drumming, face painting food and workshops.
Myatt’s Fields Family Fun Day Saturday July 29th 2pm ’til 7pm  Live music, face painting and fun

Summer events and courses at Art4Space

Summer Scrap Club – Wednesdays 10 – 2 pm, Thursdays 10 – 1 pm, Fridays 10 – 2 pm, from 2nd August to 1st September, for children 5 to 16 (under 8s must be accompanied) with priority to children receiving free school meals or with special needs or disabilities, limit 3 sessions per child.
Creative Pathways – for young people age 18-30, 14 to 18 August, 1 to 4 pm (5 days).  Free but limited spaces.
Creative Health – 8 week course starting 6 September, to help LGBTQ+ smokers practice mindfulness, creativity and healthy living as a route to stop smoking.  Thursdays 4 to 6 pm, free but limited spaces. 
Creative Community Champions – Tuesdays 10 am to 12-30 pm, 10 weeks from 19 September, producing a textile banner for climate change.  For people from Black, Asian or minority ethnic backgrounds, free but limited spaces.
Creative Enterprise – Wednesdays 10 am to 12-30 pm, 10 weeks from 20 September, an enterprising art project leading to selling the products at a local Christmas market, free but limited spaces.
All courses at Art4Space Studios, 31 Jeffreys Road, SW4 6QU. Enquiries to
Children’s Cricket Lessons, Myatt’s Fields Park
On Wednesday afternoons from 26 July for 4 weeks (last session 16 August), up to 64 free places available for boys and girls, either 5-8 or 9-11 age groups.  Enquiries to Kim Price at Surrey Cricket Foundation, 07500 950 517 or 
Summer Coding Camp in SW8, 26 July to 23 August
Millennium Community Solutions are holding a 5-week course, Wednesday to Friday each week, for young people, covering computer coding, programming and robotics.  
Sessions for the 6-11 age group will run from 12-45 to 2-45 pm, and for those age 12-16, sessions will run from 2-45 to 3-45 pm.  Sessions will take place at Wimbourne House Community Hall, Wimborne Estate, South Lambeth Road, SW8 1AH.  For more information and registration, see
Art in the Park, Windmill Gardens, Sunday 13 August
A range of free art workshops for both adults and children, materials provided, from 1 pm to 5 pm, around Brixton Windmill.

Repowering London is inviting you to participate in their Summer School of Power & Organising, a free, 2-week, practical, adult course based in Brixton. You’ll learn all things digital, art, energy and organising. The Summer School will take place from Tuesday to Friday, between the 1stand 11thof August, from 10 to 2pm. This is a family friendly school, and we will provide kids activities as well as free lunches. You can see the flyer at this link for more info and get in touch if you’d like to participate. To apply, visit  Or call Ewure Esi at 07943 708647 or email

 Health & Social Care

Project Smith – Community Connector Training
Another course is just about to start – enquiries to Emma Corker at or phone 07734 670 300.
Four training sessions will run from 9-30 am to 3 pm at different locations around the borough, to help people support their neighbours and signpost them to local health services.

Other News

How was it for you?
June turned out to be a very busy month, with lots of events in connection with the London Festival of Architecture and the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the Empire Windrush with the first settlers from the Caribbean.  Some events even managed to reference both!  If you are planning – or just thinking about – some future events, we would like to hear.  Maybe we can help, or put you in touch with others who can offer support or contribute to a joint event?  See foot of page for contacts.
Hondo Tower – the last battle?
Way back in 2020, the owners of the main market arcades proposed a 20-storey office tower in Popes Road, on the old Tesco site between the railway viaducts.  After many local objections, the planning application was called-in by the Mayor, who was due to hear the case on 10 June last year, with the GLA planners recommending refusal, but it was called off at the last moment.  At the time of writing it’s back in the diary for a hearing at (new) City Hall on Friday 21 July, this time before Jules Pipe, Deputy Mayor for Planning etc.  No changes have been made since last year, so it ought still to be refused, but we need to make sure!  Once again, objectors are trying to co-ordinate their efforts to best effect – contact the Fight The Tower campaign via or the Brixton Society via



Just Dropping in?
A slightly different approach to fund-raising for good causes – Yvonne Thompson of 7 Traits Leadership Learning is doing a sponsored skydive on Sunday 23 July.  This is in aid of Champions for Justice and Not For Sale which works to counter human trafficking.  To find out more and ideally contribute, see

Moving on
Victoria Sherwin has played a key role in advancing the Myatt’s Fields Park Project over the past several years, but has now stepped down.  Instead, she will be spending a sabbatical year with Incredible Edible Lambeth, which is currently selecting prizewinners for the Lambeth in Bloom competition.  See also

Brixton Blog/ Bugle Summer Art Show
This will continue at Brixton Tate Library until 27 July, during normal library opening times.

Funding, Training and support

Social Investment Workshop, 17 July
On-line via Zoom, 10 am to 11-30, to explore the potential for social investment for charities and social enterprises.  Organised by Integrate with the Trust for London.  Book via Eventbrite:
Develop your ideas and learn new skills
We picked up a few ideas from the recent Small Charities Week, including a new funding source.  If you are part of a community business and open to exploring tech-based solutions, then the Discovery Fund is worth checking out.  The fund will support you to explore a challenge that you have identified, and learn the processes and skills to design a solution, offering free training and a place in their community of practice so you can network with peers and experts.  Applications must be in by midday on 21 July – for more details, see 
Grants Reminders
Our usual reminder of grants previously notified by Integrate – if you missed the original notice, contact eoin.heffernan@integrate

The Field Family Charitable Trust: grants of up to £10,000 available for projects assisting vulnerable young people (13-25 years), or will also consider projects supporting older people and rehabilitation of ex-offenders. Deadline Friday 28 July.
Lloyds Bank Foundation: for organisations led by and working with deaf or disabled people who are experiencing poverty.  Grants up to £75,000, potentially for a 3-year period.  Deadline Thursday 31 August.
Before you go…
Something to share with us?
If you are doing something around the Brixton area, why not use these monthly bulletins to tell other Forum members about your activities, or your next event?  You might even like to present your work at a future Forum meeting, or raise a concern for discussion.  
Please send items for future bulletins to the Forum Secretary at – ideally by the 5th of the month so we can publish by the 10th. Also use this contact to include something on the agenda for a Forum meeting.
Remember, there is more about the Forum on our website at
Is this your best e-mail?
We want these bulletins to reach all community organisations and activists in the wider Brixton area.  Please contact us at
– If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so you see them sooner or more reliably.
– If you want to add a neighbour or colleague to the circulation list.
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested.

June 2023

Local News

Another year for International House?
News just in this week that 3Space are negotiating with Lambeth for an extension of the current lease until the end of July 2024.
This would give more time for existing occupiers of International House to find alternative premises.
See below under Brixton Workspace for other options.

Repair Cafe launched
The Repair Cafe launched last Saturday at 336 Brixton Road (opposite Villa Road/ Peckford Place).  It’s a joint venture between Integrate and We Are 336, and will be open on the first Saturday of each month, between 10 am and 1 pm.  Their team of volunteer fixers will help you restore damaged household goods, electrical items, clothing/ fabrics and toys – almost anything you can carry from home.  Services are free, but visitors are encouraged to stay and see how it’s done and perhaps even pick up the skills to attempt your own repairs in future.
Summer Holiday Activities
Details are trickling in of activities being offered by some of our local organisations:

Groove School are offering a range of Summer Groove Workshops for both 8-12 and 13-19 age groups, including audio recording, DJ lessons, music production, sampling, podcasting and sound engineering.  Groove School are based on the 1st floor of International House, but you will find them running their own stage on both days of the Lambeth Country Show.  Enquiries to

Grove Adventure Playground at Gordon Grove SE5 (off Minet Road) are continuing their Art Club sessions on 3 Tuesdays a month into July.  Next dates are 13 & 20 June, and 11, 18, 23 July, 3-45 to 6 pm.  Only 20 places available each time, so please enquire via
Events coming up
Lambeth Country Show, 10 & 11 June
Brockwell Park, open 1 pm to 9 pm daily.  Some of our member groups will be involved in various ways, so you may bump into familiar faces.  Apart from the later opening hours, be aware that there are also some changes to the Show layout since last year.  However, the Flower Show, farm animals and Eco Village will still be on the eastern side, close to Norwood Road.

Windrush 75th Anniversary Events
Several events are taking place around Brixton to mark the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the first contingent of settlers from the West Indies in June 1948, on the former troopship Empire Windrush.  For the full listing, see the special website

A Lambeth Story: A guided walk led by Cllr. Sonia Winifred, departing from Windrush Square at 11 am (finishes 12-30) on Monday 19 June.  Free but please reserve a place via Eventbrite

Black Cultural Archives: The BCA premises will be closed for maintenance between 5th and 21st June, but will re-open on Windrush Day, Thursday 22 June.  This marks the start of their next exhibition, Over a Barrel, the stories of those who travelled as children from the Caribbean, often to join parents who had gone ahead to secure jobs and homes.  This exhibition continues until 10 September.

Community Procession, Thursday 22 June: The Brixton Project are co-ordinating a carnival procession, which will set out from Brockwell Lido at 3 pm and proceed via Railton Road and Saltoun Road to finish on Windrush Square about 4-30 pm.  This will be followed by music and commemorative events.

Domino Mania on Windrush Square, Saturday 24 June: Brixton Immortals Domino Club invite all players to join them for a Domino Knockout Competition on the Square, between 12 noon and 6 pm – cash prizes.  Enquiries to or phone Clif on 07 956 338 419.

London Festival of Architecture
This year, Brixton is one of the “Destination Districts” for the Festival, which runs right through June.  Temporary structures are taking shape on Atlantic Road and Windrush Square, and a variety of local events are already underway.  For the full listing see

Alice’s Adventures in Aerial-land
A family-friendly acrobatic show and outdoor theatre production by the Dot Collective, at 2 local sites:

Myatt’s Fields Park (in the Quiet Garden) on Sunday 11 June or Sunday 30 July, shows at 2 pm and 6 pm each day.  Tickets £10 to £14, book via Longfield Hall website or 

Windmill Gardens  off Brixton Hill on Saturday 17 June, shows at 2 pm and 6 pm.  Tickets £12, concessions £10, children under16, £8  book online via

Showcasing support for Older People
Age UK Lambethhave arranged a session at Brixton Tate Library on Friday 30 June from 1 pm to 4 pm, to show their present range of services for older people.

Urban Art Fair, 8 & 9 July
This popular showcase for amateur and professional artists returns to Josephine Avenue for both Saturday and Sunday, open 10 am to 6 pm.

Women of Colour Art Award Exhibition
198 Gallery in Railton Road is hosting this exhibition until 13 August, open Wednesday- Friday 11 am to 5 pm, Saturday & Sunday 12 to 5 pm.
Works from 7 women artists in a variety of media, curated by Languid Hands.

Funding, Training and Support

Funding Deadlines
Food Appliances and Equipment Fund: Lambeth Council is offering grants of up to £1500 to smaller voluntary organisations, particularly those working to relieve food poverty.  Deadline Sunday 18 June.

Health Inequalities Community Fund: The Neighbourhood Wellbeing Delivery Alliance is offering grants between £10,000 and £15,000 to support work with Lambeth residents in improcing their health and wellbeing.  Deadline is 12 noon on Monday 19 June.

The above were previously notified by Integrate (enquiries to if you missed the original notice).

Funding for Heritage Buildings: The National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Architectural Heritage Fund are running a 3-year programme to save heritage structures across the UK, particularly in deprived communities.  Expressions of interest must be sent in by 9 am on Monday 26 June.  Shortlisted projects will be asked to submit full proposals by September.  See the AHF website for more details.

Our Friends at Locality have flagged up a few more grants currently on offer:

Sport England Small Grants Programme: up to £15,000, closing date 30 June.

Power to Change Community Fund: up to £10,000 for community businesses, plus capacity-building support, closing date 21 July.

Charles Hayward Foundation: grants up to £7,000 from their Small Grants Programme, which runs on a quarterly cycle.

