Local Events this month
Community Warm Spaces
With the temperature falling again this week, it seems a good time to remind you that most Warm Spaces will remain open until the end of this month. Here’s a summary of those active locally – and we have included those in Tulse Hill, because the Tulse Hill Forum seems to be out of action at present.
Advocacy Academy, Vining Street SW9: Marhaba space for young people (details in our February bulletin).
Art4Space, Jeffries Road SW4 (near Stockwell Tube Station): open Thursdays 3 to 6 pm until 6th April.
Brixton Hill Methodist Church, open on Thursdays.
Brixton Tate Library, Brixton Oval SW2: during library opening hours, 7 days a week.
Brixton Windmill Centre, Windmill Gardens SW2: on Wednesdays until 29 March (also in our February bulletin).
Brockwell Barn, alongside the Community Greenhouses, Brockwell Park, SE24: open Fridays until 31 March, including co-working space.
Carers’ Common Room, 10th floor, International House, Canterbury Crescent SW9: available Wednesday to Friday for home-care and domiciliary care workers – see https://ccrbrixton.com
Corpus Christi Church Hall, Trent Road SW2: open Sundays 12 to 2 pm.
High Trees Hub, 220 Upper Tulse Hill SW2: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, including access to wi-fi enabled computers.
Moorlands Community Centre, 50a Corry Drive SW9 (Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing): open Thursdays, including access to Southwyck Pantry.
Minet Library, Knatchbull Road SE5, during library opening hours.
Myatt’s Fields North Community Centre, 24 Crawshay Road, SW9: opened Monday to Friday by the Pinnacle Group.
Also, Healthy Living Platform at the Corner Cafe on Thursdays, and RMUK Wellbeing at the Corner Cafe on Fridays.
MYsocial Community Space, Vida Walsh Centre, 2b Saltoun Road SW2, run by Age UK Lambeth for people over 55, open Wednesday and Friday.
On The Beat Studio at Pop Brixton, Brixton Station Road SW9: open for young people and families with children, Monday- Saturday.
St. Martin’s Community Centre, Abbotts Park, SW2 3QB: open Mondays until 27 March.
Trinity Congregational Church, St. Matthew’s road, SW2 1NF: open Fridays 11 am to 12 noon.
For more details of what’s available at each location, see https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/warm-spaces?f%5B0%5D+localgov_directories_facets%3A92
Conversations about the Black Experience in Britain
On Thursday evenings through March, a series of conversations about the Black experience since 1981, 7 pm to 9 pm, on-line or in person – enquiries to info@81acts.uk or see the website www.81actsofexuberantdefiance.com
Coding Classes for Kids
Millennium Community Solutions are starting another Computer Coding/ Gaming/ Robotics course at Southwyck Hall behind the Barrier Block, off Moorland Road SW9 8UR. These sessions will be for young people aged 12 years upwards, and will run on Mondays between 4 pm and 6 pm. Enquiries to gail@millenniumcommunitysolutions.com
We are here
An art exhibition reflecting the Refugee experience will be open with a private view on Wednesday 22 March and then continue for 6 days, Downstairs at the Department Store, 248 Ferndale Road SW9 8FR. It has been organised jointly by Breadwinners and Community Arts Box, both based on the 6th floor of International House.
Cabaret at Longfield Hall, 31 March
The Bunker Cabaret originated in the cellars of Kyiv, and is presented by Hooligan Art Community. If you missed their show in September, they are returning to Longfield Hall on 30 & 31 March, both shows at 7-30 pm, tickets £5 to £22 each. Please book via eventbrite, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bunker-cabaret-tickets-560466509417
Health and Social Care
Mental Health First Aid
Art4Space will be hosting more of these courses during 2023. The next youth-oriented course will be on 20 & 21 April, and the next adult course is on 15 & 16 June. Course certificates are valid for 3 years, so a half-day Refresher Course is being offered on Friday 10 March, 9 am to 1-30 pm. More details on their website at www.art4space.co.uk
Reviewing Healthcare across South-East London
We receive regular bulletins from the South-East London Integrated Care System, but sometimes events come up at short notice for our publication dates. Community-based Ear, Nose and Throat services are currently under review, and community feedback is invited – contact plannedcare@selondonics.nhs.uk There are two imminent Webinars with more details, on Tuesday 7 March at 6 pm, or on Thursday 9 March at 12 noon.
For wider Health services, the Lambeth Together Public Forum is being held on-line on Wednesday 8 March from 1 to 2 pm, to be followed by the Lambeth Together Board between 2 pm and 4-30. For joining instructions and meeting papers, see www.lambethtogether.net/get-involved
Council Consultations
More details of each proposal can be found on the Consultations pages of the Lambeth Council website, www.lambeth.gov.uk
Changes to Car parking charges
Lambeth is proposing a more elaborate scale of charges, taking account of the emissions from vehicles with different power sources. Closing date for comments is Friday 10 March.
Accommodation for Children in Care
Reviewing standards of accommodation for children in Council care, and for care-leavers, closing date for comments is 16 March.
Dogs Public Space Protection Order
Following a rise in dog ownership in recent years, and associated anti-social behaviour, Lambeth is considering restrictions to apply on Council-owned land, including highways, parks and housing estates. Closing date for comments is 26 March.
All-age Autism Strategy
Lambeth is seeking views to develop a new strategy. Enquiries to asccommissioning@lambeth.gov.uk – closing date for comments is 31 March.
Estate Renewal Schemes
Following the Council’s decision to close the discredited Homes for Lambeth, it has launched a consultation for residents of the 6 housing estates targetted for early demolition – Fenwick, Cressingham Gardens, Central Hill, Knight’s Walk, South Lambeth and Westbury. From 1st March, residents of those estates have 8 weeks to comment on Lambeth’s new Estate Renewal Resident Engagement Framework. However, views are not being sought yet from neighbours of these estates, nor from those affected by the shrinking stock of Council homes, nor the Council taxpayers who will continue to contribute to the cost of building the original estates.
Green spaces and Green issue
Grow your own – and learn to cook it!
South London Botanical Institute is temporarily based in International House while their building in Norwood Road undergoes structural repairs. They are working with Katakata Brixton to develop a series of free food-growing and affordable cooking workshops. If you have ideas or comments on how this should work, now is the time to contact them – specifically, Isabel Sophia at isiirwin@gmail.com
News from Windmill Gardens
The Friends of Windmill Gardens announce that their 2023 season of Windmill Tours starts on the weekend of 11 and 12 March. Tours take place between 1 and 5 pm each day, but for access to the upper part of the mill, you need to book in advance at www.brixtonwindmill.org.uk/visit/
There is also an evening Bat Walk on Thursday 13 April – meet at 7-50 pm for 8 pm start, free of charge.
Create a Parklet!
Possible (Inspiring Climate Action) have launched a car-free cities campaign, to work with groups most negatively impacted by traffic congestion and air pollution. They are offering to support one or two groups interested in reclaiming a kerbside parking space as some form of community benefit, sitting-out area, games space or mini-garden. Deadline for proposals is Monday 20 March – Google for details or refer back to Integrate, who circulated the original notice.
Counting butterflies in Brockwell Park
An unusual request relayed via Brockwell Park Community Partners. They are looking for a volunteer (or several sharing the work) to do a weekly butterfly count along a circuit within Brockwell Park, between April and September. This survey has been running since 2019 but the previous volunteer is moving on. If you can offer help, please contact Steve Bolton of the Butterfly Conservation Charity at sbolton@butterfly-conservation.org
Events at the Community Greenhouses
The Brockwell Barn is hosting a Spring Season of music performances, including:
Sunday 19 March – Avant Garden, experimental but accessible music combining electronics and brass.
Sunday 26 March – Three Spoons with Naima Bock and members of Gently Tender and Broadside Hacks.
Sunday 16 April – Lowenstein and Middleton, a Klezmer duo on violin and accordion.
For details and booking, see their website, https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/events
Funding, Training and support
Reclaim Black Heritage Fund
Grants of up to £4,000 are available to Black-led groups and individuals who are developing projects that are in line with the 81 Acts Humanifesto, and in particular to commemorate 1981 and benefit the Black community. The deadline for applications has been extended to 3rd April. More details on the website at www.81actsofexuberantdefiance.com
Negotiating and Managing your Lease
This can be a daunting task for a small organisation or inexperienced trustees, so the good news is that Integrate have just announced an on-line briefing with the Ethical Property Foundation on 19 April at 11 am. To book, please contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk
Other News
Student Survey on change in Brixton
Lucia is an A-level geography student who is researching the impact of change on Brixton. She has put together a short survey, and would love to have responses from people who live or work in Brixton. You can find the survey at https://arcg.is/0SCuju1
Easter Food and Fun
Lambeth is supporting a programme of holiday activities and healthy meals for children and young people who are eligible for free school meals. See the list of providers at https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/…/get-ready-easter-food-fun
Planning for Coronation Time
If you are thinking of organising something around the Coronation date of 6 May, here are some useful links:
If organising a street party or similar event, see https://eventlambeth.co.uk/streetparties/
The Coronation Big Lunch is an umbrella site with advice and the facility to post details of your event: see www.edenprojectcommunities.com/the-big-lunch
If you are organising a volunteering project, or trying to find extra helpers, check out The Big Help Out at https://thebighelpout.org.uk/
Moving on…
Simulacra Studios used to operate from various railway arches around Brixton. They are based at Bell Green in Sydenham – new address 491-505 Southend Lane, SE26 5BL. Enquiries to hello@simulacrastudio.com
Adejoke Bakare opened her Chishuru restaurant in Market Row in 2020, after winning a competition organised by Brixton Village. However, trade was hit by the second lock-down and the space was too small to be economic, despite favourable reviews. She is now crowd-funding to re-open in larger premises near Oxford Circus, this time catering for over 50 covers over 2 floors.
Keep in touch…
Something to share with us?
If you are doing something around the Brixton area, or if you want to reach out to other local organisations or activists, you are welcome to use these bulletins to share information about your events or activities. You may even want to come along and present your ideas to a meeting of the Forum?
Please send your announcements to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com – ideally before the 5th of the month so we can publish around the 10th.
Is this your best e-mail?
We are keen to reach all local organisations and activists. Please contact us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our e-mail list.
– If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address so that you see them more quickly or reliably.
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested.