Local News
Another year for International House?
News just in this week that 3Space are negotiating with Lambeth for an extension of the current lease until the end of July 2024.
This would give more time for existing occupiers of International House to find alternative premises.
See below under Brixton Workspace for other options.
Repair Cafe launched
The Repair Cafe launched last Saturday at 336 Brixton Road (opposite Villa Road/ Peckford Place). It’s a joint venture between Integrate and We Are 336, and will be open on the first Saturday of each month, between 10 am and 1 pm. Their team of volunteer fixers will help you restore damaged household goods, electrical items, clothing/ fabrics and toys – almost anything you can carry from home. Services are free, but visitors are encouraged to stay and see how it’s done and perhaps even pick up the skills to attempt your own repairs in future.
Summer Holiday Activities
Details are trickling in of activities being offered by some of our local organisations:
Groove School are offering a range of Summer Groove Workshops for both 8-12 and 13-19 age groups, including audio recording, DJ lessons, music production, sampling, podcasting and sound engineering. Groove School are based on the 1st floor of International House, but you will find them running their own stage on both days of the Lambeth Country Show. Enquiries to info@grooveschool.org
Grove Adventure Playground at Gordon Grove SE5 (off Minet Road) are continuing their Art Club sessions on 3 Tuesdays a month into July. Next dates are 13 & 20 June, and 11, 18, 23 July, 3-45 to 6 pm. Only 20 places available each time, so please enquire via hello@groveadventureplayground.com
Events coming up
Lambeth Country Show, 10 & 11 June
Brockwell Park, open 1 pm to 9 pm daily. Some of our member groups will be involved in various ways, so you may bump into familiar faces. Apart from the later opening hours, be aware that there are also some changes to the Show layout since last year. However, the Flower Show, farm animals and Eco Village will still be on the eastern side, close to Norwood Road.
Windrush 75th Anniversary Events
Several events are taking place around Brixton to mark the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the first contingent of settlers from the West Indies in June 1948, on the former troopship Empire Windrush. For the full listing, see the special website www.lambethwindrush.com/windrush-voices/
A Lambeth Story: A guided walk led by Cllr. Sonia Winifred, departing from Windrush Square at 11 am (finishes 12-30) on Monday 19 June. Free but please reserve a place via Eventbrite http://www.lfa.london/brixton
Black Cultural Archives: The BCA premises will be closed for maintenance between 5th and 21st June, but will re-open on Windrush Day, Thursday 22 June. This marks the start of their next exhibition, Over a Barrel, the stories of those who travelled as children from the Caribbean, often to join parents who had gone ahead to secure jobs and homes. This exhibition continues until 10 September.
Community Procession, Thursday 22 June: The Brixton Project are co-ordinating a carnival procession, which will set out from Brockwell Lido at 3 pm and proceed via Railton Road and Saltoun Road to finish on Windrush Square about 4-30 pm. This will be followed by music and commemorative events.
Domino Mania on Windrush Square, Saturday 24 June: Brixton Immortals Domino Club invite all players to join them for a Domino Knockout Competition on the Square, between 12 noon and 6 pm – cash prizes. Enquiries to brixtonimmortals@yahoo.com or phone Clif on 07 956 338 419.
London Festival of Architecture
This year, Brixton is one of the “Destination Districts” for the Festival, which runs right through June. Temporary structures are taking shape on Atlantic Road and Windrush Square, and a variety of local events are already underway. For the full listing see www.lfa.london/brixton
Alice’s Adventures in Aerial-land
A family-friendly acrobatic show and outdoor theatre production by the Dot Collective, at 2 local sites:
Myatt’s Fields Park (in the Quiet Garden) on Sunday 11 June or Sunday 30 July, shows at 2 pm and 6 pm each day. Tickets £10 to £14, book via Longfield Hall website or https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/631421287067
Windmill Gardens off Brixton Hill on Saturday 17 June, shows at 2 pm and 6 pm. Tickets £12, concessions £10, children under16, £8 book online via www.brixtonwindmill.org
Showcasing support for Older People
Age UK Lambethhave arranged a session at Brixton Tate Library on Friday 30 June from 1 pm to 4 pm, to show their present range of services for older people.
Urban Art Fair, 8 & 9 July
This popular showcase for amateur and professional artists returns to Josephine Avenue for both Saturday and Sunday, open 10 am to 6 pm.
Women of Colour Art Award Exhibition
198 Gallery in Railton Road is hosting this exhibition until 13 August, open Wednesday- Friday 11 am to 5 pm, Saturday & Sunday 12 to 5 pm.
Works from 7 women artists in a variety of media, curated by Languid Hands.
Funding, Training and Support
Funding Deadlines
Food Appliances and Equipment Fund: Lambeth Council is offering grants of up to £1500 to smaller voluntary organisations, particularly those working to relieve food poverty. Deadline Sunday 18 June.
Health Inequalities Community Fund: The Neighbourhood Wellbeing Delivery Alliance is offering grants between £10,000 and £15,000 to support work with Lambeth residents in improcing their health and wellbeing. Deadline is 12 noon on Monday 19 June.
