Tag Archives: News

January 2025

Next meeting – 13 January

The next General Meeting of the Forum will be on Monday 13 January from 6-30 pm at the Advocacy Academy, 2 Beehive Place SW9 7QR (off Brixton Station Road, entrance shared with Photofusion).
The main topic will be to follow up our decision last month to pursue a Neighbourhood Plan.  We will also hear about Lambeth Council’s latest thinking about what will replace the Pop Brixton site.

Help get us over the line
We have plenty of organisations on our mailing list, but to qualify to make a Neighbourhood Plan, we need to show we have enough individual members, whether living or working in the area we want the Plan to cover. If you have not renewed membership in the past year, or already handed in a membership form, please fill in a simple form to confirm your home or workplace address, and return it to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com or through the letterbox at 82 Mayall Road, SE24 0PJ.  Forms available digitally as a Word file – or as paper copies – from the above.

More Events coming up

Brockwell Park Greenhouses

Sunday 19 January: Fermentation Workshop, 12-30 to 2-30 pm in the Barn, fee £35 to £45.
Repeat sessions on 9 February, 16 March.

Sunday 26 January: Creative Writing – Our Garden in the City, led by Tracey Hammett, 10 am to 12-30, fee £25 to £35.
Repeat sessions on 23 February, 23 March.

For more details and all bookings, see

Brixton House Theatre Events

Brixton House Community Choir is welcoming new members for 2025 – but the final date to register is Monday 17 February.
Learn to sing in different musical styles including soul, jazz, gospel, folk, pop and reggae.  Sessions on Mondays 7pm to 9pm from 20 January to 31 March.

Tones – a Hip Hop Opera returns for another run, 4 to 15 February, ages 15+.

Providers is a new play about family, love, money and what we do when we don’t have enough of them.  Q & A session after each performance, 25 to 29 March, ages 12+.

For full events list and bookings, see www.brixtonhouse.co.uk

Brixton life in photographs

The Endz Game – You’ve been framed is the current exhibition in the Olive Morris Room at Lambeth Archives on Brixton Hill.  It shows photographs taken since 2013 by iCha of JetBlakInk, publisher of the Waiting2XHair zine and a Brixton resident for almost 50 years.
It can be seen during normal opening hours until 23 January.

Wellbeing at Windmill Gardens

Sessions are starting up again in the Education Centre next to Brixton Windmill. Enquiries to info@brixtonwindmill.org

Tai Chi: Beginners age 50+, fee £4 per session, Wednesdays 10-30 am from 8th January.
Outdoor sessions in Windmill Gardens, no age restrictions, pay what you can, Saturdays at 11-30 am from 11 January.

Pilates on Fridays at 12-30 pm from 10 January.

Community Club for people aged 55+, Thursdays 10 am to 2 pm.

Yoga (with Wild Balance) Fridays 9 to 11 am, from 17 January, enquiries/bookings to hello@wildbalance.co.uk

Health and Social Care

Lambeth Health Survey
Lambeth Healthwatch wants to know which aspects of health and social care matter to you and your family.  Healthwatch will make sure your feedback is shared with NHS leaders and used to improve services.
Their Lambeth Pulse survey is open until the end of January – find it at bit.ly/HWLperspective

Change NHS Webinars
As part of a national listening exercise, SE London’s Integrated Care System offer a choice of 2 webinar dates to canvas views on moving more care from hospitals to community services, making better use of technology and more emphasis on prevention rather than just treatment.  Sessions will be on:
Monday 20 January, 12 – 2 pm, or
Wednesday 5 February, 6 – 8 pm.
Enquiries to engagement@nhssoutheastlondon-external.008.com or register via Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/change-nhs-webinar-help-build-a-health-service-fit-for-the-future-tickets-110450697308

Mental Health First Aid Courses
Ecosystem Coldharbour is hosting a Youth Mental Health First Aid Course on 27 & 28 January, 9-30 am to 4-30 pm each day at the Marcus Lipton Centre, Minet Road, SW9 7UH.
Learn how to support young people’s mental health effectively.  Please book via connect@ecosystemcoldharbour.org

Brixton BID is holding a shorter Adult Mental Health First Aid Course (Level 2) on 20 February, 10 am to 4 pm, venue tbc.  Free to BID members and their staff – book by e-mail to admin@brixtonbid.co.uk

Other News

Lambeth Civic Awards
Missed out on an MBE again this year? At least the Civic Awards are still to come – and there are categories to recognise the whole team as well as individual efforts. Take it as an opportunity to raise the profile of your organisation – nominations must be in before 26 January – see www.lambeth.gov.uk/awards
Presentations are expected in April.

Myatt’s Fields Park
Work is due to start this month on adapting the old depot buildings near Cormont Road to better support the work of the Myatt’s Fields Park Project.  Completion is not expected until this time next year.
Some facilities are suspended during the winter months, but the café is usually open every day between 9 am and 4 pm.

Fabric Floor at International House
The Fabric Floor is a fashion and textiles workspace managed by Assemble within International House, on its 8th floor.
Space is available to rent on a monthly basis until March 2027, ranging from £265 for an open-plan desk with hanging space, to a private studio up to 5.5 x 9m at £1785 pcm. This includes all premises bills and shared access to a workshop with industrial machines, kitchen and classroom.
More details at https://assemblestudio.co.uk/workspace/fabric-floor or contact (020) 7237 0000 or fabricfloor@assemblestudio.co.uk

In case you missed them…
It can be hectic in the run-up to Christmas, and then many people took a long break, so we are repeating a few items from last month.

Children and Youth Activities
The range of activities is continuing to grow at the St. Vincent’s Centre in Talma Road, SW2 1AS.
Rhyme and Story Time is a new session for under-5s on Fridays, 10 am to 10-45 am, from 10th January onwards.
Other sessions resuming after the Christmas break will be:
Drama: Wednesdays 4-30 to 6 pm from 8th January, for ages 11-16.
Hip-Hop Dance: Saturdays 10 am to 11 am, from 11th January, for ages 8-16.
Arts and Cooking: Saturdays 12 to 2 pm from 11th January, for ages 8-13.
To register for any of these sessions, please e-mail to LeanneT@svp.org.uk

Step-up Courses at 198
Free entry-level courses are being offered by 198 Contemporary Arts and Learning for Lambeth residents aged 19+ and unemployed or low-waged.

Film & Video every Tuesday from 28 January to 1st April, 11-30 to 5 pm at 198 Railton Road, SE24 0JT.

Art & Design every Wednesday from 29 January to 2nd April, 11-30 to 5 pm at 198 Railton Road, SE24 0JT.
To register your interest, please complete the on-line form at https://forms.office.com/zejAKpjdnJ

They are also promoting a 6-week Photography course in conjunction with Photofusion, on Mondays and Tuesdays 10 am to 2-40 pm from 27 January at Unit 2, 2 Beehive Place.  Enquiries to Steff@photofusion.org

Classes in Printing Techniques
Hausprint have several courses lined up for the New Year in techniques such as etching, monoprint, drypoint and aquatint.
Hausprint Studio is at Vincent’s Yard, 23 Alphabet Mews (off Hillyard Street) SW9 0FN. Enquiries to michelle@hausprint.studio

Community Arts at Art4Space
A wide choice of crafts sessions and courses for the New Year are being offered at their studios at 31 Jeffreys Road, SW4 6QU.  Some of them are free to eligible age groups. 
For more details, see their new-style website at www.art4space.co.uk

Funding, Training & Support

Grant Deadlines
The usual reminder about approaching deadlines for various grant schemes. These were first circulated by Integrate, so contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk
if you missed them.

The Salters Charitable Foundation offers grants up to £10,000 for charities or CIOs for work with disadvantaged communities.  Deadline is 20 January.

Lambeth Mental Health Inequalities Fund is offering grants up to £20,000 to support work with Black, Latin American or Portuguese-speaking residents of Lambeth.  Closing date is 24 January.

Lambeth Wellbeing Fund offers grants between £1000 and £5000 to support projects that tackle social isolation and help people manage their health conditions. Deadline Friday 31 January.

Charles Hayward Foundation invites bids for its Social and Criminal Justice programme – deadline Friday 31 January.

The Foyle Foundation is closing its grants programme, so your last chance to apply for its small grants scheme, offering up to £10,000 for grassroots charities supporting the young, vulnerable, elderly or disadvantaged. Deadline 31 January.
Baobab Community Fund offers grants of up to £150,000 over 5 years to help Black-led or Global Majority groups tackle racial injustice. (This was also circulated via Ubele).  Deadline Monday 3rd February.

The Hedley Foundation offers grants up to £5000 to registered charities, deadline Wednesday 26 February.

The Rayner Foundation offers grants up to £90,000 over 3 years towards work on mental health and well-being for young people and refugees, or potentially older people and their carers.  Applications reviewed on a rolling basis.

The Masonic Charitable Foundation offers grants up to £15,000 to registered charities with an annual income of at least £25,000, to support work with children or carers. Again, applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.

Support for Enterprise

Future Makers Innovate Programme:
A reminder that the Remakery is starting a free 8-week incubator programme to help you turn a business idea into reality.
It comes with a year of free workshop space, ongoing one-to-one support, access to their network of green initiative supporters and the chance to pitch for £500 to £1000 of seed funding.
The programme starts on 7th January and workshops run until 25 February, held at The Remakery at the corner of Lilford and Paulet Roads, SE5.  Enquiries to alice@remakery.org or see www.remakery.org/future-makers

Innovation Funding Service:
Creative micro-businesses or SMEs with ideas for tools or products for the creative supply chain should explore this.  UK-registered businesses can apply for a share of a £2 million fund to develop new products for UK creative industries. Search collaborative R&D: Creative Catalyst at https://auth.apply-for-innovation-funding.service.gov.uk

Support for Walking & Cycling
Transport for London and the London Marathon Foundation run a grant scheme for community groups as part of the Walking and Cycling Grants Programme.  The aim is to encourage more active modes of travel, with priority to those who are underrepresented. Average grants are £2400 to £3000.
More details via www.tfl.gov.uk

Support for Arts and History
Once again the Paul Mellon Centre is offering a variety of grants towards publications, research, exhibitions and events on the history of art or architecture.  Closing date is 31 January – to apply, see

Keep in Touch
We want our bulletins to reach all community organisations, social enterprises and activists in the wider Brixton area.  Please contact us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org

  • If you want to be added to our mailing list, or to add a colleague or neighbour.
  • If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so that you see them more quickly or reliably.
  • If you have moved away or are no longer interested.

Your Forum Bulletins
If you are doing something around the Brixton area – an event, a new service, or making changes in what you already do – you are welcome to use these bulletins to tell other Forum members. That’s well over 550 on our current list, normally issued via MailChimp.  If need be, we can supply it as a Word file or even paper copies.
We aim to circulate around the 10th of each month, but that can slip because we work on a very part-time basis. Play safe and send items to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com by the 3rd of the month.
See more about the Forum on our website at www.brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org

December 2024

The turning of the year

There are a few more seasonal events to come, and already we are looking ahead to events early in the New Year.  Meanwhile, we wish Forum members and friends all the best for Christmas and the New Year.

Next meeting – 13 January

The next General Meeting of the Forum will be on Monday 13 January from 6-30 pm at the Advocacy Academy, 2 Beehive Place SW9 7QR (off Brixton Station Road, entrance shared with Photofusion).

The main topic will be to follow up our decision last month to pursue a Neighbourhood Plan.  We will also hear about Lambeth Council’s latest thinking about what will replace the Pop Brixton site.

In the meantime, we need your help to update our list of individual members, whether living or working in the area we want the Plan to cover. If you have not renewed membership in the past year, or already handed in a membership form, please fill in a simple form to confirm your home or workplace address, and return it to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com or through the letterbox at 82 Mayall Road, SE24 0PJ.  Forms available digitally as a Word file – or as paper copies – from the above.

More Events coming up

Brixton House Theatre Events Alice in Wonderland – performances of their award-winning show continue until 4th January.  The original story gets a modern Brixton interpretation but the fantasy remains! For booking details and other events, see https://brixtonhouse.co.uk/whats-on/

Brixton Chamber Orchestra Tour This 25-piece orchestra is embarking on a Christmas tour of Lambeth estates, including:

Friday 13 December, 7 pm at Stockwell Park Estate, Aytoun Place SW9;

Saturday 14 December, 3-30 pm on Moorlands Estate*;

Then at 7 pm on Fenwick Estate*, Landor Road SW9;

Sunday 15 December, 7 pm at St. Matthew’s Estate*;

Friday 20 December, 3-30 pm at Marcus Lipton Centre, Minet Road SW9 (for the young people’s Christmas party);

Saturday 21 December, 7 pm at Longfield Hall (for Myatt’s Fields Estates);

Sunday 22 December, 3-30 pm on Tulse Hill Estate, SW2.

(* These gigs are residents only due to limited space – see www.brixchamber.com ).

Solidarity Winter Market Sunday 15 December 10 am to 5 pm at the Liberation Centre, Advocacy Academy, 2 Beehive Place SW9.  Shop for eco, justice and healing-related goodies: including products from Medifola, Lambeth Mutual Aid, Southwark Copwatch and Black Feminist Bookshop.  Join creative and political workshops to craft your own goodies. Follow on Instagram @advocacyacademy

Brockwell Park Greenhouses Family Festive Event on both Saturday 14 & Sunday 15 December, 11 am to 2 pm only. Including food and drink in the kitchen, crafts in the greenhouses, Santa’s grotto in the orchard, a festive garden trail and a mini-panto in the barn (please book in advance).  There are also more craft sessions in the pipeline for January and February. For more details and all bookings, see https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.com/events

Kwanzaa Rising Saturday 21 December in Myatt’s Fields Park – around the bandstand, 4 pm to 6 pm, featuring Southside Harmonics and Longfield Hall Choir – details via enquiries@myattsfieldspark.info

Shows at Longfield Hall Saturday 21 December, shows at 12 pm and 2 pm (running time 1 hour), The Goose and Mrs Frost, a show for children about the changes of the seasons. £10 tickets for £6 if you book before 15 December and quote the code GIANT at the checkout. For bookings and enquiries, see the website, https://longfieldhall.org.uk

Health and Social Care

Winter Cheer for Older People Once again, Age UK Lambeth are organising their MyHoHoHo project to ensure that any older resident on their own on Christmas Day can receive a Christmas dinner via a neighbour or volunteer cooking and delivering an extra portion.  To sign up, or to offer help, e-mail to volunteer@ageuklambeth.org

Advice services including with energy bills, simple home repairs, and access to social activities, can now be found at their new office at 10 Acre Lane, SW2 5SG, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 10 am and 3 pm, or phone 0333 360 3700.

They also have a MyCommunity drop-in on Thursday mornings, 9-30 to 11-30 am at the Vida Walsh Centre, 2b Saltoun Road SW2 1EP for basic advice-giving and sign-posting to other services.

Mental Health First Aid Courses Ecosystem Coldharbour is hosting a Youth Mental Health First Aid Course on 27 & 28 January, 9-30 am to 4-30 pm each day at the Marcus Lipton Centre, Minet Road, SW9 7UH.

Learn how to support young people’s mental health effectively.  Please book via connect@ecosystemcoldharbour.org

Brixton BID is holding an Adult Mental Health First Aid Course (Level 2) on 20 February, 10 am to 4 pm, venue tbc.  Free to BID members and their staff – book by e-mail to admin@brixtonbid.co.uk

Art4Space are holding another Adult course in Mental Health First Aid on 13 & 14 March, at their studios in Jeffreys Road, SW4. However, in this case there is a fee of £325 per place. Courses are run by It’s a Playground, but for booking details see www.art4space.co.uk 

Other News

Brixton life in photographs The Endz Game – You’ve been framed is the latest exhibition in the Olive Morris Room at Lambeth Archives on Brixton Hill.  It shows photographs taken since 2013 by iCha of JetBlakInk, publisher of the Waiting2XHair zine and a Brixton resident for almost 50 years.

It can be seen during normal opening hours over the next month. NB: In addition to the seasonal bank holidays, the Archives will be closed on Saturdays 21 & 28 December.

Children and Youth Activities The range of activities is continuing to grow at the St. Vincent’s Centre in Talma Road, SW2 1AS.

Rhyme and Story Time is a new session for under-5s on Fridays, 10 am to 10-45 am, from 10th January onwards.

Other sessions resuming after the Christmas break will be:

Drama: Wednesdays 4-30 to 6 pm from 8th January, for ages 11-16.

Hip-Hop Dance: Saturdays 10 am to 11 am, from 11th January, for ages 8-16.

Arts and Cooking: Saturdays 12 to 2 pm from 11th January, for ages 8-13.

To register for any of these sessions, please e-mail to LeanneT@svp.org.uk

Classes in Printing Techniques Hausprint have several courses lined up for the New Year in techniques such as etching, monoprint, drypoint and aquatint. Hausprint Studio is at Vincent’s Yard, 23 Alphabet Mews (off Hillyard Street) SW9 0FN. Enquiries to michelle@hausprint.studio

Community Arts at Art4Space A wide choice of crafts sessions and courses for the New Year are being offered at their studios at 31 Jeffreys Road, SW4 6QU.  Some of them are free to eligible age groups. 

For more details, see their new-style website at www.art4space.co.uk

Funding, Training & Support

Grant Deadlines The usual reminder about approaching deadlines for various grant schemes. These were first circulated by Integrate, so contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

if you missed them.

Future Workspace Fund from Lambeth Council, mainly loan funding to support provision of workspace for small or specialist enterprises.  Deadline Monday 16 December.

Your Station, Your Community Improvement Fund 2025/26: open grants up to £10,000, or more for selected types of projects.  Deadline 18 December.

UnLtd funding for social enterprise: There are two streams: up to £18,000 to help social enterprises grow, or up to £8,000 to help new enterprises get going. Deadline 31 December.

Customer and Communities Improvement Fund (from South Western Railways) offers up to £65,000 for community projects that can be completed within a year from 1st April 2025. Deadline 31 December.

Lambeth Wellbeing Fund offers grants between £1000 and £5000 to support projects that tackle social isolation and help people manage their health conditions. Deadline Friday 31 January.

Baobab Community Fund offers grants of up to £150,000 over 5 years to help Black-led or Global Majority groups tackle racial injustice. (This was also circulated via Ubele).  Deadline Monday 3rd February.

The Rayner Foundation offers grants up to £90,000 over 3 years towards work on mental health and well-being for young people and refugees, or potentially older people and their carers.  Applications reviewed on a rolling basis.

We also heard about this from Locality but you will have to follow up via a Google search:

Thomas Wall Trust, grants up to £5,000 for established charities helping disadvantaged adults into employment. Closes 6 January.

Support for Arts and History Once again the Paul Mellon Centre is offering a variety of grants towards publications, research, exhibitions and events on the history of art or architecture.  Closing date is 31 January – to apply, see http://grants.paul-mellon-centre.ac.uk

Volunteers Needed! Local community groups are always in need of volunteers, particularly if you have special skills to offer.  Many would like to add more people to their trustees or management committee.  If you have specific needs, you are welcome to publish them here.

We hear that Friends of Windmill Gardens are keen to recruit a Treasurer.  More details can be found on their website at https://www.brixtonwindmill.org/get-involved/opportunities/

Step-up Courses at 198 Free entry-level courses are being offered by 198 Contemporary Arts and Learning for Lambeth residents aged 19+ and unemployed or low-waged.

Film & Video every Tuesday from 28 January to 1st April, 11-30 to 5 pm at 198 Railton Road, SE24 0JT.

Art & Design every Wednesday from 29 January to 2nd April, 11-30 to 5 pm at 198 Railton Road, SE24 0JT.

To register your interest, please complete the on-line form at https://forms.office.com/zejAKpjdnJ

They are also promoting a 6-week Photography course in conjunction with Photofusion, on Mondays and Tuesdays 10 am to 2-40 pm from 27 January at Unit 2, 2 Beehive Place.  Enquiries to Steff@photofusion.org

Support for Enterprise For Women Business-owners: If you can spare some time during the 12 days of Christmas to think about your business goals for the year ahead, the WinTrade Global Women in Business Network has a series of free talks lined up for you at https://talks.wintradeglobal.com/12-Days-2024

Free Workshops and Mentoring: The Impact Brixton Hub (at 17a Electric Lane SW9 8LA) is offering free workshops and mentoring for sole traders and social enterprises in the creative industries – but spaces are limited and you must sign up by 20 December!

All the workshops for IB Create will be held on Thursday 30 January at Impact Brixton. Selected participants will be offered one year of free “virtual office” and co-working facilities at Impact Brixton. Enquiries to team@impactbrixton.com

Future Makers Innovate Programme: The Remakery is running a free 8-week incubator programme to help you turn a business idea into reality. It comes with a year of free workshop space, ongoing one-to-one support, access to their network of green initiative supporters and the chance to pitch for £500 to £1000 of seed funding. The programme starts on 7th January and workshops run until 25 February, held at The Remakery at the corner of Lilford and Paulet Roads, SE5.  Enquiries to alice@remakery.org or see www.remakery.org/future-makers

June 2024

Coming Events

General Election Hustings

With the General Election being called at short notice for Thursday 4 July, parties are rushing to get their candidates nominated. Despite recent changes to boundaries, Brixton is still at the junction of 3 constituencies. South of Loughborough Road, the eastern half of Brixton falls within Dulwich & West Norwood.  The Norwood and Herne Hill Forums are trying to set up a hustings meeting for candidates in that constituency, and we will share details with you once confirmed.

Brockwell Park Events

The park is already looking the worse for wear after a series of major events since 24 May – City Splash on Bank Holiday Monday seems to have been well named, and Brockwell Bounce was cancelled due to the state of the ground.

Now comes the final weekend, 8/9 June, the Lambeth Country Show, marking its 50th year.

Please be aware that much of the park will remain fenced off during dismantling of the staging and marquees, until 16 June. 

For details of upcoming events and courses at the Community Greenhouses, see website https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/events

During the Country Show, their shop will be trading from a stall near the Flower Show marquee.

Brockwell Park Car Boot Sales

The Friends of Brockwell Park have their next monthly car boot sale in the Lido car park, off Dulwich Road, on Sunday 16 June.  Open free to buyers 9 am to 1 pm, sellers can set up from 7 am, charge £12 per car, £15 per van.  Enquiries to membership@brockwellpark.co.uk

Windrush Weekend

On Windrush Day itself, Saturday 22 June, a series of events and performances will take place in and around Windrush Square, co-ordinated by the Brixton Project. 

Then on Sunday 23 June, the Friends of Windrush Square are again hosting the Big Caribbean Lunch, an inter-generational event for the Windrush Generation and their descendants.  If you would like to be involved please contact the Friends group at


Events in Myatt’s Fields Park

Sunday 9 June: Conduct me! (Pico Players)

Saturday 15 June: Pride Picnic.

Saturday 22 June: Windrush Celebration, including Black Farmers Market.

Sunday 23 June: The Dream Sequence by

Dot Collective.

Saturday 29 June: Fiesta del Sol

(Andean Festival).

For information about the park and these events, see www.myattsfieldspark.info 

London Land Justice Fair, 21 July

Myatt’s Fields Park will also be hosting this Sunday afternoon event, with opportunities for grassroots groups to run stalls or workshops.  Enquiries to peopleslandpolicy@gmail.com or see website www.peopleslandpolicy.org 

Events at Brixton Windmill

Guided tours of the windmill are offered on at least one weekend a month, the next being on 8 & 9 June.  Also coming up is a Family Games and Sports Day on Sunday 14 July.

A number of regular weekly activities take place in the education centre alongside.

For all events in Windmill Gardens, please see the website for details and booking, www.brixtonwindmill.org

Arts, Culture, Leisure

The Dream Sequence

Dot Collective return to Brixton with a new production inspired by a Midsummer Night’s Dream.  It’s an open air family show set on a paradise island, bringing together music and aerial circus.

Saturday 15 June by Brixton Windmill at 2 pm and 6 pm (book via www.brixtonwindmill.org ).

Sunday 23 June in the Quiet Garden, Myatt’s Fields Park, at 12 noon and 3 pm (book via https://longfieldhall.org.uk ).

Studio 73 is back in Brixton

Starting out in Brixton Village, Adrian Flower has recently opened new exhibition space nearby off Valentia Place, close to the Bureau of Silly Ideas. The Urban Flower Art Show continues, open Thursday 6th to Sunday 9th June, 11 am to 5 pm (7 pm Friday).

Marking 25 years of Art4Space

Art4Space was founded in June 1999 as a community arts organisation, soon receiving a £500 set-up grant from the Prince’s Trust.  They secured their present premises in Stockwell in 2004, and this Spring, they opened their new Make & Mend space. Art4Space continues to lead as a self-sustaining arts-based social enterprise. Lots of events, courses and projects to be found at www.art4space.co.uk or come and celebrate their 25th birthday on Saturday 6 July, 1 pm to 6 pm at 31 Jeffreys Road, SW4 6QU.

Performing Arts at St. Vincent’s

A range of activities for the 8-16 age range are now available at St. Vincent’s Centre in Talma Road, SW2 1AS.

For ages 11-16, a drama/multimedia group will start making their very own film, from 4-30 to 6 pm on Wednesdays. 

The Arts and Cooking group continues on Saturdays between 12 noon and 3 pm for the 8-13 age range.

Hip-Hop dance classes are now also running on Saturdays until 13 July, from 12 to 1 pm, for ages 8-13.

To register or to get more details, e-mail to LeanneT@svp.org.uk or call (020) 7274 1190 (weekdays).

Brixton Tate Library

The library should re-open on Thursday 6 June after major building works.  There are further improvements in the pipeline, but these should not require full closure of the building.

NB: Lambeth Libraries have pointed out that some libraries will be closed on Thursday 4 July for use as polling stations.

Other Local News

Schools Closure Threat

Following the closure of two old-established secondary schools (Archbishop Tenison’s and St. Martin-in-the-Fields), several primary schools are now at risk of closure or mergers. This is all due to declining numbers of school-age children in our part of Lambeth, with family -size homes increasingly shared by adult households in order to afford the rent. Smaller classes might be better, but sadly schools are funded by their number of pupils, so smaller schools could not cover their running costs. 

Lambeth Council is consulting on proposals affecting these schools:  Christchurch and St. John the Divine (North Brixton), Fenstanton and Holy Trinity (Tulse Hill), St. John’s Angell Town and St. Saviours (Herne Hill Road) and on the Clapham Park fringe, Glenbrook and King’s Avenue.

The closing date for comments is 16 June – see the consultation pages on the Lambeth website, www.lambeth.gov.uk or send views to pppconsultation@lambeth.gov.uk

Max Roach Playgrounds

If you missed the open morning on 1st June, there’s still time to comment on ideas to upgrade the playgrounds at the Centre in Max Roach Park.  There’s a survey link at https://forms.gle/kHbxwDTqjLDKdDnA7 or see https://www.lccmaxroach.co.uk 

On Your Bike

Brixton BID continues to sponsor monthly sessions by Dr Bike mechanics for cycle safety checks and essential maintenance. The next will be on Wednesday 26 June, 12 to 3 pm outside Brixton Wholefoods on Atlantic Road.

Health and Social Care

Health Watch Lambeth

This is your health and social care champion: if you have issues with local services, contact them at info@healthwatchlambeth.org.uk 

Long-term Health Issues

Researchers at Kings College London are inviting people with long-term physical health conditions to join a trial for a peer-support platform.  It enables people to anonymously share knowledge and experience, to better support one another and manage their mental well-being.  Participants must be over 18 with access to the Internet.  If this may suit you or someone you know, contact commonground@kcl.ac.uk

Used Inhalers wanted

NHS South East London has launched a pilot scheme to recycle used inhalers.  They should not be discarded into household waste since they still contain greenhouse gases.

A recycling site was provided at Kings College Hospital back in February, and more sites are being added, including at local pharmacies.

Quids In!

A new money guidance service. This service operates across all of Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham.  It provides one-to-one money guidance to residents experiencing physical or mental health issues and financial hardship.  The virtual support hub is a phone-based service staffed by Quids In money coaches, who can provide a bespoke action plan and coaching sessions over 2-3 or 5-6 weeks.

Patients can sign up themselves, or healthcare professionals can refer patients, at www.cleanslateltd.co.uk/thriveldn or enquiries to virtualsupporthub@cleanslateltd.co.uk

Funding, Training & Support

New contract for supporting community organisations. Lambeth Council is inviting tenders for support services for local Voluntary & Community Sector organisations, to run over the next 2 years with scope for a year’s extension. This service is currently provided by Integrate, but the budget is being increased to £250,000 pa to provide better levels of support with funding and networking.  The deadline for bids is tight: 28 June and bidders must register with EU Supply.  Enquiries to Gerry Evans (VCS project development manager) on 020 7926 2659 or at gevans2@lambeth.gov.uk

Support for Small Businesses

Over the years, there have been a variety of publicly-funded support services for small and start-up businesses.  The latest version is Grow London Local, delivered by London & Partners and intended as a one-stop shop for small business advice.  It was launched by the Mayor last November, and offers a mix of on-line and in-person from a team of Business Support Managers.  For more details, see www.growlondonlocal.london

Grant deadlines approaching

Once again, a reminder of grant schemes already notified by Integrate – if you missed the original alerts, contact them at: eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

LandAid – Youth Homelessness Support Fund, grants of £10,000 to £50,000, deadline Friday 14 June.

Jerwood Foundation – Summer Funding Round, supporting arts for public benefit, apply by 14 June, decisions by 6 August.

Women’s Urgent Support Fund (Smallwood Trust and the Community Fund) – grants up to £60,000 over 36 months, deadline 21 June.

Veolia Environmental Trust – grants towards environmental and community projects, £10,000 to £75,000, deadline 27 June.

UnLtd Funding for Social Enterprises – start-up grants of £8,000 and scale-up grants of £18,000, closing date 30 June.

The Wolfson Foundation – capital grants of £15,000 to £100,000, deadline 1st July.

The Steel Charitable Trust – grants up to £25,000 for local community impact, deadline 11 July.

Free Energy Assessments:

We have mentioned the VCSE Energy Efficiency Scheme before, but the deadline for free energy assessments is 20 June.

Community Ownership Fund:

Locality have advised us that the General Election means applications to this fund are suspended.  Please check the COF prospectus on the Gov.uk website for future updates.

Training Opportunities

Social enterprises and small businesses within the Brixton BID area should be able to join their free training courses.  Next up is:
  • Conflict Management, Monday 17 June, 10 am to 4 pm.

Most sessions are held at International House.  Enquiries to admin@brixtonbid.co.uk

Your Forum Bulletins

If you are doing something around the Brixton area, you are welcome to use these bulletins to tell other Forum members.  We aim to circulate about the 10th of each month – but things can go wrong!  So, send items to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com by the 3rd of the month, but sooner helps!

Personal appearances welcome! If your group prefers to present its work or highlight a local campaign at a live meeting of the Forum, please contact the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com We aim to hold 4 general meetings a year.

Keep in Touch

We want to be inclusive and ensure that these bulletins reach all community organisations, social enterprises and activists in the wider Brixton area.  To join or update our mailing list, please contact admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org



Thursday 23 November, 7pm at the Vida Walsh Centre, 2b Saltoun Road, SW2 1 EP (facing Windrush Square). We will be following up some topical issues this time, including:
A report from Friends of Windrush Square;
Anti-Social Behaviour in the Town Centre;
Based on this and other local concerns, should we put together a Neighbourhood Plan?

NB: We will feature Brixton’s Arts and Creative Industries at the following meeting in the New Year. This is also likely to be our Annual General Meeting, when we review the past year and elect a new committee.


THEATRE OF THE OPPRESSED Wednesday 15 November:
The last of a series of workshops run by Tony Cealy at the Advocacy Academy, 7 Vining Street SW9.
Story-telling, learning and communal sharing, 3-30 to 7-30 pm – open to people of all age and abilities, no theatre experience necessary.  Please book via Eventbrite.

BROCKWELL LIDO Sunday 19 November:
The Brockwell Lido Users Group and the Brockwell Lido Steering Committee hold their joint Annual General Meeting at 10-30 am on Sunday 19th at the Lido, when members will be able to vote in their new committee.

BLACK CULTURE MARKET Christmas Edition, Saturday 2 & Sunday 3 December:
Downstairs at the Department Store, 248 Ferndale Road, SW9, open 11 am to 5 pm each day.  Free event, but please book via Eventbrite.
If you are interested in trading at these events, please contact the organisers via https://www.blackculturemarket.co.uk

WINTER MARKET around Brixton Windmill, Sunday 10 December:
12 noon to 3-30 pm with a range of stalls including food and drinks, live music, craft workshops for children, and of course, Santa’s Grotto.
Also a festive wreath-making workshop for adults, 12-30 to 2 pm, fee £12 – please book in advance at www.brixtonwindmill.org

2 pm to 5 pm, to include a Christmas market, carol-singing and a Christingle-making workshop for kids.  More details from enquiries@myattsfieldspark.info


We occasionally hear of local projects recruiting paid staff, though our publication schedule seldom ties in with closing dates for applications.
One that just fits in is at the St. Vincent’s Centre in Talma Road, SW2 1ASwhere they are seeking a part-time Activities Co-ordinator (22.5 hours a week). The role is to develop the arts and cultural programme at the centre, as well as establishing long-term food and service projects in the area.
More details can be found at https://svp.org.uk/work-with-us but the closing date is 15 November.

Once again, a reminder of approaching deadlines for grants previously notified by Integrate – if you missed the news, contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

Make it Big with Pathway Fund: deadline Thursday 16 November.
Lambeth Advice Services Grants: deadline Wednesday 22 November.
Dying Matters – Hospice UK Community Grants: deadline 24 November.

Afreesixweek minicourse aimed at local food growing groups, to be held at Myatt’s Fields Park greenhouses.  More details from Fabrice at fabrice@myattsfieldspark.info

Our local Business Improvement District is offering free training sessions for small businesses and social enterprises within the BID catchment area.  Book via their website at https://brixtonbid.co.uk/event-type-training/ or enquiries by e-mail to admin@nrixtonbid.co.uk  Upcoming events include:

Emergency First Aid at Work (level 3) – 15 November.
Food Safety (level 2) – 20 November.
Social Media – 22 November.
Anti-Terrorism Training – 28 November.


There was strong interest at our last Forum meeting in how Lambeth would take forward the housing development along Somerleyton Road.  A design was approved some years ago, but Homes for Lambeth failed to follow up on it.  Lambeth is now looking for a partnership with a private developer.  It is currently looking for 12 local stakeholders or residents to join a “Meet the Bidders Day” to help select that developer and shape local engagement.  Total commitment is 12 hours between December and February, and panel members will be paid.  Priority is being given to residents or organisations based in Windrush Ward,   but closing date to apply is 26 November.  Find the application form at bit.ly/meetthebidders 

From 13 November, Lambeth Council is introducing several new play streets on a 6-month trial basis.  Motor vehicles (except permit holders) will be banned from those streets Mondays to Fridays during school term time, for an hour in the morning (typically 8.15 to 9.15am) and again in the afternoon (typically 3 to 4 pm).  This is intended to cover the peak periods when children are travelling to and from school.  On our patch, the roads affected are:

– Lambert Road, between Branksome and Strathleven Roads.
– Mandrell Road, the whole length.
– Strathleven Road, between Lambert and Mauleverer Roads.
– Minet Road, between Lilford Road and Rupert Road.
Enquiries to schoolstreets@lambeth.gov.uk

The latest phase of street landscaping for the Railton Road LTN will take place between 8 November and 15 December, between 198 Gallery and the corner of Herne Place.  This will be followed by some road surfacing work on that section, on 16/17 January.  During these periods, the 322 bus will be re-routed Atlantic Road/ Coldharbour Lane/ Effra Road/ Dulwich Road and then resume its normal route.  Enquiries to lowtrafficneighbourhoods@lambeth.gov.uk

Something we have had plenty of in the past few weeks!  Lambeth is trialling some new techniques to reduce the risk of flooding when the drains can’t cope with the flow of rainwater.  A new landscape layout has been designed for the Effra Road frontage of the St. Mathew’s Estate, including one temporary and two standing ponds, with new paths and damp-tolerant planting.
Details can be found via the Consultation pages on the Council’s website – but the deadline for responses is Tuesday 14 November.  Send comments to lambethbeeroads@lambeth.gov.uk or use the on-line survey form.

An opportunity to thank your leading volunteers or highlight your group’s work.  Deadline for nominations is Sunday 26 November, culminating in a presentations event expected in late February. Details on the Council’s website at www.lambeth.gov.uk/lambeth-civic-awards-2024


Art4Space are due to host a couple more sessions on Mental Health First Aid at their studio in Jeffreys Road, SW4.  Sessions are led by It’s A Playground.
Refresher half-day for previous attenders on Friday 17 November, fee £150, or £125 for Lambeth residents.
Adult Mental Health: Two-day course on 23 & 24 November.
Bookings via www.art4space.co.uk

Solidarity in a Crisis (SiaC) offers support for anyone experiencing a mental health crisis, in Lambeth, Southwark or Lewisham.  They offer an out-of-hours crisis helpline – 0300 123 1922, 6 pm to midnight Monday to Friday, midday to midnight at weekends.  They also have a Community Team who can offer individuals a course of three to six one-to-one support sessions.  For more information, e-mail them at communitycrisis@certitude.org.uk

Two upcoming free events, both at St. Matthew’s Church at the foot of Brixton Hill SW2 1JF:

Let’s Talk about Mental Health, Tuesday 14 November, 11 am to 1 pm, in the Level 2 co-working zone (with free pizza!).
This workshop is to enable local people to share their experiences – anything shared will be anonymous.
Organised by Lambeth Healthwatch and the Lambeth Living Well Collaborative, to reserve a place e-mail to info@healthwatchlambeth.org.uk

Lambeth Open Space Event to help shape Mental Health services in Lambeth, Thursday 23 November, 9-45 to 4-30 pm, food provided.
Led by Public Service Works with the Lambeth Living Well Collaborative, to reserve a place e-mail to Beth.Towle@seldonics.nhs.uk

July 2023

Coming up soon

Wellbeing Festival, Wyck Gardens, SW9 7AH Friday 21st July 3pm ’til 7pm fun activities for all the family.

Windrush Family Fun Day @ Max Roach, Wiltshire Rd SW9 7NE Sunday July 23rd 1pm ’til 7pm drumming, face painting food and workshops.
Myatt’s Fields Family Fun Day Saturday July 29th 2pm ’til 7pm  Live music, face painting and fun

Summer events and courses at Art4Space

Summer Scrap Club – Wednesdays 10 – 2 pm, Thursdays 10 – 1 pm, Fridays 10 – 2 pm, from 2nd August to 1st September, for children 5 to 16 (under 8s must be accompanied) with priority to children receiving free school meals or with special needs or disabilities, limit 3 sessions per child.
Creative Pathways – for young people age 18-30, 14 to 18 August, 1 to 4 pm (5 days).  Free but limited spaces.
Creative Health – 8 week course starting 6 September, to help LGBTQ+ smokers practice mindfulness, creativity and healthy living as a route to stop smoking.  Thursdays 4 to 6 pm, free but limited spaces. 
Creative Community Champions – Tuesdays 10 am to 12-30 pm, 10 weeks from 19 September, producing a textile banner for climate change.  For people from Black, Asian or minority ethnic backgrounds, free but limited spaces.
Creative Enterprise – Wednesdays 10 am to 12-30 pm, 10 weeks from 20 September, an enterprising art project leading to selling the products at a local Christmas market, free but limited spaces.
All courses at Art4Space Studios, 31 Jeffreys Road, SW4 6QU. Enquiries to jewels@art4space.co.uk
Children’s Cricket Lessons, Myatt’s Fields Park
On Wednesday afternoons from 26 July for 4 weeks (last session 16 August), up to 64 free places available for boys and girls, either 5-8 or 9-11 age groups.  Enquiries to Kim Price at Surrey Cricket Foundation, 07500 950 517 or allstars@surreycricket.com 
Summer Coding Camp in SW8, 26 July to 23 August
Millennium Community Solutions are holding a 5-week course, Wednesday to Friday each week, for young people, covering computer coding, programming and robotics.  
Sessions for the 6-11 age group will run from 12-45 to 2-45 pm, and for those age 12-16, sessions will run from 2-45 to 3-45 pm.  Sessions will take place at Wimbourne House Community Hall, Wimborne Estate, South Lambeth Road, SW8 1AH.  For more information and registration, see www.southwyck.co.uk
Art in the Park, Windmill Gardens, Sunday 13 August
A range of free art workshops for both adults and children, materials provided, from 1 pm to 5 pm, around Brixton Windmill.

Repowering London is inviting you to participate in their Summer School of Power & Organising, a free, 2-week, practical, adult course based in Brixton. You’ll learn all things digital, art, energy and organising. The Summer School will take place from Tuesday to Friday, between the 1stand 11thof August, from 10 to 2pm. This is a family friendly school, and we will provide kids activities as well as free lunches. You can see the flyer at this link for more info and get in touch if you’d like to participate. To apply, visit tinyurl.com/y5ymb25k  Or call Ewure Esi at 07943 708647 or email info@repowering.org.uk

 Health & Social Care

Project Smith – Community Connector Training
Another course is just about to start – enquiries to Emma Corker at emma@rbeassociates.com or phone 07734 670 300.
Four training sessions will run from 9-30 am to 3 pm at different locations around the borough, to help people support their neighbours and signpost them to local health services.

Other News

How was it for you?
June turned out to be a very busy month, with lots of events in connection with the London Festival of Architecture and the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the Empire Windrush with the first settlers from the Caribbean.  Some events even managed to reference both!  If you are planning – or just thinking about – some future events, we would like to hear.  Maybe we can help, or put you in touch with others who can offer support or contribute to a joint event?  See foot of page for contacts.
Hondo Tower – the last battle?
Way back in 2020, the owners of the main market arcades proposed a 20-storey office tower in Popes Road, on the old Tesco site between the railway viaducts.  After many local objections, the planning application was called-in by the Mayor, who was due to hear the case on 10 June last year, with the GLA planners recommending refusal, but it was called off at the last moment.  At the time of writing it’s back in the diary for a hearing at (new) City Hall on Friday 21 July, this time before Jules Pipe, Deputy Mayor for Planning etc.  No changes have been made since last year, so it ought still to be refused, but we need to make sure!  Once again, objectors are trying to co-ordinate their efforts to best effect – contact the Fight The Tower campaign via danainardi@gmail.com or the Brixton Society via planning@brixtonsociety.org.uk



Just Dropping in?
A slightly different approach to fund-raising for good causes – Yvonne Thompson of 7 Traits Leadership Learning is doing a sponsored skydive on Sunday 23 July.  This is in aid of Champions for Justice and Not For Sale which works to counter human trafficking.  To find out more and ideally contribute, see https:bit.ly/yvonnes-skydive

Moving on
Victoria Sherwin has played a key role in advancing the Myatt’s Fields Park Project over the past several years, but has now stepped down.  Instead, she will be spending a sabbatical year with Incredible Edible Lambeth, which is currently selecting prizewinners for the Lambeth in Bloom competition.  See also www.incredibleediblelambeth.org/events

Brixton Blog/ Bugle Summer Art Show
This will continue at Brixton Tate Library until 27 July, during normal library opening times.

Funding, Training and support

Social Investment Workshop, 17 July
On-line via Zoom, 10 am to 11-30, to explore the potential for social investment for charities and social enterprises.  Organised by Integrate with the Trust for London.  Book via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/scale-it-what-is-social-investment-can-it-help-grow-my-organisation-tickets-650056194577
Develop your ideas and learn new skills
We picked up a few ideas from the recent Small Charities Week, including a new funding source.  If you are part of a community business and open to exploring tech-based solutions, then the Discovery Fund is worth checking out.  The fund will support you to explore a challenge that you have identified, and learn the processes and skills to design a solution, offering free training and a place in their community of practice so you can network with peers and experts.  Applications must be in by midday on 21 July – for more details, see https://www.powertochange.org.uk/our-work/our-programme/discovery-fund/ 
Grants Reminders
Our usual reminder of grants previously notified by Integrate – if you missed the original notice, contact eoin.heffernan@integrate agency.co.uk

The Field Family Charitable Trust: grants of up to £10,000 available for projects assisting vulnerable young people (13-25 years), or will also consider projects supporting older people and rehabilitation of ex-offenders. Deadline Friday 28 July.
Lloyds Bank Foundation: for organisations led by and working with deaf or disabled people who are experiencing poverty.  Grants up to £75,000, potentially for a 3-year period.  Deadline Thursday 31 August.
Before you go…
Something to share with us?
If you are doing something around the Brixton area, why not use these monthly bulletins to tell other Forum members about your activities, or your next event?  You might even like to present your work at a future Forum meeting, or raise a concern for discussion.  
Please send items for future bulletins to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com – ideally by the 5th of the month so we can publish by the 10th. Also use this contact to include something on the agenda for a Forum meeting.
Remember, there is more about the Forum on our website at www.brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org
Is this your best e-mail?
We want these bulletins to reach all community organisations and activists in the wider Brixton area.  Please contact us at admin@brixtonneighbourhodforum.org
– If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so you see them sooner or more reliably.
– If you want to add a neighbour or colleague to the circulation list.
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested.

June 2023

Local News

Another year for International House?
News just in this week that 3Space are negotiating with Lambeth for an extension of the current lease until the end of July 2024.
This would give more time for existing occupiers of International House to find alternative premises.
See below under Brixton Workspace for other options.

Repair Cafe launched
The Repair Cafe launched last Saturday at 336 Brixton Road (opposite Villa Road/ Peckford Place).  It’s a joint venture between Integrate and We Are 336, and will be open on the first Saturday of each month, between 10 am and 1 pm.  Their team of volunteer fixers will help you restore damaged household goods, electrical items, clothing/ fabrics and toys – almost anything you can carry from home.  Services are free, but visitors are encouraged to stay and see how it’s done and perhaps even pick up the skills to attempt your own repairs in future.
Summer Holiday Activities
Details are trickling in of activities being offered by some of our local organisations:

Groove School are offering a range of Summer Groove Workshops for both 8-12 and 13-19 age groups, including audio recording, DJ lessons, music production, sampling, podcasting and sound engineering.  Groove School are based on the 1st floor of International House, but you will find them running their own stage on both days of the Lambeth Country Show.  Enquiries to info@grooveschool.org

Grove Adventure Playground at Gordon Grove SE5 (off Minet Road) are continuing their Art Club sessions on 3 Tuesdays a month into July.  Next dates are 13 & 20 June, and 11, 18, 23 July, 3-45 to 6 pm.  Only 20 places available each time, so please enquire via hello@groveadventureplayground.com
Events coming up
Lambeth Country Show, 10 & 11 June
Brockwell Park, open 1 pm to 9 pm daily.  Some of our member groups will be involved in various ways, so you may bump into familiar faces.  Apart from the later opening hours, be aware that there are also some changes to the Show layout since last year.  However, the Flower Show, farm animals and Eco Village will still be on the eastern side, close to Norwood Road.

Windrush 75th Anniversary Events
Several events are taking place around Brixton to mark the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the first contingent of settlers from the West Indies in June 1948, on the former troopship Empire Windrush.  For the full listing, see the special website www.lambethwindrush.com/windrush-voices/

A Lambeth Story: A guided walk led by Cllr. Sonia Winifred, departing from Windrush Square at 11 am (finishes 12-30) on Monday 19 June.  Free but please reserve a place via Eventbrite http://www.lfa.london/brixton

Black Cultural Archives: The BCA premises will be closed for maintenance between 5th and 21st June, but will re-open on Windrush Day, Thursday 22 June.  This marks the start of their next exhibition, Over a Barrel, the stories of those who travelled as children from the Caribbean, often to join parents who had gone ahead to secure jobs and homes.  This exhibition continues until 10 September.

Community Procession, Thursday 22 June: The Brixton Project are co-ordinating a carnival procession, which will set out from Brockwell Lido at 3 pm and proceed via Railton Road and Saltoun Road to finish on Windrush Square about 4-30 pm.  This will be followed by music and commemorative events.

Domino Mania on Windrush Square, Saturday 24 June: Brixton Immortals Domino Club invite all players to join them for a Domino Knockout Competition on the Square, between 12 noon and 6 pm – cash prizes.  Enquiries to brixtonimmortals@yahoo.com or phone Clif on 07 956 338 419.

London Festival of Architecture
This year, Brixton is one of the “Destination Districts” for the Festival, which runs right through June.  Temporary structures are taking shape on Atlantic Road and Windrush Square, and a variety of local events are already underway.  For the full listing see www.lfa.london/brixton

Alice’s Adventures in Aerial-land
A family-friendly acrobatic show and outdoor theatre production by the Dot Collective, at 2 local sites:

Myatt’s Fields Park (in the Quiet Garden) on Sunday 11 June or Sunday 30 July, shows at 2 pm and 6 pm each day.  Tickets £10 to £14, book via Longfield Hall website or https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/631421287067 

Windmill Gardens  off Brixton Hill on Saturday 17 June, shows at 2 pm and 6 pm.  Tickets £12, concessions £10, children under16, £8  book online via www.brixtonwindmill.org

Showcasing support for Older People
Age UK Lambethhave arranged a session at Brixton Tate Library on Friday 30 June from 1 pm to 4 pm, to show their present range of services for older people.

Urban Art Fair, 8 & 9 July
This popular showcase for amateur and professional artists returns to Josephine Avenue for both Saturday and Sunday, open 10 am to 6 pm.

Women of Colour Art Award Exhibition
198 Gallery in Railton Road is hosting this exhibition until 13 August, open Wednesday- Friday 11 am to 5 pm, Saturday & Sunday 12 to 5 pm.
Works from 7 women artists in a variety of media, curated by Languid Hands.

Funding, Training and Support

Funding Deadlines
Food Appliances and Equipment Fund: Lambeth Council is offering grants of up to £1500 to smaller voluntary organisations, particularly those working to relieve food poverty.  Deadline Sunday 18 June.

Health Inequalities Community Fund: The Neighbourhood Wellbeing Delivery Alliance is offering grants between £10,000 and £15,000 to support work with Lambeth residents in improcing their health and wellbeing.  Deadline is 12 noon on Monday 19 June.

The above were previously notified by Integrate (enquiries to eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk if you missed the original notice).

Funding for Heritage Buildings: The National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Architectural Heritage Fund are running a 3-year programme to save heritage structures across the UK, particularly in deprived communities.  Expressions of interest must be sent in by 9 am on Monday 26 June.  Shortlisted projects will be asked to submit full proposals by September.  See the AHF website for more details.

Our Friends at Locality have flagged up a few more grants currently on offer:

Sport England Small Grants Programme: up to £15,000, closing date 30 June.

Power to Change Community Fund: up to £10,000 for community businesses, plus capacity-building support, closing date 21 July.

Charles Hayward Foundation: grants up to £7,000 from their Small Grants Programme, which runs on a quarterly cycle.

Advice on Digital Devices
Clear Community Web are continuing their Digital Drop-in sessions at various sites around Lambeth, for support with laptops, tablets and mobile phones, including:
– West Norwood Library, SE27, Mondays 2 to 4 pm;
– WLM/ St. Luke’s, 25a Wincott Street SE11, Thursdays 2 to 4 pm.
– Upper Norwood Library, Westow Hill SE19, Fridays 10 am to 12 pm;
– The Weir Link, 33 Weir Road SW12, Fridays 11 am to 1 pm.

They also hold a Mobile Phone Boot Camp, once a month at the Myatt’s Fields Centre, 24 Crawshay Road SW9.  The next sessions will be 9 June, 14 July and 11 August – all these are Fridays, 2 to 4 pm.

Disability and Technology Advice (DATA) is a collaboration between Clear Community Web and Millennium Community Solutions to support disabled residents and their carers, so they can make best use of digital technologies.  Free drop-in sessions are run every Wednesday between 10 am and 1 pm at the Akerman Health Centre, 60 Patmos Road, SW9.
Enquiries to info@clearcommunityweb.co.uk or phone 07523 646 277.

Brixton Workspaces
Opening of LJ Works, Wednesday 14 June: A varied programme of events between 3 pm and 8 pm to mark the official opening of the new workspace, in 2 blocks adjacent to Loughborough Farm in Loughborough Road.  The site offers a range of studio offices, workshops, meeting rooms and co-working space.  Enquiries to ljworks@meanwhilespace.com
Meanwhile Space CIC also manage the business space in the basement of Lambeth Town Hall.

Impact Brixton occupies the 1st floor of Market Row, above Electric Lane.  The emphasis is on offering facilities for small and start-up businesses.  There are monthly briefings on relevant business topics – the next on Friday 23 June is on using AI for your e-commerce business – as well as social gatherings on the last Friday evening of the month.  You can also use Impact Brixton as your registered business address from 0.41 pence per day.  Enquiries to team@impactbrixton.com

Small Charity Week
This is an umbrella for a range of events to support and celebrate the grass-roots end of the Voluntary Sector, and will run from 19 to 23 June.  There will be opportunities to share good practice and publicise your activities, but especially look out for briefings and training events to help you do better.  See their website at https://smallcharityweek.com – and you can post events up to 18 June!

Other News

Weekly Waste Collection at risk
Lambeth Council is currently consulting on reducing its weekly collection of domestic waste (the black wheely bins) to only fortnightly.  Although it’s claimed this will encourage more recycling, it seems more likely that the green recycling bins will be contaminated with general waste when people’s black bins are full.  Council officers will be available to discuss during the Lambeth Country Show, in the Eco Village until 5 pm each day. Also at Brixton Tate Library on Monday 19 June, 1 pm to 8 pm.
The closing date for comments is Friday 30 June – see www.lambeth,gov.uk/waste-consultation or for more details of the range of waste/ recycling services, see www.lambeth.gov.uk/rubbish-recycling

The Platform Cafe
The current opening times for the little cafe in Wyck Gardens are Tuesday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm, Saturdays 9 am to 4 pm.  There are also occasional cookery workshops and community events – enquiries to platformcafe.lj@gmail.com or phone 07 593 265 647.

Ecosystem Coldharbour Community Coffee Morning Tuesday 20th June at Remakery Brixton 10am – 12 This month we will be sharing information on organisations supporting parents & families, find out what they do and how they can help our community.  Plus find out more about Remakery Brixton and their work. www.ecosystemcoldharbour.org

Shamha Vibration Drumming for Wellbeing Lambeth Country Show Arts and Culture Zone 10th 11th June.  Fridays Stockwell Park Community Trust 5 – 7pm www.shamhavibration.org

Before you go…
Something to share with us?
If you are doing something around the Brixton area, why not use these bulletins to tell other Forum members about your activities or your next event?  We aim to publish around the 10th of each month, so it helps if you can send your news by the 5th for the next issue, to apiperbrix@aol.com.

Planning ahead
We are putting together proposals for Forum activities for the year ahead, so now is the time to tell us if you have any bright ideas or if there are extra events that you would like us to provide.

Is this your best e-mail?
We are keen to reach all local organisations and activists.  Please tell us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list.
– If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address so you receive them more promptly or reliably.
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested. 

May 2023

Local Achievements

What’s Brixton Saying?
The Advocacy Academy should be commended for a great piece of research, conducted between November 2022 and February this year, and presented on 25 April.  Their team of young people had 83 conversations with Central Brixton traders, passers-by and local organisations.  They picked up many local concerns, but particularly that people are feeling the squeeze from rising prices and rents, and a growing feeling that the Council favours big corporations over residents and local enterprises.  The Advocacy Academy will be following up some of the issues raised by facilitating local meetings and networking, and the Forum will offer support with this. 

Working Together
It’s encouraging to hear of different organisations collaborating to deliver services or projects.  One of the best developed is Ecosystem Coldharbour, a consortium of local groups, mainly active on the north and east sides of Brixton, dedicated to steering young people towards career opportunities and creative outlets, and away from involvement in crime and violence.  In between major events and grant funding rounds, they hold monthly Coffee Mornings where people active in the community can get together and chat informally about the challenges they face.  The next sessions will be on Tuesdays 23 May and 20 June – contact connect@ecosystemcoldharbour.org to confirm times and locations. 

At a simpler level, Blenheim Gardens RMO have linked up with Herne Hill-based Get Rid of and Donate, to provide a free donation service from the RMO’s community hub at 23 Prague Place SW2.  The aim is to collect and re-distribute essential living items, including clothes, shoes, household items, toys and books.  Of course, sustaining a service like this needs a flow of donations, as well as enough volunteers to operate it.  More details at www.getridofit-donate.com

News from Shamha Vibrations
Peter Phillips writes:
Thanks for keeping us informed of events in our local area – this forum is extremely useful indeed.
We are a Brixton-based Community Interest Company, founded in 2012 by local resident Djina Jones.  We’ve been doing our African drumming and Drumming for Community Wellbeing sessions in the South London area for many years.  We were recently awarded funding from the National Lottery Community Fund to start a new season of the Drumming for Wellbeing sessions in the Brixton area.  The National Lottery have funded these free-to-attend sessions since 2017 and many local people have benefited from attending.  The weekly drumming circles provide an opportunity for residents to spend a couple of hours with their neighbours, enjoying an uplifting activity which can help reduce stress, improve co-ordination and increase feelings of positivity.
Angell Town Community has usually been the centre of our activity, but this year, from 5th May, we are also doing sessions at Stockwell Park Community Trust, Akerman Health Centre and Myatt’s Fields Park.  Everybody is welcome, drums are provided and it is free to attend.
Enquiries to shamhavibration@gmail.com or see the website at  www.shamhavibration.org  or phone Djina on 07377 921 549.

Things to come
Open Weekend at the Windmill, 13 & 14 May
Following their successful Beer & Bread Festival on 1st May, Friends of Windmill Gardens are hosting their next monthly opening of the Windmill this coming Saturday and Sunday – and if conditions are right, you may even see the sails turn on Saturday!
To book tours of the mill, see www.brixtonwindmill.org.uk

Careers Networking Events for Young People
WeRisehave 2 more sessions in their current Youthconnect series of careers events, where young people between 14 and 21 can talk to experts from various professions.  Sessions will run between 5 pm and 7 pm at 3Space, International House, corner of Popes Road and Canterbury Crescent, SW9.  Enquiries to hello@werise.org.uk
Wednesday 17 May – Design, Fashion, Textiles, Architecture and Engineering.
Wednesday 24 May – Science, Healthcare and Sport.

Black Culture Market
Saturday 3 & Sunday 4 June: A reminder that this showcase for black-owned businesses and craftspeople returns to Downstairs at the Department Store, 248 Ferndale Road SW9, 11 am to 5 pm with a different mix of traders each day.  Admission free but please register in advance via eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/black-culture-market-summer-market-tickets-570736868337?aff+erelxpmlt

Brockwell Live
This year, the major commercial events have been consolidated into one group, to be closely followed by the Lambeth Country Show, to minimise the disruption of setting up and clearing away which can put large areas of Brockwell park out of public use.  Even so, there will be road closures and parking restrictions around the park on certain event days.  Between 15 May and 18 June, the Brockwell Live Community Liaison Team can be reached on 03304 450 272 or community@brockwell-live.com (for residents) or 03304 450 273 or localbusiness@brockwell-live.com (for businesses).

The series kicks off on Friday 26 May with Project 6, followed by Wide Awake on Saturday 27th, then Cross The Tracks on Sunday 28th and City Splash on Bank Holiday Monday 29th.  Brockwell Bounce is a free family event on Wednesday 31st, before the final weekend of the Mighty Hoopla on Saturday and Sunday 3 & 4 June.

Lambeth Country Show
Saturday 10 & Sunday 11 June: So far, we expect this to follow the pattern of the last few years, free admission but secured behind a fence with likely restrictions on what you can bring in to the show.  If your group will have a presence, let us know.

Windrush 75th anniversary events
Some events were still to be confirmed as we were putting this bulletin together, but the central event will be a parade on Thursday 22 June.  This will assemble in Brockwell Park near the Lido, to set off at 3 pm, and pass along Railton and Saltoun Roads to assemble in Windrush Square about 4-30 pm.  This will be followed by a service led by Bishop Brown of NTA, followed by music performances until 7 pm.

Marking Refugee Week – Tuesday 20 June
As part of Refugee Week (19-25 June), Haven Coffee will be showing 2 short films at 5 pm in the ground floor event space at 3Space, International House.  Their theme is the hostile environment faced by refugees and migrants, and their resilience.
Tickets are free but donations are welcome when booking or during the evening, towards Haven Coffee’s refugee barista training programme – book at bit.ly/haven3sp 

Health and Social Care
Age UK Lambeth – MY Health launch and taster session
Thursday 18 May1-30 to 3-30 pm at Brixton Tate Library.  Age UK Lambeth are launching their health support services for older people, including free dementia support, chair-based exercise and walking groups.  Free to all older people in Lambeth, no need to book.

Planning Healthcare in SE London
NHS South-East London are consulting on their joint forward plan for the next 5 years.  There is a choice of 2 dates for webinars (on MS Teams) on either:
Friday 19 May, 12 noon – 1-45 pm, register via eventbrite, https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/join_a-webinar-about-nhs-south-east-london-joint-forward-plan-tickets-609318306457
Tuesday 23 May, 6 pm – 7-45 pm, register via eventbrite, as above or contact engagement@selondonocs.nhs.uk

Feedback is sought in particular on planned care, urgent/ emergency care, cancer, and ageing well.

Mental Health First Aid, 15 & 16 June
Art4Spaceat Stockwell are hosting another 2-day course next month, delivered by It’s a Playground.  The next course specifically on Youth Mental Health First Aid will be on 21 & 22 September.  Cost in either case is £325 per person.  Book via their website at www.art4space.co.uk

Green spaces, Green issues

Community Parklets Scheme – apply by 28 May
As part of Lambeth’s Big Shift Programme, the Council are inviting applications for creating “parklets” out of existing kerbside parking spaces.  This first wave will create just 12 parklets around the borough.  The programme will support a total of 25 parklets, one in each Council ward.  More details at www.lambeth.gov.uk/parklets or enquiries to bigshift@lambeth.gov.uk

Railway Repairs
Network Rail have advised us of upcoming work on the railway lines through Brixton Station to renew the conductor rail.  Works take place overnight, typically between midnight and 5 am latest, on 16-19 May, then 18-22 June and finally on 23 & 24 July.  Normal rail services should not be affected. More details at www.networkrail.co.uk or contact the helpline 03457 114141 quoting Brixton Conductor Rail Renewal.

Check your bike!
The next Dr Bike session sponsored by Brixton BID will be on 31 May, between 12 noon and 3 pm at 89 Acre Lane SW2 (the former Beast of Brixton), provided by Cycle Confident.

Beginner Cycle Training for Children
Cycle Confident are also providing 2-hour training sessions in Brockwell Park for small groups of children (minimum age 5 years old) sponsored by Lambeth Council.  Sessions are either 9-45 to 12 noon, or 12-15 to 2-30 pm, and dates are 30 May, 31 May, 1 June, 2 June but places are limited. Kids must have their own bicycle (and ideally a cycle helmet).  More details at https://cycleconfident.com/event/

Funding, Training and Support

Seeking Volunteers?
Team Lambeth are holding their Volunteers Fair on 1st June, between 12 noon and 7 pm at the Assembly Hall, Lambeth Town Hall.  This is an opportunity to sign up new volunteers from among Town Hall staff and other visitors, and to compare notes with other organisations about best practice. 
We hope to have a shared presence again, with other members of the Lambeth Forum Network.  More information at https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/your-community/get-involved/volunteering/team-lambeth

Funding deadlines reminder
The usual reminder of approaching deadlines for various grants previously publicised by Integrate Agency.  If you missed the original notices, or want to get on their mailing list for future opportunities, contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

Thomas Wall Trust: deadline 15 May – grants up to £5,000 for charities helping provide people with critical life skills for employment.

The Leathersellers Company – Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences: deadline Friday 19 May.

Women’s Urgent Support Fund: deadline Friday 19 May – to support essential services for women, impacted by the cost of living crisis.  Supported by the Smallwood Trust and the National Lottery Community Fund.

Mayor of London – Shared Endeavour Fund: closes 9 am on 22 May – support for organisations countering racism, intolerance and radicalism.

Youth Investment Fund
This fund has been developed to support improvements to youth facilities, particularly the out-of-school youth sector in deprived areas.  They recently launched a Refurbishment Grant stream to support projects costing under £150,000.  The next window for applications will be open between 29 May and 9 June.  For further information see the webinar on their website at https://youthinvestmentfund.org.uk/resource/refurbishment-grant-programme-webinar/ or enquiries to yif@sibgroup.org.uk

Training opportunities
Emergency First Aid at Work – Wednesday 24 May: Ecosystem Coldharbour have set up this free course, 9 am to 4 pm at the Baytree Centre, 300-302 Brixton Road SW9 6AE.
Booking enquiries to grow@ecosystemcoldharbour.org or call (020) 8001 2188.

Health and Safety – what charities need to know, Tuesday 23 May: On-line briefing by NCVO and Zurich, 11 am to 12 noon, organised by Integrate. Book via https://booking.ncvo.org.uk/event/sessions?idZurichNCVO_webinar_Health_safety_what_charities_need_to_know1468879270

Training with Brixton BID:  Once again our Business Improvement District is offering free training sessions for small businesses and social enterprises within the BID catchment area.  Booking via the website at https://brixtonbid.co.uk/event-type/training/ or enquiries to admin@brixtonbid.co.uk   Upcoming events include:

Fire Safety Training (level 2) – 24 May,
Food Safety Training (level2) – 26 June,
Emergency First Aid at Work (level 3) – 25 July,
Health and Safety (level 2) – 25 September.

Keep in touch

Something to share with us?
If you are doing something around the Brixton area – an event, or a new service, or just changes to what you already do – you are welcome to use these bulletins to tell other Forum members.  That’s well over 500 on our current list!
Please send items for future bulletins to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com preferably by the 3rd of the month so we can publish on the 10th.

Also use this contact if you want to present your work or ideas at a Forum meeting, or raise a topic for discussion.
See more about the Forum on our website at www.brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org

Moving On
The approaching closure of Pop Brixton and International House means that a lot of charities and businesses are relocating.  Please let us know if you have to change your location or phone number, to admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.com – we assume that e-mails and websites should not be affected if you are still active.  The Brixton BID has already moved to new offices at the rear of The Department Store, at 19 Bellefields Road SW9.  

Are we reaching the right people?
We want these bulletins to reach all community organisations and activists in the wider Brixton area.  You might be involved in a social enterprise, charity, small business, or just interested in what’s happening in your neighbourhood.  We want to be inclusive.
Please contact us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to the mailing list;
– If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so that you see them more quickly or reliably;
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested.

April 2023

Local Events Coming Soon

Easter Holiday Activities for Children
Between 3rd and 14th April, a range of free activities are taking place for children aged 4 to 16 at several sites around Brixton.  Priority is being given to children normally receiving free school meals.  For venues and details, refer to https://lambeth.gov.uk/lambeth-spring-food-fun

A Mile in My Shoes
This exhibit will be on Windrush Square from Thursday 13 April for 2 weeks, organised by the Empathy Museum.  This appearance is part of the ongoing series of “81 Acts of Exuberant Defiance” which commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Brixton Uprising of April 1981.  More details at www.empathymuseum.com 

A-Maze-ing Brixton launch – Saturday 22 April
A joint project between Brixton BID and Father Nature, the Lavender Maze in Max Roach Park will be launched with a family-friendly planting session on Saturday morning between 9 am and 12 noon.  In future, the site will be maintained by volunteer gardeners on the same basis as the Brixton Orchard, and also host eco-nature sessions for local school groups.

What is Brixton Saying? – Tuesday 25 April
The Advocacy Academy invite you to their Open House event to discuss the results of their recent Listening Campaign, conducted by their young people.  7 pm at 5-7 Vining Street, SW9 8QA.  Free but please book via Eventbrite.

Beer and Bread Festival by the Windmill – Monday 1st May
Mark the traditional Bank Holiday in Windmill Gardens, with stalls including craft bakers and artisan brewers, plus live music, open from 1 pm to 5 pm.
Organised by Friends of Windmill Gardens, admission free.

Creative Courses at Art4Space – starting in May
Two more special courses are coming up, each to run for 10 weekly sessions, free for eligible individuals but places are limited  – enquiries to jewels@art4space.co.uk

Creative Community Champions Tuesdays 10 am to 12-30 from 2nd May, creating hand-built ceramics.

Creative Remedies, Wednesdays 10 am to 12-30 from 3rd May, textile design and overlay to create bespoke hangings.

Black Culture Market, 3 & 4 June
This showcase for Black-owned businesses and craftspeople returns to Downstairs at the Department Store for another weekend – 11 am to 5 pm with a different mix of traders each day, at 248 Ferndale Road SW9 8FR.  Admission free but please register in advance via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/black-culture-market-summer-,arket-tickets-570736868337?aff+erelexpmlt
If you want to trade at this or similar events, please refer NOW to https://www.blackculturemarket.co.uk

Town Centre Developments

Hondo Towers
Most of you will know by now that GLA planners had recommended to the Mayor that he refuse permission for the planning application by Hondo to build a 20-storey tower dominating the market. This was only discovered following pressure from the Fight The Tower campaign.  Normally a developer would withdraw a proposal if there were major objections, in the hope of coming back later with a new design.  Instead, Hondo were allowed merely to postpone the hearing when they offered to “adjust” their plans.  However, the defects in the plans are so fundamental that only a complete rethink and new application could possibly deal with the objections.  In the meantime, the ongoing uncertainty is damaging to the Town Centre.

Brixton Rec Quarter development
Consultation on the plans for International House and the Pop Brixton site was originally scheduled to start in May last year, but only got underway last month with an “Appreciative Enquiry” event. Naturally this attracted criticism that consultation was happening long after the key decisions had been made, while information was lacking on transitional arrangements for existing users of both sites. 
Nevertheless, a separate consultation exercise will run over 10 sessions from 20 April to 22 June, for a hand-picked panel of residents to consider how the developments could benefit Brixton’s Town Centre.
Work finally started last month on adapting vacant space below the Rec into workshop space for small enterprises and for training projects.  Within the Rec itself, Lambeth took over management from GLL/ Better on 1st April, to operate it under the “Active Lambeth” banner.  Work has been underway to create a children’s “soft play” area at the lower level where the bowling green used to be.

International House
Although London Square intends to keep International House in office use, it is likely to be out of use for up to 2 years while the building systems are upgraded.  This puts at risk the network of organisations, both commercial and charitable, that has built up during its “meanwhile” use under 3Space. Despite the delayed start to the development programme, Lambeth is unwilling to extend the present use beyond September.
For years, business space around Brixton has been replaced by housing uses, so it’s hard for International House tenants to find other premises locally. 
We need to find ways of keeping creative businesses and charity projects within the Brixton area, and one suggestion made by the Brixton Society is to use the former Sudbourne School buildings in Hayter Road SW2 as another “meanwhile” space until International House is refurbished.  This would help maintain existing networks and local employment, instead of dispersing most firms out of the borough.  

Funding, Training and Support

Last call for our 2023/24 programme
The Forum needs to make its own funding bid to the Council shortly.  Typically this will pay for meetings costs, part-time admin support and equipment, but there is scope to include some training or advice for the wider membership.  If there is something that you think we should be providing or organising, we need to hear from you NOW.
If your ideas are beyond the scope of the usual Forum funding, we can of course make separate applications to other potential funders.

Jobs with Local Projects
We have seen a number of paid jobs advertised by local projects in recent months, but usually application deadlines have passed before we can share details in these bulletins.  Here’s one that’s still open:

Centre Manager at St. Vincent’s Centre, Brixton: Based at Talma Road SW2, full-time post (37.5 hours a week) annual salary £35,000 to £40,000 depending on skills and experience.  For more details, e-mail to hr@svp.org.uk and prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Kate Nightingale (Deputy CEO) for more information on 07 889 006 234 but before 12 April please.  Deadline 20 April for application forms, with interviews to be held on 28 April.

Your Streets, Your Way competition – closes 28 April
Lambeth Council is inviting ideas for street design improvements at selected sites around the borough.  Within the Brixton area, those include:
– 85 Angell Road, SW9;
– Loughborough Road/ Minet Road junction;
– Outside Brixton Domino Club/ Soup Kitchen, 297-299 Coldharbour Lane;
– Telegraph Passage, between Brixton Hill and New Park Road.

The top prize offered is £750 plus runners-up prizes, and the competition is managed by architects We Made That.  For full details, see https://your-streets-your-way.squarespace.com 

Flexible Support Fund briefing – Monday 17 April
This DWP fund is to support organisations who can help the unemployed towards jobs.  Integrate has set up a Zoom briefing session with officials from the DWP and Lambeth, starting at 10 am.  To book a place, contact Eoin Heffernan at eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

Negotiating and Managing Your Lease – Wednesday 19 April
Integrate have set up another Zoom briefing, this time with the Ethical Property Foundation, to review the ins and outs of business leases and managing your relationship with your landlord.  This session will start at 11 am and an information pack will be circulated afterwards.  Book voa Eoin Heffernan, as above.

Changes in public support for Charities
The Directory of Social Change recently reported from the Community Life Survey, an annual survey of adults across England that follows trends in social action.   The most recent figures are from the 2021-22 survey.  While 55% of adults reported taking part in some form of volunteering in the past year, participation is at its lowest since data collection started in 2014.  14% reported that the Covid pandemic continued to inhibit their participation.
Charitable giving was more variable from year to year, but 66% reported giving money to charitable causes in the past 4 weeks.  There was a significant increase in people giving to overseas aid and disaster relief, notably the war in Ukraine, where the Disasters Emergency Committee reported receiving over £400 million.
On the other hand, legacy giving has increased by 43% over the past decade, according to a 2022 survey just released by Remember a Charity.  This may reflect greater efforts by some of the larger charities to encourage people to leave a gift in their will.

Adapt to the New Borough Plan
Finally, Lambeth Council’s Cabinet adopted the new version of the Borough Plan on 27 March.  The aim of the plan is to integrate all the Council’s activities and services, and to set out priorities for the period up to 2030.  This is worth study if you work closely with the Council or want to show that your projects support their priorities.  The new version, Lambeth 2030 – Our Future, Our Lambeth, can be found on the Council’s website.

Keep in touch
Something to share with us?
If you are doing something around the Brixton area – an event, or a new service, even a re-launched service – you are welcome to use these bulletins to tell other Forum members.  That’s over 500 on our current list!
Please send items for future bulletins to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com and ideally before the 3rd of the month so we can publish by the 10th.
Also use this contact if you want to present your work at a Forum meeting, or raise a topic for discussion.
Remember, there is more about the Forum on our website at www.brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org

Is this your best e-mail?
We want these bulletins to reach all community organisations and activists in the wider Brixton area.  Please contact us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum,org if:
– You want to add a colleague or neighbour to the mailing list.
– You want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so that you see them more quickly or reliably.
– You have moved away or are no longer interested.

March 2023

Local Events this month

Community Warm Spaces

With the temperature falling again this week, it seems a good time to remind you that most Warm Spaces will remain open until the end of this month.  Here’s a summary of those active locally – and we have included those in Tulse Hill, because the Tulse Hill Forum seems to be out of action at present.

Advocacy Academy, Vining Street SW9:  Marhaba space for young people (details in our February bulletin).

Art4Space, Jeffries Road SW4 (near Stockwell Tube Station): open Thursdays 3 to 6 pm until 6th April.

Brixton Hill Methodist Church, open on Thursdays.

Brixton Tate Library, Brixton Oval SW2: during library opening hours, 7 days a week.

Brixton Windmill Centre, Windmill Gardens SW2: on Wednesdays until 29 March (also in our February bulletin).

Brockwell Barn, alongside the Community Greenhouses, Brockwell Park, SE24: open Fridays until 31 March, including co-working space.

Carers’ Common Room, 10th floor, International House, Canterbury Crescent SW9: available Wednesday to Friday for home-care and domiciliary care workers – see https://ccrbrixton.com

Corpus Christi Church Hall, Trent Road SW2: open Sundays 12 to 2 pm.

High Trees Hub, 220 Upper Tulse Hill SW2: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, including access to wi-fi enabled computers.

Moorlands Community Centre, 50a Corry Drive SW9 (Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing): open Thursdays, including access to Southwyck Pantry. 

Minet Library, Knatchbull Road SE5, during library opening hours.

Myatt’s Fields North Community Centre, 24 Crawshay Road, SW9: opened Monday to Friday by the Pinnacle Group.
Also, Healthy Living Platform at the Corner Cafe on Thursdays, and RMUK Wellbeing at the Corner Cafe on Fridays.

MYsocial Community Space, Vida Walsh Centre, 2b Saltoun Road SW2, run by Age UK Lambeth for people over 55, open Wednesday and Friday.

On The Beat Studio at Pop Brixton, Brixton Station Road SW9: open for young people and families with children, Monday- Saturday.

St. Martin’s Community Centre, Abbotts Park, SW2 3QB: open Mondays until 27 March.

Trinity Congregational Church, St. Matthew’s road, SW2 1NF: open Fridays 11 am to 12 noon.

For more details of what’s available at each location, see https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/warm-spaces?f%5B0%5D+localgov_directories_facets%3A92

Conversations about the Black Experience in Britain
On Thursday evenings through March, a series of conversations about the Black experience since 1981, 7 pm to 9 pm, on-line or in person – enquiries to info@81acts.uk or see the website www.81actsofexuberantdefiance.com

Coding Classes for Kids
Millennium Community Solutions are starting another Computer Coding/ Gaming/ Robotics course at Southwyck Hall behind the Barrier Block, off Moorland Road SW9 8UR.  These sessions will be for young people aged 12 years upwards, and will run on Mondays between 4 pm and 6 pm.  Enquiries to gail@millenniumcommunitysolutions.com

We are here
An art exhibition reflecting the Refugee experience will be open with a private view on Wednesday 22 March and then continue for 6 days, Downstairs at the Department Store, 248 Ferndale Road SW9 8FR.  It has been organised jointly by Breadwinners and Community Arts Box, both based on the 6th floor of International House.

Cabaret at Longfield Hall, 31 March
The Bunker Cabaret originated in the cellars of Kyiv, and is presented by Hooligan Art Community.  If you missed their show in September, they are returning to Longfield Hall on 30 & 31 March, both shows at 7-30 pm, tickets £5 to £22 each.  Please book via eventbrite, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bunker-cabaret-tickets-560466509417

Health and Social Care

 Mental Health First Aid
Art4Space will be hosting more of these courses during 2023.  The next youth-oriented course will be on 20 & 21 April, and the next adult course is on 15 & 16 June.  Course certificates are valid for 3 years, so a half-day Refresher Course is being offered on Friday 10 March, 9 am to 1-30 pm.  More details on their website at www.art4space.co.uk

Reviewing Healthcare across South-East London
We receive regular bulletins from the South-East London Integrated Care System, but sometimes events come up at short notice for our publication dates.  Community-based Ear, Nose and Throat services are currently under review, and community feedback is invited – contact plannedcare@selondonics.nhs.uk  There are two imminent Webinars with more details, on Tuesday 7 March at 6 pm, or on Thursday 9 March at 12 noon.
For wider Health services, the Lambeth Together Public Forum is being held on-line on Wednesday 8 March from 1 to 2 pm, to be followed by the Lambeth Together Board between 2 pm and 4-30.  For joining instructions and meeting papers, see www.lambethtogether.net/get-involved

Council Consultations

More details of each proposal can be found on the Consultations pages of the Lambeth Council website, www.lambeth.gov.uk
Changes to Car parking charges
Lambeth is proposing a more elaborate scale of charges, taking account of the emissions from vehicles with different power sources.  Closing date for comments is Friday 10 March.

Accommodation for Children in Care
Reviewing standards of accommodation for children in Council care, and for care-leavers, closing date for comments is 16 March. 

Dogs Public Space Protection Order
Following a rise in dog ownership in recent years, and associated anti-social behaviour, Lambeth is considering restrictions to apply on Council-owned land, including highways, parks and housing estates.  Closing date for comments is 26 March.

All-age Autism Strategy
Lambeth is seeking views to develop a new strategy.  Enquiries to asccommissioning@lambeth.gov.uk – closing date for comments is 31 March.

Estate Renewal Schemes
Following the Council’s decision to close the discredited Homes for Lambeth, it has launched a consultation for residents of the 6 housing estates targetted for early demolition – Fenwick, Cressingham Gardens, Central Hill, Knight’s Walk, South Lambeth and Westbury.  From 1st March, residents of those estates have 8 weeks to comment on Lambeth’s new Estate Renewal Resident Engagement Framework.  However, views are not being sought yet from neighbours of these estates, nor from those affected by the shrinking stock of Council homes, nor the Council taxpayers who will continue to contribute to the cost of building the original estates.

Green spaces and Green issue

 Grow your own – and learn to cook it!
South London Botanical Institute is temporarily based in International House while their building in Norwood Road undergoes structural repairs.  They are working with Katakata Brixton to develop a series of free food-growing and affordable cooking workshops.  If you have ideas or comments on how this should work, now is the time to contact them – specifically, Isabel Sophia at isiirwin@gmail.com

News from Windmill Gardens
The Friends of Windmill Gardens announce that their 2023 season of Windmill Tours starts on the weekend of 11 and 12 March.  Tours take place between 1 and 5 pm each day, but for access to the upper part of the mill, you need to book in advance at www.brixtonwindmill.org.uk/visit/
There is also an evening Bat Walk on Thursday 13 April – meet at 7-50 pm for 8 pm start, free of charge.

Create a Parklet!
Possible (Inspiring Climate Action) have launched a car-free cities campaign, to work with groups most negatively impacted by traffic congestion and air pollution.  They are offering to support one or two groups interested in reclaiming a kerbside parking space as some form of community benefit, sitting-out area, games space or mini-garden.  Deadline for proposals is Monday 20 March – Google for details or refer back to Integrate, who circulated the original notice.

Counting butterflies in Brockwell Park
An unusual request relayed via Brockwell Park Community Partners.  They are looking for a volunteer (or several sharing the work) to do a weekly butterfly count along a circuit within Brockwell Park, between April and September.  This survey has been running since 2019 but the previous volunteer is moving on.  If you can offer help, please contact Steve Bolton of the Butterfly Conservation Charity at sbolton@butterfly-conservation.org

Events at the Community Greenhouses
The Brockwell Barn is hosting a Spring Season of music performances, including:
Sunday 19 March – Avant Garden, experimental but accessible music combining electronics and brass.
Sunday 26 March – Three Spoons with Naima Bock and members of Gently Tender and Broadside Hacks.
Sunday 16 April – Lowenstein and Middleton, a Klezmer duo on violin and accordion.
For details and booking, see their website, https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/events

Funding, Training and support

 Reclaim Black Heritage Fund
Grants of up to £4,000 are available to Black-led groups and individuals who are developing projects that are in line with the 81 Acts Humanifesto, and in particular to commemorate 1981 and benefit the Black community.  The deadline for applications has been extended to 3rd April.  More details on the website at www.81actsofexuberantdefiance.com

Negotiating and Managing your Lease
This can be a daunting task for a small organisation or inexperienced trustees, so the good news is that Integrate have just announced an on-line briefing with the Ethical Property Foundation on 19 April at 11 am.  To book, please contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

Other News

 Student Survey on change in Brixton
Lucia is an A-level geography student who is researching the impact of change on Brixton.  She has put together a short survey, and would love to have responses from people who live or work in Brixton.  You can find the survey at https://arcg.is/0SCuju1

Easter Food and Fun
Lambeth is supporting a programme of holiday activities and healthy meals for children and young people who are eligible for free school meals.  See the list of providers at https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/…/get-ready-easter-food-fun

Planning for Coronation Time
If you are thinking of organising something around the Coronation date of 6 May, here are some useful links:
If organising a street party or similar event, see https://eventlambeth.co.uk/streetparties/
The Coronation Big Lunch is an umbrella site with advice and the facility to post details of your event: see www.edenprojectcommunities.com/the-big-lunch
If you are organising a volunteering project, or trying to find extra helpers, check out The Big Help Out at https://thebighelpout.org.uk/

Moving on…
Simulacra Studios used to operate from various railway arches around Brixton.  They are based at Bell Green in Sydenham – new address 491-505 Southend Lane, SE26 5BL.  Enquiries to hello@simulacrastudio.com

Adejoke Bakare opened her Chishuru restaurant in Market Row in 2020, after winning a competition organised by Brixton Village.  However, trade was hit by the second lock-down and the space was too small to be economic, despite favourable reviews.  She is now crowd-funding to re-open in larger premises near Oxford Circus, this time catering for over 50 covers over 2 floors. 

Keep in touch…
Something to share with us?
If you are doing something around the Brixton area, or if you want to reach out to other local organisations or activists, you are welcome to use these bulletins to share information about your events or activities.  You may even want to come along and present your ideas to a meeting of the Forum?
Please send your announcements to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com – ideally before the 5th of the month so we can publish around the 10th.

Is this your best e-mail?
We are keen to reach all local organisations and activists.  Please contact us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our e-mail list.
– If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address so that you see them more quickly or reliably.
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested.

January 2023

Our meeting on 10th January included an update from the Fight the Tower Campaign on the Hondo Tower proposals, which have been in the Mayor’s pending tray for 15 months now. We also shared what we know about other prospective developments, like the Pop Brixton site and the future of International House, and agreed some actions on pursuing these concerns. More to follow.

More local events this month

Advice sessions in person on local Council Estates Lambeth closed its Housing Office during Covid, expecting residents to access all services on-line through its Housing Portal.  The Council have finally realised that tenants don’t all have Internet access or skills, so a series of resident drop-in surgeries have begun on local estates.  Sessions should provide face-to-face access to staff from housing management, maintenance and rent services teams, and a chance to discuss any issues affecting you in your home.  However, these live sessions are only once a month – for more information, call Lambeth Housing Services on (020) 7209 2660.

Edmundsbury Estate:  Edmundsbury Community Hall, Ferndale Road SW9 8FQ – Second Friday of each month, 10 am to 1 pm.
St. Matthew’s Estate:  St. Matthew’s Hall, 10 St. Matthew’s Road SW2 1NH – Third Thursday of each month, 10 am to 1 pm.
Tulse Hill Estate:  Jubilee Community Hall, SW2 2LY – First Wednesday of each month, 2 – 4 pm.

Reducing Energy Bills in SE24

The Herne Hill Forum, to the east of our patch, are organising a series of briefing sessions to help residents with energy-saving ideas, from simple house-keeping hacks to organising major retro-fits for your home.  Dates and venues will be:
Wednesday 18 January, 7 pm at Herne Hill Baptist Church, Half Moon Lane, SE24: why this matters and general energy-saving tips.
Monday 23 January, 7 pm at Carnegie Library, Herne Hill Road SE24: getting approvals from planners, landlords and building inspectors.
Sunday 29 January, 1 pm at Brockwell Barn, Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses, SE24: sources of heat and solar power.
Thursday 2 February, 6-30 pm at the Club House, Herne Hill Velodrome, Burbage Road SE24: retrofitting older properties and insulation do’s and don’ts.

For more information and booking, see https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/reduce-energy-bills-and-carbon-footprint-1464349

Events at Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses

  • They start the year with a range of workshops and activities, including:
  • Fermentation afternoon workshop on Saturday 14 January or 4 February.
  • Mindfulness workshop with Deepti on Sunday 22 January.Introduction to Knitting – a beginners workshop on Saturday 11 February.
  • Also, Saturday Yoga sessions resume from 7 January.

For more details and bookings, see their website, https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/events 

Creative Courses at Art4Space

Two special courses are being offered this term, at the Art4Space Learning Hub, 31 Jeffreys Road SW4 6QU.  In both cases, there is no charge, but only 12 spaces are available for each course.:

Creative Community Champions will create a collective mixed-media textiles project, with the finished work to be presented to a local community project. This will run on Tuesdays for 10 weeks from 17 January, 10 am to 12-30 pm, in a LGBTQ+ friendly environment. Enquiries to info@art4space.co.uk

Creative Remedies is a mosaic-making course for women in need of a creative well-being boost.  This will run on Wednesdays for 10 weeks from 18 January, 10 am to 12-30 pm. Enquiries to jewels@art4space.co.uk

Other News

Honour for Forum Chair

We are pleased to hear that our Chair, Ken Floyde, has been awarded a British Empire Medal in recognition of his years of work with the Brixton BMX Club, which now has an impressive track within Brockwell Park.

In addition, MBEs were awarded to Elizabeth Maytom, Project Manager of the Norwood & Brixton Food Bank, and to Dr Stephen Mowle of the Hetherington Group Practice, who is also Hon. Treasurer of the Royal College of General Practitioners. 

Brixton Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood

Lambeth Council is currently consulting on initial designs for a LTN covering the area bounded by Brixton Hill, Acre Lane, King’s Avenue and the South Circular Road.  The northern half already has some long-standing access restrictions which have worked well, but may change, while new restrictions are proposed for streets west and south of Brixton Prison.  No obvious benefits offered for cyclists or pedestrians this time, just some nonsense about flood prevention measures – for the highest part of Brixton!  More details on the Lambeth website (consultation pages) – Closing date for comments is 22 January, to lowtrafficneighbourhoods@lambeth.gov.uk

Workspace in Beehive Place

Work is getting underway to convert disused space below the swimming pools of the Brixton Rec into space for manufacturing businesses and training projects.  Access will be from Beehive Place, off Brixton Station Road.  This will be followed in the Spring by shopfront improvements for the shops below the Rec, together with works to its external lighting and concourse.  For an overview, see https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/revitalising-brixtons-rec-quarter

Reporting Water Leaks

For years we have ignored most leaking water mains as only a problem for Thames Water shareholders, but this year the early freeze and pre-Christmas thaw resulted in so many leaks that many people have been reporting loss of water pressure.  If you spot a leak that Thames Water have not responded to yet, you can report it to them on 0800 714 614, or via their website, https://thameswater.co.uk/leak

New Chair at Friends of Loughborough Park

At the on-line AGM in November, Jon Bromwich was elected as Chair of the Friends, in succession to Lydia Stone, who had moved away from the area.  This little park is continuing to recover from years of neglect, benefitting from some recent investment by Lambeth Parks and some hands-on help from local residents.  Monthly litter-picks are continuing, co-ordinated by Anthea Masey, the next being on Sunday 29 January at 11 am.  Jon can be contacted via the Friends’ e-mail account at friendsofloughboroughpark@gmail.com as before.

Milling & Baking at Brixton Windmill

Friends of Windmill Gardens are offering a unique full-day experience, making flour and then bread with their volunteer millers and bakers.  This will be on Sunday 26 February, 10-30 to 4-30 pm at the Windmill and Education Centre.  Maximum of 6 places, £70 per person including lunch.  See their website for more details and booking, www.brixtonwindmill.org
Incidentally, if you were thinking about having a go at the Great British Bake Off, casting is underway for the next series, so please contact Jake Stoodley, researcher at Love Productions, phone 0117 456 8530 or e-mail to jake.stoodley@loveproductions.co.uk    

Health and Social Care

User involvement at King’s College Hospital

There are several opportunities for patient input into how hospital services are provided, including: King’s Cancer Voices for patients with experience of using cancer care services; King’s Accessibility Advisory Group for both voluntary groups and individuals with access or communication needs; King’s Mental Health Advisory Group is a new forum to improve patients’ mental health care within the hospital; King’s Young People is a forum for 11-16 year-olds who use the hospital services, aiming to make the services more user-friendly for younger users.
If you are interested in joining any of these, or other groups, please contact the Patient & Public Involvement Team at kch-tr.KingsPPI@nhs.net or phone (020) 3299 3682.

Space at Akerman Health Centre

If your group has an interest in health issues, the Akerman Health Centre is offering free use of a room for meetings or events.  Rooms available are on the ground floor and accommodate between 8 and 30 people.  The downsides are that it’s only for weekdays between 9 am and 6 pm, and it’s a remote location on the NE fringe of Brixton.  If interested, please contact either: – Juliet Amoa at Lambeth, jamoa@lambeth.gov.uk  – Isabella Painting at SE London Integrated Care, isabella.painting@selondonics.nhs.uk

Polio booster clinics for Children under 9 These are still available, but for latest locations and opening times, see bit.ly/poliovaxSEL

Talking Therapies

Lambeth Talking Therapies offers free and confidential support to adults who are registered with a Lambeth GP.  They can help with a range of problems, including depression, stress, sleeplessness, coping with traumatic experiences and specific anxieties.  Types of support include group or individual talking therapy, on-line therapy and support with employment difficulties.  You can speak to your GP about a referral, or you can self-refer, via their website www.lambethtalkingtherapies.nhs.uk  or phone (020) 32286747 or by e-mail to lambeththiaptadministrators@slam.nhs.uk

Dry January

Expect various promotional efforts and publicity from Health sources this month, to encourage people to reduce or even stop their regular use of alcohol-based drinks.  Here’s a weblink that came to us from an American alcohol rehab group, this time about stomach pain rather than liver damage: https://alcoholrehabhelp.org/blog/stomach-pain-after-drinking/

Funding, Training and support

Grants reminders

Once again, we remind you of deadlines for grant offers previously circulated by Integrate.  If you missed the original alerts, contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk 

Climate, Health and Community Fund, and particularly supporting diverse-led community organisations, up to £40,000 for a project or up to £10,000 for developing your organisation.  Closing date 5 pm on Tuesday 10 January.

The Fishmongers Company – grants up to £90,000 over 3 years, particularly for projects dealing with Food & Nutrition, Mental Health, or Education in Prisons.  Deadline 13 January.

Lambeth Wellbeing Fund – grants between £1,000 and £5,000 for community projects working with adults in Lambeth.  More details at www.londoncf.org.uk but closing date is midday Tuesday 31 January.
News of this one came to us via Locality so please use Google to search for more details: Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust – Sustainable Future Fund offers up to £100,000 for a project addressing climate change, particularly if giving a voice to young activists or marginalised groups – deadline 28 March.

Training opportunities

Fund-raising training: The next clutch of free Zoom briefing sessions from Ecosystem Coldharbour will cover the Walcot Foundation, and take you through the whole application process so you can make a worthy application to them.  Sessions will be on Tuesdays 24 and 31 January and 7 February, from 6-30 to 8-30 pm.  To register, phone 07 958 622 171 or on-line at https://forms.gle/n7ioVRDHJ4Cb9EtC7

Getting the best from LinkedIn:  The Wintrade Global Women in Business Network held an on-line masterclass a couple of months ago, and you can now check out the video recording of the event at https://lnkd.in/eNpGgFBz For their future events, see https://bit.ly/wintrade-zoom-events-landing-page


Kickstart your business with a professional London business address!  Impact Brixton is offering entrepreneurs from Lambeth, Wandsworth and Southwark their first year free, or for those from further afield, their first month free, using the promo code BUSINESS25 but the offer expires on 1st February. When you sign up to their Virtual Office, you can use their location as your business address, rather than show your home address on Companies House records.  You might just be in time to join the Virtual Office launch event on Friday 6 January – enquiries to team@impactbrixton.com 

Before you go…Is this your best e-mail? We want these bulletins to reach all community organisations and activists in the wider Brixton area.  Please contact us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org if: – You want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so that you see them earlier or more reliably. – You want to add a colleague or neighbour to the mailing list. – You have moved away, or are no longer interested.

Something to share with us?

If you are doing something around the Brixton area, why not use these bulletins to tell other Forum members about your activities, or your next event?Perhaps you would like to present your work at a Forum meeting, or raise a concern for discussion?

Please send items for future bulletins to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com – ideally by the 5th of the month so we can publish by the 10th.  Also use this contact if you want to include something on the agenda for a Forum meeting.