Advice on Digital Devices
Clear Community Web are continuing their Digital Drop-in sessions at various sites around Lambeth, for support with laptops, tablets and mobile phones, including:
– West Norwood Library, SE27, Mondays 2 to 4 pm;
– WLM/ St. Luke’s, 25a Wincott Street SE11, Thursdays 2 to 4 pm.
– Upper Norwood Library, Westow Hill SE19, Fridays 10 am to 12 pm;
– The Weir Link, 33 Weir Road SW12, Fridays 11 am to 1 pm.

They also hold a Mobile Phone Boot Camp, once a month at the Myatt’s Fields Centre, 24 Crawshay Road SW9.  The next sessions will be 9 June, 14 July and 11 August – all these are Fridays, 2 to 4 pm.

Disability and Technology Advice (DATA) is a collaboration between Clear Community Web and Millennium Community Solutions to support disabled residents and their carers, so they can make best use of digital technologies.  Free drop-in sessions are run every Wednesday between 10 am and 1 pm at the Akerman Health Centre, 60 Patmos Road, SW9.
Enquiries to or phone 07523 646 277.

Brixton Workspaces
Opening of LJ Works, Wednesday 14 June: A varied programme of events between 3 pm and 8 pm to mark the official opening of the new workspace, in 2 blocks adjacent to Loughborough Farm in Loughborough Road.  The site offers a range of studio offices, workshops, meeting rooms and co-working space.  Enquiries to
Meanwhile Space CIC also manage the business space in the basement of Lambeth Town Hall.

Impact Brixton occupies the 1st floor of Market Row, above Electric Lane.  The emphasis is on offering facilities for small and start-up businesses.  There are monthly briefings on relevant business topics – the next on Friday 23 June is on using AI for your e-commerce business – as well as social gatherings on the last Friday evening of the month.  You can also use Impact Brixton as your registered business address from 0.41 pence per day.  Enquiries to

Small Charity Week
This is an umbrella for a range of events to support and celebrate the grass-roots end of the Voluntary Sector, and will run from 19 to 23 June.  There will be opportunities to share good practice and publicise your activities, but especially look out for briefings and training events to help you do better.  See their website at – and you can post events up to 18 June!

Other News

Weekly Waste Collection at risk
Lambeth Council is currently consulting on reducing its weekly collection of domestic waste (the black wheely bins) to only fortnightly.  Although it’s claimed this will encourage more recycling, it seems more likely that the green recycling bins will be contaminated with general waste when people’s black bins are full.  Council officers will be available to discuss during the Lambeth Country Show, in the Eco Village until 5 pm each day. Also at Brixton Tate Library on Monday 19 June, 1 pm to 8 pm.
The closing date for comments is Friday 30 June – see www.lambeth, or for more details of the range of waste/ recycling services, see

The Platform Cafe
The current opening times for the little cafe in Wyck Gardens are Tuesday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm, Saturdays 9 am to 4 pm.  There are also occasional cookery workshops and community events – enquiries to or phone 07 593 265 647.

Ecosystem Coldharbour Community Coffee Morning Tuesday 20th June at Remakery Brixton 10am – 12 This month we will be sharing information on organisations supporting parents & families, find out what they do and how they can help our community.  Plus find out more about Remakery Brixton and their work.

Shamha Vibration Drumming for Wellbeing Lambeth Country Show Arts and Culture Zone 10th 11th June.  Fridays Stockwell Park Community Trust 5 – 7pm

Before you go…
Something to share with us?
If you are doing something around the Brixton area, why not use these bulletins to tell other Forum members about your activities or your next event?  We aim to publish around the 10th of each month, so it helps if you can send your news by the 5th for the next issue, to

Planning ahead
We are putting together proposals for Forum activities for the year ahead, so now is the time to tell us if you have any bright ideas or if there are extra events that you would like us to provide.

Is this your best e-mail?
We are keen to reach all local organisations and activists.  Please tell us at
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list.
– If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address so you receive them more promptly or reliably.
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested. 

The forum for community groups and individuals around Brixton