The above were previously notified by Integrate (enquiries to eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk if you missed the original notice).
Funding for Heritage Buildings: The National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Architectural Heritage Fund are running a 3-year programme to save heritage structures across the UK, particularly in deprived communities. Expressions of interest must be sent in by 9 am on Monday 26 June. Shortlisted projects will be asked to submit full proposals by September. See the AHF website for more details.
Our Friends at Locality have flagged up a few more grants currently on offer:
Sport England Small Grants Programme: up to £15,000, closing date 30 June.
Power to Change Community Fund: up to £10,000 for community businesses, plus capacity-building support, closing date 21 July.
Charles Hayward Foundation: grants up to £7,000 from their Small Grants Programme, which runs on a quarterly cycle.
Advice on Digital Devices
Clear Community Web are continuing their Digital Drop-in sessions at various sites around Lambeth, for support with laptops, tablets and mobile phones, including:
– West Norwood Library, SE27, Mondays 2 to 4 pm;
– WLM/ St. Luke’s, 25a Wincott Street SE11, Thursdays 2 to 4 pm.
– Upper Norwood Library, Westow Hill SE19, Fridays 10 am to 12 pm;
– The Weir Link, 33 Weir Road SW12, Fridays 11 am to 1 pm.
They also hold a Mobile Phone Boot Camp, once a month at the Myatt’s Fields Centre, 24 Crawshay Road SW9. The next sessions will be 9 June, 14 July and 11 August – all these are Fridays, 2 to 4 pm.
Disability and Technology Advice (DATA) is a collaboration between Clear Community Web and Millennium Community Solutions to support disabled residents and their carers, so they can make best use of digital technologies. Free drop-in sessions are run every Wednesday between 10 am and 1 pm at the Akerman Health Centre, 60 Patmos Road, SW9.
Enquiries to info@clearcommunityweb.co.uk or phone 07523 646 277.
Brixton Workspaces
Opening of LJ Works, Wednesday 14 June: A varied programme of events between 3 pm and 8 pm to mark the official opening of the new workspace, in 2 blocks adjacent to Loughborough Farm in Loughborough Road. The site offers a range of studio offices, workshops, meeting rooms and co-working space. Enquiries to ljworks@meanwhilespace.com
Meanwhile Space CIC also manage the business space in the basement of Lambeth Town Hall.
Impact Brixton occupies the 1st floor of Market Row, above Electric Lane. The emphasis is on offering facilities for small and start-up businesses. There are monthly briefings on relevant business topics – the next on Friday 23 June is on using AI for your e-commerce business – as well as social gatherings on the last Friday evening of the month. You can also use Impact Brixton as your registered business address from 0.41 pence per day. Enquiries to team@impactbrixton.com
Small Charity Week
This is an umbrella for a range of events to support and celebrate the grass-roots end of the Voluntary Sector, and will run from 19 to 23 June. There will be opportunities to share good practice and publicise your activities, but especially look out for briefings and training events to help you do better. See their website at https://smallcharityweek.com – and you can post events up to 18 June!
Other News
Weekly Waste Collection at risk
Lambeth Council is currently consulting on reducing its weekly collection of domestic waste (the black wheely bins) to only fortnightly. Although it’s claimed this will encourage more recycling, it seems more likely that the green recycling bins will be contaminated with general waste when people’s black bins are full. Council officers will be available to discuss during the Lambeth Country Show, in the Eco Village until 5 pm each day. Also at Brixton Tate Library on Monday 19 June, 1 pm to 8 pm.
The closing date for comments is Friday 30 June – see www.lambeth,gov.uk/waste-consultation or for more details of the range of waste/ recycling services, see www.lambeth.gov.uk/rubbish-recycling
The Platform Cafe
The current opening times for the little cafe in Wyck Gardens are Tuesday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm, Saturdays 9 am to 4 pm. There are also occasional cookery workshops and community events – enquiries to platformcafe.lj@gmail.com or phone 07 593 265 647.
Ecosystem Coldharbour Community Coffee Morning Tuesday 20th June at Remakery Brixton 10am – 12 This month we will be sharing information on organisations supporting parents & families, find out what they do and how they can help our community. Plus find out more about Remakery Brixton and their work. www.ecosystemcoldharbour.org
Shamha Vibration Drumming for Wellbeing Lambeth Country Show Arts and Culture Zone 10th 11th June. Fridays Stockwell Park Community Trust 5 – 7pm www.shamhavibration.org
Before you go…
Something to share with us?
If you are doing something around the Brixton area, why not use these bulletins to tell other Forum members about your activities or your next event? We aim to publish around the 10th of each month, so it helps if you can send your news by the 5th for the next issue, to apiperbrix@aol.com.
Planning ahead
We are putting together proposals for Forum activities for the year ahead, so now is the time to tell us if you have any bright ideas or if there are extra events that you would like us to provide.
Is this your best e-mail?
We are keen to reach all local organisations and activists. Please tell us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list.
– If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address so you receive them more promptly or reliably.
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested.