Tag Archives: Community

September 2022


  • Upcoming Events
  • Training opportunities
  • Health consultation closing soon

Local Events coming up

From Thursday 8 September at the Van Gogh House 87 Hackford Road SW9 is the Georgian terrace house where the young Vincent Van Gogh lodged during his formative stay in London in 1873-74.  It is now a site for exhibitions and artists’ residencies.  This week the house reveals this year’s artist commission, by Harold Offeh, an immersive sound and sculptural installation titled We came here.  It imagines a conversation between a 20-year-old Vincent and a 20-year-old Olive Morris, a Jamaican-born Brixton-based community activist.  It builds on these stories to map the perspective of young migrants arriving in contemporary London.Free tours are being offered to community groups and charities, though a donation of £3 a head is welcomed if you can afford it.  The exhibition continues until 18 December.  Bookings or enquiries to Quratulain Shams at quratulain@vangoghhouse.co.uk

Print Exhibition at Slaughterhaus Print Studio. Close to the Van Gogh House, artistic traditions are still going strong! The studio, at 13 Alphabet Mews, off Hackford Walk, is hosting an exhibition of prints by Robert White this month, entitled Periphery.  The private view is on Thursday 15 September, 6 pm to 8 pm, then the artist discusses his work on Thursday 29 September at 7 pm.  In either case, please RSVP to info@slaughterhaus.net so they can manage numbers.

Saturday 17 September – When Brixton Went on Fire A walking tour of Brixton, led by Angela Morgan, recalling the Brixton Riots of 40+ years ago, 11 am to 1 pm.  Concessionary tickets £5, more details at www.learningthroughthearts.co.uk or phone 07 510 917 517. 

Sunday 18 September – Barnanza in Brockwell Park. Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses are pleased to announce the official opening of their new Brockwell Barn, with an afternoon of celebrations from 2 pm, with live music, an exhibition of artworks, family activities and a chance to tour the barn and gardens.  The event is free (or £5 with food), but please book so the organisers can manage numbers, see https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/events/

Thursday 22 September – Platform Cafe re-opensFollowing refurbishment, the cafe in Wyck Gardens, at the corner of Loughborough Road and Ridgway Road, will be open on Tuesdays to Fridays between 8 am and 4 pm, and on Saturdays, between 9 am and 4 pm.

Thursday 22 September – Raise the Roof Choir Re-starting at 7 pm on Thursdays at the Carnegie Library, Herne Hill Road.  No need to read music, a friendly and inclusive choir – more info at www.raisetheroofchoir.org or enquiries to Kirsty at info@raisetheroofchoir.org

Sunday 25 September – Harvest Festival at Brixton Windmill Open 1 pm to 5pm, live music, hot food and bakery stalls, craft and baking workshops for children, beer from Brixton Brewery, Windmill Tours (book via the website, www.brixtonwindmill.org.

Weekend 1 & 2 October – The Black Culture Market returns to the Department StoreThis is becoming a regular fixture in the basement of the Department Store, at 248 Ferndale Road SW9 8FR.  This is a free event, but to manage numbers, please book via Eventbrite, https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/black-culture-market-black-history-month-tickets-392453768787 If you are interested in trading at this event, please see https://www.blackculturemarket.co.uk

Sunday 16 October – unveiling a plaque in Loughborough Road Advance notice that a plaque to Nellie Roberts (1872-1959) will be unveiled above Bon Bon News in the western arm of Loughborough Road, provisionally at 3-30 pm.  Nellie was a botanical artist who supported herself by painting different types of orchid for the Royal Horticultural Society, working from her home above what had originally been her father’s shop.  Meanwhile, occasional posts about the history of Loughborough Road can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/LoughboroughRDSW9history

Lambeth Heritage Festival

A series of events running through the month of September – here’s a few local highlights…

StoryTrails comes to Brixton Saturday 10 Sept, open 10 am to 6 pm and Sunday 11 Sept., open 11 am to 6 pm, at Brixton Tate Library (Reference Library) SW2 1JQ. Free, no need to book.  Combines local voices with augmented and virtual reality to bring untold stories from the past back to life.

Brixton Market Heritage Walk Saturday 10 Sept., starting 2-30 pm, a 75-minute circular walk through the markets, arcades and high street.  £5 including booklet, please book via www.brixtonsociety.org.uk/events

Revisiting Brixton Rec Thursday 15 Sept., 6-30 to 8-30 pm at Brixton Recreation Centre, Brixton Station Road SW9.  Help to document the histories of the Rec – bring your photos, trophies, medals and memories, to help capture the variety of uses and activities since the original opening.  See also www.revisitingbrixtonrec.org.uk 

Milling at Brixton Windmill Wednesday 28th Sept., 7-15 pm at the Windmill Education Centre, Windmill Gardens, SW2 5DA.  This year’s talk covers how milling was carried out here in the 19th and early 20th century, and how it was revived by volunteers in 2014. Free but please book via www.brixtonwindmill.org/news-events/all-events/

Minet Library Finally, if you happen to visit Minet Library or Lambeth Archives during this month, the entrance hall has a small display of some of the designs produced by Lambeth’s architects department under Ted Hollamby in 1965-80.  

Help Shape our Forum programme 

Next Live Forum Meeting – Thursday 25 October

This will be at 7 pm at the Advocacy Academy, in Vining Street, SW9 8QA.  We want to review what the Forum has been doing in the eleven years since we started out, and pick out priorities for future action.  And if there are new issues that you want to bring to the Forum, we will try to fit you into the agenda – but the sooner we hear from you, the better.  More details in next month’s bulletin.

The Forum’s executive committee has returned to a pattern of monthly meetings in between the general Forum meetings.  We next meet on 27 September, so if you have any bright ideas that we should follow up, it helps if we hear from you before then – e-mail to apiperbrix@aol.com. We are also attempting to rebuild contacts with other forums within the Lambeth Forum Network.

Health and Social Care 

Lambeth Together Public Forum

A last-minute reminder that the next Lambeth Together Public Forum is on-line on Wednesday 7 September between 1 pm and 2 pm, followed by the Board meeting between  2 pm and 4-30 pm.  More information at www.lambethtogether.net/get-involved or enquiries to GEvans2@lambeth.gov.uk

Lambeth Health & Wellbeing Strategy Consultation closing soon Lambeth is developing its Health & wellbeing Strategy, and the closing date for comments is 18 September,  to publichealth@lambeth.gov.uk If you missed last month’s on-line discussion for voluntary and community organisations, two more sessions have been organised by Integrate:Monday 12 September at 5-30 pm, via Zoom, and finally on Monday 19 September at 10 am, again via Zoom.  Book via eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

Become a Community ConnectorProject Smith is back – another series of training sessions is about to start, to equip community activists to help their neighbours find their way around local health services.  This will be a 4-day course, on 21 September and 4, 5 and 26 October.  Sessions will be based at West Norwood Fire Station, 210 Knights Hill, SE27.  Bookings/ enquiries to Emma Corker, 07 734 670 300 or e-mail to emma@rbeassociates.com 

Funding, Training and Support  

Job Opportunities We occasionally hear about local projects looking for staff, volunteers or board members.  We are happy to publish details in these bulletins, but closing dates for paid appointments don’t always tie in with our publication schedule (see end of bulletin).

Loughborough Community Centre (LCC), who run the One O’Clock Club and Adventure Playground in Max Roach Park are recruiting more staff, including a part-time fund-raiser, finance officer, and early years practitioners.  More details should be on their website, www.lccmaxroach.co.uk or enquiries to the Director, Candice James, at candice@lccmaxroach.co.uk

Career OpeningsThe Black Cultural Archives are holding their annual Pathways career event on Thursday 15 September, 10 am to 4 pm at the Museum of London, EC2.  This year’s theme is “Seeing Ourselves, Hearing Our Voices”, to encourage young people of Black and Minority Ethnic descent into careers in  the fields of heritage, museums, archives, galleries and the arts generally.  See the events page of the BCA website to register, https://blackculturalarchives.org  

Grant Deadlines Reminder

These grant programmes were recently publicised by Integrate, but deadlines for applications are fast approaching.  If you missed the original notices, contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk for details or links.

TfL Walking and Cycling Grants – Two schemes, either for up to £10,000 over 3 years, or up to £5,000 in a single year, for projects that encourage walking and cycling.  Deadline 10 am Monday 12 September.

Independent Age – Cost-of-living Grants – Grants of up to £40,000 to help older people cope with rising costs, particularly for energy.  Projects can include benefits and debt advice, budgetting, helplines and community outreach.  Deadline Friday 16 September.

Santander Foundation – Financial & Digital Empowerment Fund, offers grants of up to £150,000 over 3 years, but limited to organisations with income over £75,000 a year.   Deadline 23 September.

Fat Beehive Foundation – grants for Digital Presence of up to £2500 for small charities (income less than £1 million a year), deadline 5 pm on Friday 30 September.

Disability Justice Fund – promoted by the Trust for London with the City Bridge Trust, to support a range of organisations for the deaf and disabled. Deadline Monday 3 October.

Lambeth Community Fund offers grants up to £20,000 to organisations with an income less than £250,000 a year.  Deadline 12 noon on Friday 7 October.

Women in Innovation 2022/23 grant round – for women social entrepreneurs, a £50,000 grant plus a package of mentoring/coaching and business support.  Deadline 11 am on Wednesday 19 October. 

Training Opportunities. Integrate also have a couple of training events coming up – contact as above to book or check details. 

Websites for charities and social enterprises – 26 September at 10 am, via Zoom;

Make your charity premises Green, accessible and energy-efficient – 13 October, 11 am to 12 noon on Zoom.

Fundraising Training via the Vassall and Coldharbour Consortium: Just starting, 3 sessions focussed on getting funds from BBC Children in Need, on-line via Zoom, on Tuesdays 6, 13 & 21 September, 6-30 to 8-30 pm. Register at https://forms.gle/Q2xgubSvpGfXyNDw7 or phone Surjit Power on 07 983 437 215.

Recent Data for your Funding bids:

Lambeth Council recently published their State of the Borough report, the first major update since 2016, providing lots of statistics such as education, employment, health and crime in the borough.  It’s still based on the old Ward boundaries, but the 93-page report can be found at https://beta.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2022-07/state-of-the-borough-2022-report.pdf

Support from VolunteersCorporate Volunteering:  Large City firms are sometimes able to offer help from a team of their staff, typically for just a day,  That can still be useful if you need to clear a backlog of maintenance, redecorate a hall, or lay out a new space.

Santander recently re-launched their Team Volunteering programme after pro-longed closure due to Covid restrictions.  Their Discovery Days offer a team of staff to help with tasks like gardening, painting, cleaning, conservation work and festive projects. A typical team is 6 to 20 people, and they may also be able to contribute up to £150 so you can organise materials and tools in advance. You can register any suitable project ideas at https://login.apricotsoftware.co.uk/6.6/auth/autologin/org_id/3530/hash/2f6f0230ee4567e1d402c0d8 or phone 0345 612 3570.

Community Sign-postingThriving Communities is a new website supported by Lambeth Council but provided by GoodPeople.  From the link, https://thrivinglambeth.co.uk You can register an account via the Get Involved button, or click sign-up.- You can set up a group for your organisation, or post updates in the relevant theme groups.- You can use your group’s “feed” to post updates, or create a discussion group, or submit an event.- You are encouraged to invite your users to the platform, to register and follow your activities, for free.

This is still a pilot model, to be gradually extended in scope.  Explore the link for yourself, or enquiries to Joss Hunt at GoodPeople on 07 710 918 378 or at joss@goodpeople.co.uk 

Business DevelopmentSharing Wisdom:  A reminder that Impact Brixton have made available recordings of several of the Masterclass talks that they have hosted over the past year.  See https://exceptional-teacher-2462.ckpage/legacy,library

Keep in touch

We’ll be back!

We aim to publish this bulletin monthly, but dates may vary a little because of other commitments or to give you some warning of an imminent event. Normally we need to hear from you before the 5th of the month, to ensure we can publish around the 10th.  Send your news to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com

Contact Us

Your place or ours? Once again, we can host one-to-one or small-scale meetings at International House during weekday office hours or early evenings, by prior arrangement.  Enquiries to Alan Piper on (020) 7207 0347 or apiperbrix@aol.com

Is this your best e-mail? Please notify any mailing list corrections or additions to us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org and especially:- If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list;- If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so that you see them sooner or more reliably;- If you have moved away or are no longer interested.


In this issue:

  • Events coming up
  • Consultations on Health services
  • Latest sources for Funding, Training and other support

Shaping our Autumn programmeThis can be a tricky time of year – lots of people are away, or otherwise trying to keep their kids entertained, or trying to keep other people’s kids entertained at various holiday projects.  Yet things don’t stop, deadlines come round remorselessly, and all the while we attempt to plan for the Autumn months – or dare we say – Christmas.  So this bulletin contains at least as many events and links as ever!
We are pleased to report that we managed to strengthen the Forum’s committee at our Annual General Meeting last month, so our thanks to Hiba, Lara, Adrian, Jason and Joe for joining the team.  We have also had our core funding renewed from the Lambeth Forum Network, so we are returning to a cycle of an open Forum meeting at least quarterly, with the committee meeting monthly in between.The next open meeting has been set for Thursday 25 October at 7 pm, at the Advocacy Academy in Vining Street, SW9.
If you want to bring a project or issue to a Forum meeting for comment, please contact the Secretary, Alan Piper, at apiperbrix@aol.com or leave a message on 020 7207 0347.  Remember too that small-scale meetings can be set up at International House if you want to chat in person.  Or your organisation may be willing to host a Forum meeting? (We do have a small budget now to cover the cost of room hire.)

Local Events coming up

Art in the Park – Sunday 14 August Between 1 pm and 5 pm in Windmill Gardens, off Blenheim Gardens, Brixton Hill SW2.  An afternoon of creative art & craft activities for grown-ups and children.  Try badge-making, craft upcycling, design your own T-shirt, or just draw or paint the windmill.The windmill will also be open for tours on both Saturday (13th) and Sunday – see www.brixtonwindmill.org

Events in Myatt’s Fields ParkPoetry Express, Saturday 13 August, 1 pm to 4 pm at the bandstand.  Entries welcome – e-mail to N.Henry68@yahoo.co.uk or phone Nadz on 07 398 004 608.
Myatt’s Fields Park Dog Show, Saturday 27 August on the main field, registration from 11 am onwards, then judging between 1 pm and 3 pm. Follow on instagram @myatts_field_dog_show

Talking ’bout Gentrification The Advocacy Academy in Vining Street will be hosting a discussion on the local impact of Gentrification on Wednesday evening, 17 August, between 7 pm and 9 pm.  Free but please book via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-advocacy-academy-open-house-the-g-word-development-for-who-tickets-387007157827

Finding Food around Myatt’s Fields
Incredible Edible Lambeth are organising an evening walk linking food-growing projects, community cafes, health facilities and community centres. Starts at 6 pm from Rossiter Grove, 341-355 Brixton Road, SW9 7DA – please book via Eventbrite.

Creative Activities with Art4Space Summer Scrap Club for children between 5 and 16 years continues on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 10 am and 1 pm until Friday 26 August.  Priority for children who receive free school meals or with special educational needs/ disabilities.  Donations welcome.  Max. 12 per workshop so please book in advance – enquiries to jewels@art4space.co.uk
Creative Remedies – a new class will run on Tuesdays, 10 am to 12-30 pm for 10 weeks from 20 September (except 25 October), a series of clay-based projects for refugees.  
Creative Enterprise – a new class starting on 21 September, Wednesdays 10 am to 12-30 pm for 10 weeks (except 26 October) based on upcycled denim bean bags and making crafts to sell at local Christmas markets.Both these courses are funded by Reaching Communities and all materials provided. Only 12 places per course, enquiries to jewels@art4space.co.uk  All above courses held at 31 Jeffreys Road, SW4.

Lambeth Heritage Festival next monthA busy programme of events will run through the whole month of September at various locations across the borough.  You should be able to pick up a printed programme from your local library. 

And on home ground, we should at least mention:
Olive Morris House – gone but not forgotten: Thursday 8th September at 6 pm, Brixton Tate Library, Brixton Oval SW2, illustrated talk by Nicholas Weedon, recording the origin, life and early demolition of the Council office block on Brixton Hill.  Organised by the Brixton Society, free but please book via bit.ly/OMHouse

StoryTrails at Brixton Tate Library, Saturday 10 September open 10 am to 6 pm, Sunday 11 am to 5 pm.  Untold stories from the past brought to life through augmented or virtual reality, featuring voices from the local community.  See also www.story-trails.com

There are several guided walks on offer too, though this next one was confirmed too late for the printed programme:
Brixton Riots Walking Tour, Saturday 17 September. Following a photo exhibition at the Carnegie Library Hub last September, Blue Badge guide Angela Morgan will lead a walking tour around the key points of the 1981 Brixton Riots between 11 am and 1 pm.  Meeting point by the David Bowie mural on the side of Morleys, in Tunstall Road opposite the Tube Station.  Tickets £5, enquiries to 07 510 917 517 or see www.learningthroughthearts.co.uk

Become a Lambeth Tour Guide Could you lead your own guided walks around familiar territory, or share your local knowledge?  After the first batch of tour guides passed their course at Morley College this summer, another evening course is now being offered, to start in September.  Enquiries to info@lambethtourguides.org or see their website, www.lambethtourguides.org 

Health and Social Care 

Health & Wellbeing Strategy

Lambeth is writing a new Health and Wellbeing Strategy.  Several themes have already been identified for improvement, but the next step is to examine them more closely to refine the plans.  An on-line engagement workshop has been arranged for charities, community groups and social enterprises on Monday 22 August at 10 am via Zoom.  To reserve a place, please contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

Pharmacy Services in Lambeth
Lambeth’s Public Health Team is currently consulting on provision of Pharmacy services within the borough.  Are there gaps in provision, or pharmacies which are too far apart?  Does the local pharmacy have eccentric opening times, so that you can rarely get there?Please refer to the Consultation pages on the Lambeth Council website, and follow the links.  Closing date for comments is 4th September.

Help for Pensioners Age UK Lambeth 
has linked up with the Rothesay Foundation to offer a £30 Iceland voucher to old age pensioners (65+) who rely solely on a state pension.  To check if your local Iceland store accepts these vouchers, see www.iceland.co.uk/store-finder  To apply for a voucher for yourself or a relative, phone 0800 098 7877 between 9 am and 5 pm, Monday to Friday only.  You must apply before 16 September. 

Jobs Fair on 18 August Although strictly outside our area, we realise that people often have to range further afield for worthwhile employment opportunities, so we should mention a Jobs Fair to be held at the London Bridge Jobcentre, 63-67 Newington Causeway, SE1 6LS.  It will run between 10-30 and 3 pm.  Potential applicants should contact their work coach first and bring a CV on the day, ready for interview. 

Green News 

Gardening Workshops

Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses are to launch a series of monthly Sunday morning gardening workshops.  There will be 4 strands, on a different Sunday of the month, covering the Kitchen Garden, the Productive Garden, the Border Workshop and the Composting Workshop.  Each will run from October to July, to take you through the gardening year.  Places are limited and bookings have already opened – see their website, https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk

Loughborough Farm is hosting a series of workshops on different gardening topics through August and September.  Places must be booked in advance via Eventbrite, see https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/summer-workshops-at-loughborough-farm-927139 Sessions are on Saturday mornings from 11 August, or on some evenings.  Fees range from £5 to £15, but some free spaces are available.  Enquiries to Emily (project leader) at loughboroughfarm@gmail.com

Platform Cafe re-opens on 22 September
At the Loughborough Road end of Wyck Gardens, this popular cafe will re-open next month.  More details expected in our next bulletin.

Recycling and Waste services
In case you missed their stall on the fringe of the Lambeth Country Show, Lambeth’s Environmental Services Team are trying to make known a number of changes to recycling and waste services that have been made in recent years, particularly since Serco took over the main responsibility from Veolia.  There is now an A-Z list of what can and cannot be recycled on Lambeth’s website (with a few surprises) but if you have a question that doesn’t seem to be covered, you can also contact the team by e-mail at streetcarecallcentre@lambeth.gov.uk

Don’t forget street trees: While we are on the kerbside, can we remind you to water any street trees near you if they are looking thirsty or already have leaves turning brown?  This is particularly important for younger trees, or those planted in the past year or two – most of these will have a short stub of pipe at the base so that water can go direct to the root zone.

Winter is Coming!

Property owners can now get recommendations from a Government website about the most effective home improvements to make their house warmer or better-insulated.  The more detail you can provide, the more relevant the advice will be.  For example if you bought your house or flat in recent years, there would have been an Energy Performance Certificate giving a rough idea of its present efficiency.  See https://www.gov.uk/browse/housing-local-services/household-energy We will be happy to share other sources of advice in future bulletins.

Funding, Training and Support 

Comparing on-line fund-raising platforms. Charity Digital published a review of 15 on-line fund-raising services at the end of June.  They compared subscriptions, processing fees, other service fees, and any provision for Gift Aid on donations.  Crucially, they compared how much a charity would actually receive from a £10 donation, and this ranged from £9-50 to £12-50.  The best deal for your organisation will depend on what you want to do, and how often you expect to make Crowdfunder-type appeals.  We can send you a pdf file of the summary sheet, but we also advise that you speak to a couple of other organisations who have used this method before you commit to any particular provider.

Training Opportunities

Integrate Agency have some upcoming on-line sessions for community groups and social enterprises:- 5 September at 10 am – Elevated Minds CIC, one of the Meet the Founder series to share lessons for start-up enterprises.- 26 September at 10 am – Websites for Charities and Social Enterprises;- 13 October at 11 am – How to make your Charity Premises green, accessible and energy efficient.Booking enquiries to eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

Training with Brixton BID: If you are in business in Brixton, you should have access to the free training sessions arranged by the BID.  Upcoming sessions include:- 25 August – Health and Safety;- 14 September – Personal Licences;- 11 October – Team building;- 15 November – Diversity and Inclusion.To book your employees onto a course, e-mail to Chantel at chantel.facey@brixtonbid.co.uk

Support for Small or Start-up Businesses
Women in Business: Female business founders can struggle to attract funding, so based on the Wintrade Global Talks series, there is now a free funding checklist available at https://talks.wintradeglobal.com/fundraising-fundamentals  For other upcoming on-line events, see https://bit.ly/wintrade-zoom-events-landing-page
Information supplied by 7 Traits Leadership Learning Ltd., Trinity Gardens SW9

Impact Brixton has made available recordings of several of the Masterclass talks that they have hosted over the past year.  See https://exceptional-teacher-2462.ck.page/legacy.library

IT Support Clear Community Web 
are continuing to run their drop-in support sessions for computers, tablets and mobile phones on Thursday mornings (11 am to 1 pm) at the Moorland Estate Community Centre, 50a Corry Drive (off Somerleyton Road) SW9 8QT.
They are now also offering similar sessions monthly on Fridays from 2 pm to 4 pm nearby at Southwyck Coding & Arts Centre, off Moorland Road, SW9 8UR.  This venue is wheelchair accessible and the sessions are dyslexia-friendly and ADHD-aware.  The next session will be on Friday 26 August.  If you want to check future dates for either venue, call 07 523 646 277 or e-mail info@clearcommunityweb.co.uk

Tekgia continue to offer mainstream software at discount prices to charities, churches, schools and their staff or volunteers.  For example, their latest price for MS Office 2021 Standard is £169.20 inc. VAT (free delivery on disc or as a download).  Enquiries to 0161 821 8977 or see their website, https://www.tekgia.com

Arts Funding Streams

The Paul Mellon Foundation has launched its Autumn round of grant funding, for events, research, publications, exhibitions and on-line events.  Closing date for all applications in this round is 30 September – see their website https://paulmelloncentre.ac.uk/fellowships-and-grants

Grant deadlines reminder
Once again, a reminder of imminent deadlines for various grants previously announced by Integrate.  If you missed the original e-mails, contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk for further details or links.

The Toy Trust: deadline 14 August, grants to support disabled and disadvantaged children.

Future 100 Growth Fund
: deadline Saturday 20 August, to support Black entrepreneurs to launch and grow their own businesses.

Tideway Community Fund:
 deadline Friday 2nd September but note that Integrate are also hosting a Meet the Funder session on-line on Monday 15 August at 10 am.

Hedley Foundation: effective deadline 18 September, to improve quality of life for disadvantaged or or vulnerable people.

Powering Up Programme from Power to Change: deadline 19 September, provides community groups with tailored support to enhance their digital skills or environmental sustainability.

Disability Justice Fund from the Trust for London,with City Bridge Trust: deadline Monday 3rd October, to support organisations working with deaf or disabled people.

And Finally…News reached us of two opportunities to get yourself on TV:
TwoFour is an award winning TV production company which is developing a new series for a mainstream channel, where groups across the UK will be helped to transform community spaces.  If you have a community garden, estate corner or other facility that needs help, contact Greg Goff on 07 932 048 442.  It helps if planning permission or other consents are already in place.  Information received via Locality.

Curve Media are the TV production company behind “Kew Gardens – a year in bloom” and “Salvage Hunters”, among others.  They are making a new series for Channel 4, called the Greatest Auction.  They are looking for a range of astonishing and unexpected items that people are willing to put up for auction, with the aim of bringing together the most incredible items with the best collectors and dealers.  For more information, contact Sophie Howard on 07 757 745 214 or at sophiehoward@curvemedia.com  Information received via the Brixton Society.

Keep in touch 

It’s all in the timing!
We aim to publish this bulletin monthly, but because it’s put together on a very part-time basis, there will always be a gap of a few days between sifting all the news and reports received and your reading the final version.  Remember that normally we need to hear from you before the 5th of the month, to ensure we can publish around the 10th.

Contact us
Please continue to send your news to apiperbrix@aol.com for the time being.  Also use for any queries or suggestions about future Forum events.

Is this your best e-mail?
Please notify any mailing list corrections or changes to us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org and especially:- If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so you see them sooner or more reliably;- If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list.

JUNE 2022

open now for details of upcoming events and sources of support…

Jubilee Events

Street Parties around Brixton

Here’s a summary of those we have heard about:

Thursday 2 June: Kay Road, SW9.
Friday 3 June: Argyll Close SW9, Medwin Street SW4, Tasman Road SW9.
Saturday 4 June: Beechdale Road SW2, Lambert Road SW2, Spencer Road (for Poets Corner) SE24, Tintern Street SW4.
Sunday 5 June: Craignair Road SW2, Ducie Street SW4, Helix Road SW2, 
Saturday 11 June: Dalyell Road SW9.
Sunday 3 July: Barnwell Road SW2, Elm Park SW2.
Sunday 17 July: Mervan Road SW2.

Picnic in Myatt’s Fields Park

Sunday 5 June between 1 pm and 3 pm: Celebrate the Jubilee with a picnic in the park. Enter the fancy dress competition or produce a prize-winning Jubilee cake. Live music from Lambeth Wind Orchestra.  Workshop for children under 4 to make their own crowns and bunting – book via community@myattsfieldspark.info 

Next Forum Meeting – Tuesday 5 July

From 7 pm in the Ground Floor event space at International House, corner of Popes Road and Canterbury Crescent, SW9 7QD.
This bulletin is a little earlier than usual, to highlight Jubilee events, so we are still settling the agenda – expect final details at the end of this month.  Naturally, we will report on our activities over the past couple of years, including how we spent our money, and elect a committee to steer the Forum through the year ahead.If you want a spot on the agenda to highlight your organisation’s work, or to raise a local issue, please contact the Secretary NOW at apiperbrix@aol.com 

Other Events coming up

Black Culture Market, 4 & 5 June

Open between 11 am and 5 pm each day in the Downstairs space at the Department Store, 240-250 Ferndale Road SW9.  The organisers promise a different mix of traders each day, covering African and Caribbean-inspired entrepreneurs, traders and crafts-people.  Free admission but please book tickets via Eventbrite, https://eventbrite.co.uk/e/black-culture-market-tickets-288460913357

Race Equality Commission comes to Brixton

On Thursday 9 June, the Race Equality Commission will be holding two sessions in Brixton, at St. Vincent’s Centre (formerly Brixton Community Base) in Talma Road SW2 1AS.  There is a choice of a breakfast session, between 8 am and 9-30, or an evening session, between 6 pm and 7-30. Commission members are keen to hear about residents’ lived experience on a variety of topics that affect their daily lives.  For more background information, see www.li.com/research/rec To book a place at either session, or for more details, contact Daisy Vanderputt at daisy.vanderputt@li.com

Hondo Towers – the Mayor Decides.

Finally a date has been set for the Mayor to hear final arguments and decide on the Hondo proposals for the high rise “office” tower in Popes Road, next to the Brixton Village arcade.  This will be on Friday 10 June at the relocated City Hall (formerly The Crystal) in Kamal Chunchie Way, E16 1ZE, starting at 10 am.  If you objected directly, you should by now have received details for attending, or the hearing can be followed on-line.  Various objector groups have been co-ordinating recently to present an integrated case at the hearing. 

Events at Brixton Tate Library

A few upcoming events at the Library caught my eye.  They are part of the Lambeth Readers and Writers Festival, so please book for talks via www.lambeth.gov.uk/readersandwriters

Neighbourhood Voices is on Wednesday 15 June at 6-30 pm. Several local writers have created a tapestry of Brixton life between the 1970s and 1985.

Twenty Eight Pounds Ten Shillings is on Thursday 16 June at 7 pm, a Windrush story told by author Tony Fairweather, the money being the fare charged for the passage from the West Indies in 1948 (say £600 in today’s money).
Windrush Playback Stories follows on Tuesday 21 June at 6 pm, the launch of an intergenerational story-telling project led by Tony Cealy.  Tony is looking for a mix of elders and younger performers for an interactive theatre performance project, so it will be followed by 6 rehearsal sessions through July and August.  Book for this via www.492kornaklub.com

Pride Picnic on Saturday 18 June

An informal early evening event in Myatt’s Fields Park, between 4 pm and 7 pm, as part of Pride Month for the local LGBTQ+ community. Enquiries to enquiries@myattsfieldspark.info

Music at Brockwell Greenhouses

Mambista are returning to Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses for a performance led by blues legend Errol Linton and DJ Gerry Lyseight, on Sunday 19 June.Award-winning contemporary folk duo Fellow Pynins will perform on Sunday 10 July.  For more details and tickets, see https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/event/

Lambeth Country Show, 16 & 17 July

The Country Show returns to Brockwell Park after a break due to Covid.  If your group or enterprise is running a stall, or performing, or supporting another exhibit, do tell us about it!  Opening times will be 12 noon to 8 pm each day.

Changes at Lambeth Council

Although Lambeth remains dominated by Labour, some long-serving councillors have been replaced by new faces, and of course ward boundaries have changed too.  Following the elections on 5th May, the new Council Cabinet was confirmed on 25 May, and there are important changes in how responsibilities have been divided up between them.

Clare Holland continues as Leader, but with two new Deputies.

Jacqui Dyer is Deputy Leader for Inclusive Economy and Equalities, so combining responsibilities for the Equalities brief with local employment matters.

Danny Adilypour is Deputy Leader for Sustainable Growth and New Homes, matters previously covered by Matthew Bennett.

Maria Kay is Cabinet Member for Better Homes and Reducing Homelessness.  This includes existing housing estates still directly managed by the Council.

David Amos is Cabinet Member for Finance and Cost of Living.

Donatus Anyanwu is Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities, Leisure and Sports.  This brief includes recreation centres, libraries and events, but not parks generally.  He continues his previous role of oversight of voluntary and community organisations.

Jim Dickson and Marcia Cameron share the Cabinet responsibility for Healthier Communities, including liaison with relevant parts of the NHS.
Ben Kind is now Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, including those in care or at risk, in addition to wider services for the age group.

Mahamed Hashi is Cabinet Member for Safer Communities, including liaison with the Police and the Mayor.

Rezina Chowdhury is Cabinet Member for Sustainable Lambeth and Clean Air.  That will include most aspects of parks, cemeteries and other open spaces, Lambeth’s Climate Action Plan, biodiversity and sustainable transport initiatives.

Funding, Training and Support

Grant Deadlines Approaching

Ecosystem Coldharbour is inviting applications to Round 3 of its Micro Grants Programme until 13 June.  Grants of up to £2500 are available to grass-roots organisations, with the emphasis on capacity-building.  Enquiries to grow@ecosystemcoldharbour.org or see website www.ecosystemcoldharbour.org

Great Big Green Week Community Fund:  Grants of up to £10,000 to organise local events during the Week, with emphasis on local action to tackle Climate Change.  Deadline for bids is Thursday 30 June.  More details at https://greatbiggreenweek.com/funding

BBC We Move Fund invites bids from not-for-profit organisations working with Black children and young people (up to age 18), offering grants of up to £50,000 for up to 18 months from its Youth Social Action strand.  Application deadline Monday 20 June.  More details at https://www.childreninneed.co.uk/grants/the-work-we-do/our-focussed-funding/we-move/ or enquiries to wemovefund@bbc.co.uk

Black and Minoritised Communities Enterprise Development Programme offers grants and learning support for black-led charities and social enterprises, working with the Ubele Initiative.  Applications close at 12 noon on Monday 13 June.   More details at https://www.enterprisedevelopmentprogramme.org.uk/bmedp/

These grant schemes were previously announced by Integrate – if you missed the notices, contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

Lambeth Made Safer: Summer Violence Reduction Programme, deadline Monday 20 June.  Lambeth are offering support for activities for vulnerable young people through the summer holidays, up to £30,000 per application.

Shared Endeavour Fund: grants of up to £45,000 available for projects countering extremism and hate crime within London, deadline 9 am on Monday 20 June.

Arnold Clark Community Fund offers grants of up to £1,000 to charities, community interest companies, CIOs and social enterprises.  Deadline Thursday 30 June.

Training and Tech Support

Cybersecurity 101 – Monday 13 June, 10 am to 12 noon on Zoom, a practical workshop led by Shurel Reynolds for small and medium-sized organisations, featuring data protection, GDPR and cybersecurity tips.  Organised by Integrate – contact as above.

Clear Community Web are continuing their drop-in sessions to help you with your Smartphone, Tablet or Laptop, now at Moorlands Community Centre, 50a Corry Drive (off Somerleyton Road) SW9 8QT on Thursday mornings, between 11 am and 1 pm.  Enquiries to info@clearcommunityweb.co.uk or call 07 523 646 277.

Start Them Young!  The Southwyck Coding and Art Centre recently launched in the former community centre behind the “Barrier Block” on Coldharbour Lane.  One element is a 5-week Lambeth Digital Heroes Club open to children aged 5 to 11, running on Wednesdays from 15 June from 4 pm to 6 pm.  This is a joint venture of Millennium Community Services and the Institute of Imagination.  More details at www.ioi.london/lambeth or call 07 585 009 726. 

Further coding classes will run from 27 July, and Art classes are also planned – see also www.millenniumcommunitysolutions.com Free Arts and Crafts sessions for the over-16s will be run by Cre8ive Arts CIC – enquiries to 07 442 838 570 or e-mail to cre8ivearts@pm.me

Health and Social Care

South London Cares

This is a Brixton-based charity working across both Lambeth and Southwark, currently supporting two dozen regular social club sessions each month, mainly for over-65s.  They also run a Love Your Neighbour programme, to match older people with a younger neighbour for regular company and conversation.  The aim is to connect younger and older neighbours so that adults of all ages feel better-connected and less isolated.  Referrals are welcome, but they are also keen to recruit younger volunteers.  More information on their website at www.southlondoncares.org.uk or enquiries to 020 7118 0404 or e-mail to elle.dodds@southlondoncares.org.uk

Green News

Blooming Lambeth Awards – enter now!Closing date for nominations is 11 June.  Do you have the best resident-led community garden?  Do you know the most enthusiastic young gardener?  For details of the 8 categories, see the Incredible Edible Lambeth website at https://www.incredibleediblelambeth.org

Charging Points for Electric Vehicles Lambeth has published proposals to add electric charging points in these local roads:Arlingford Road, Ashmere Grove, Athlone Road,Ballater Road, Barrington Road, Bonham Road, Branksome Road, Brockwell Park Gardens,Chaucer Road, Dumbarton Road,Elm Park, Fairmount Road, Flaxman Road,Kepler Road, Kildoran Road,Lambert Road, Lyham Road,Mauleverer Road, Moorland Road, Mowll Street,Stockwell Park Road, Sudbourne Road, Talma Road, Tasman Road, Trelawn Road, Trinity Gardens,Wiltshire Road, Wimbart Road.
Almost all are in Parking Control Zones, so a Resident Parking Permit (or in some cases, a Business Permit) will be required to use the charging bay. Objections or enquiries to TMOReps@lambeth.gov.uk

Doctor Bike in Brixton Brixton Business Improvement District has reminded us that the Doctor Bike cycle repair sessions continue on a monthly basis in Brixton Station Road.  Sessions are on Wednesdays between 12 noon and 3 pm, and the next dates are 29 June, 27 July and 31 August.

Council Recycling Changes Lambeth Council has added a collection service for used batteries and for “small” electronics – that’s electrical items no larger than the average toaster.  Larger appliances must still be taken to the Vale Street Recycling Centre in West Norwood, the Smugglers Way Recycling Centre in Battersea, or collection arranged through the Council’s bulky waste service.  Further guidance is on the Council’s website at https://beta.lambeth.gov.uk/rubbish-recycling/smallelectricals-battery-waste/
Meanwhile, we have found that free distribution of recycling sacks has been abandoned for “street” properties, even though many round here are actually split into flats, so there’s less encouragement to separate out your other recyclable waste before taking it down to the wheely bins.

Keep in Touch

It’s all in the timing! We aim to publish monthly, but because it’s put together on a very part-time basis, there will always be a gap of a few days between sifting all the reports received and the final e-mail reaching your in-box via Mail-Chimp.  Normally we need to hear from you before the 5th of the month, to publish around the 10th.  Please continue to send your news to apiperbrix@aol.com for the time being.

Is this your best e-mail?
We are keen to keep in touch with organisations, enterprises and community activists around Brixton, but please tell us:- If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so you get them more quickly or reliably. – If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list (no extra charge at present!).- If you have moved away, or are no longer interested. Please notify all mailing list updates to admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org

April 2022

Diary of Local Events

Council Elections Approaching

We have mentioned before the Lambethref campaign, which is collecting signatures for a petition to make the Council more inclusive.  Although we will elect 63 Councillors on Thursday 5 May, barely a dozen of them will have any power as Cabinet members, largely unchallenged by the rest.  the petition is intended to trigger a referendum on returning to a committee structure which gives all the Councillors a voice – they might even start to speak up for the interests of residents!  See their website, https://lambethref.co.uk

In the run-up to the elections, the campaign has organised an on-line hustings with questions for candidates from community members, on the evening of Saturday 23 April.  To join in, please book via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lambeth-community-hustings-tickets-307494082077

Events at Brixton’s Windmill

The Windmill will be open for tours on the Saturday and Sunday of the long Easter weekend.  Full tours cost £5 and should be booked in advance via www.brixtonwindmill.org

There is also an Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday afternoon (17th), cost £2 per child.  Booking as above. This will be followed by the Brixton Beer and Bread Festival on Bank Holiday Monday, 2nd May, between 1 pm and 5 pm, showcasing local beers and artisan breads (no windmill tours that day).

Events in Windrush Square

At last the bollards installation is complete, and the Covid testing station has been cleared away, leaving the space clear for a few community events:
Saturday 23 April, Community Day of Action, 2 pm to 6 pm, with stalls from various local campaigns.
Sunday 24 April, 12 noon to 4 pm, to mark the first anniversary of the unveiling of the Cherry Groce Memorial.
Sunday 26 June, 10-30 am to 12 noon, a parade and march-past by the West Indian Association of Service Personnel, followed by music and entertainment until 6 pm.

Nature and Art on Railton Road

Art4Space and Father Nature are combining their efforts to run a series of family-friendly community activities centred on the parklet outside the Hamilton Stores at 128 Railton Road.  Funded by a grant from the forthcoming Mighty Hoopla Festival in Brockwell Park, sessions are free and open access – no booking required.  The next sessions are both from 12 noon to 2 pm on these dates:
Saturday 30 April: Toy swap, miniature art gardens and seed harvesting.
Saturday 7 May: Seed swap, mosaic flowers & bugs, plant cultivation and care.

Longfield Hall highlights

This community hall (across the street from the Minet Library) has a busy programme of weekly sessions in various forms of dance, drama, exercise and martial arts, in addition to its Longfield Voices choir.  It also hosts occasional performances, and two evenings of classical song and opera arias are coming up:
Friday 22 April at 7 pm: Valerija Iljin, Sholto Bisco-Taylor and Francesca Lauri.
Friday 6 May at 7 pm: Emma Jungling and friends.
More details of all events on their website at www.longfieldhall.org.uk 

Remakery Indoor Market

Sell your pre-loved items at their Table Top Sale – or buy some replacements.  You can book a table at https://www.remakery.org/indoor-market/ Continues on first and third Sundays of each month, so the next dates are 17 April and 1st May, 12 noon to 3 pm. The Remakery is in Lilford Road, on the corner of Paulet Road.

Health and Social Care 

Covid is still with us.……The Government may think it’s all over, but infection levels remain high, although widespread vaccination seems to have reduced the numbers requiring intensive hospital care.  There is also an overhang of “Long Covid” cases. With reduced access to testing now, the prudent course is to isolate if you appear to have any of the recognised symptoms:

– a fever or high temperature

– a new and persistent cough

– a loss or change in your sense of taste or smell

– shortness of breath

– feeling tired or exhausted

– an aching body

– a sore throat

– a blocked or runny nose

– loss of appetite

– diarrhoea

– vomiting or feeling sick.

If you have missed out on a first, second or booster vaccination, find vaccination clinic facilities near you via www.selondonccg.nhs.uk/popupclinics

Further booster vaccinations  (ideally every 6 months) are recommended for:

– People aged over 75;

– Residents in care homes for older adults;

– anyone over 12 whose immune system is compromised or suppressed. 

Coping with the wait for NHS Treatment

To help ease the strain and reduce the worry, a series of on-line workshop sessions are being offered to anyone in the South-East London CG, which includes Lambeth:

Cardiology, Wednesday 20 April, 1 pm to 3 pm

Cancer, Thursday 21 April, 1 pm to 3 pm

Ophthalmology, Wednesday 27 April, 1 pm to 3 pm

Orthopaedics, Thursday 28 April, 1 pm to 3 pm

Children and young people generally, Wednesday 4 May, 1 pm to 3 pm

All enquiries to healthlab@lsbu.ac.uk

Mental Health First Aid Course 

Art4Space will be hosting further 2-day courses at their base at 31 Jeffreys Road, SW4 6QU. The next course for those working with adults will be on 28 & 29 April.  The next course for those working with young people will be on 30 June & 1 July.  The courses are delivered by It’s a Playground, supported by Studio Moross.  To register, e-mail to info@itsaplayground.org 

Funding, Training and Support

Grant deadlines approaching

A reminder, in case you missed previous notices issued by Integrate – contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

Black Founders Fund, part of the Google for Start-ups Fund, deadline Sunday 17 April.

Amplify London, to support music education and career pathways for young people, deadline 5 pm Friday 22 April.

LEAP Co-Create Fund, to support work with Early Years children, deadline 12 noon on Monday 30 May.

Safeguarding Workshop
If you are providing any activities or services for children or young people, are your procedures and practice up to date and effective in safeguarding your users?  Integrate are running a free on-line course on Wednesday 20 April from 10 am.  Enquiries to eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

Other Training and Courses

Iconic Steps, based in International House, have alerted us to several upcoming courses.  For more details of each, please contact Kate at 07 923 206 770 or via kate@iconicsteps.co.uk
Music Video Production – April 25-29 or May 16-20

Documentary Film-making – May 9-13

Event Management & Digital Marketing – June 6 – 24

Commercial Production – June 20-24. 

Coming Soon: Millennium Community Solutions will shortly be re-opening the Southwyck House Community Hall as a Coding and Arts Centre.  More details expected shortly, but in the meantime, enquiries to gail@millenniumcommunitysolutions.com

Support for Social Enterprises 

Cambridge Social Ventures are offering a half-day on-line workshop to help you get your social enterprise underway, on Tuesday 14 June from 9-30 am to 1 pm.  Details recently circulated by Integrate – contact as above.  Session cost £50 per person, no VAT.

Impact Brixton Thrive Programme: As reported last time, upcoming master-classes/ workshops continue on selected Thursdays at 6-30 pm. Upcoming subjects include Future-proofing Finances on 28 April, Boost your Branding on 12 May and Building Diverse and Inclusive Businesses on 26 May.  Enquiries to team@impactbrixton.com

Women in Business: The WinTrade Network has an active programme of on-line events and live meet-ups for women in business.  To see what’s coming up soon, see https://bit.ly/wintrade-zoom-events-landing-page

Digital Growth Funding: Marketing could be vital, so maybe you should check out the Digital Growth Programme offered by Manchester-based CProgress.   Applications for grant assistance are open until 31 May – enquiries to vicky@digitalmarketinggrant.co.uk or see www.cprogress.co.uk

Green spaces, Green issues 

Reclaiming Windrush Square

Since January, Ros Griffiths has convened a series of on-line meetings to bring together the various stakeholders around the Square.  The past year has been depressing, with disruption during the installation of giant bollards, and two competing Remembrance Sunday events.  A consensus is beginning to emerge around enabling more community events, improving the care of the Square, and even re-opening the disused underground toilets.  We are moving towards re-launching the Friends of Windrush Square as an independent body able to champion the improvement of the Square.  Enquiries meanwhile to rozgriffiths@googlemail.com

News from Brockwell Park

Brockwell Park Community Partners brings together all the local groups with an interest in Brockwell Park.  It held its Annual General Meeting on-line on Sunday 10 April, and current topics of concern include lighting within the park for evening uses, the pressure for more commercial events, and finding ways to encourage biodiversity. 

The renovation of Brockwell Hall is moving forward slowly, the first challenge being to relocate the parks depot from the Hall yard to alongside Norwood Road, so that the main works can start in the Autumn of this year.

Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses are hosting a Fermentation Workshop on Saturday 23 April between 2 pm and 4-30 pm.If you are interested in making your own kimchi and komboucha, book via: https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/event/fermentation-workshop-5/

Refreshing Rush Common

On Saturday 2nd April, Lambeth’s Mayor, Cllr. Annie Gallup, officially re-opened the refurbished children’s playground within the northern section of the Common, between Brixton Water Lane and the Brixton Orchard.  Several local organisations took the opportunity to run stalls during the afternoon, co-ordinated by St. Matthew’s Estate TRA. Meanwhile, in response to heightened awareness of women’s safety issues, the Council is preparing to upgrade lighting within various sections of the Common, a combination of better lamps on existing columns, and some extra lighting columns.

Wyck Gardens – Platform Cafe
The cafe has been operating in a former public toilet block at the corner of Loughborough Road and Rathgar Road, but will close for refurbishment after lunch on Friday 22 April.  This is to install a new kitchen and sliding doors, plumb-in a coffee machine and provide a take-away kiosk.  Re-opening is expected during June.

Gaps show in Lambeth’s Climate Action Plan

Lambeth Council has published a wide-ranging Climate Action Plan, but rather like the Government’s recent energy plans, there are gaps and contradictions which still need to be thrashed out.  If you or your group are doing anything to make Brixton greener – in any sense of the word – we would love to highlight your efforts in our bulletins. 

Other News

Growing Brixton Rec Quarter

A quick update on what’s meant to be happening around the Recreation Centre…
Work is underway in Brixton Station Road to update the electricity supply for stallholders, replacing special bollards installed in the 1990s. Further improvements are promised for the Autumn, together with a start on new shopfronts below the Rec and fitting out new workspace behind them, opening off Beehive Place. Lambeth Council will take over direct management of the Rec from Better/ Greenwich Leisure with effect from next April.  BRUG, representing users, has already held a meeting to call for changes, including a wider range of activities and better upkeep. London Square has been selected as the Council’s developer for the Pop Brixton site, and they are due to start their own consultations in May.  

They intend to retain and refurbish International House, which would allow some continuity and earlier employment/ training benefits.Both 3Space and Pop Brixton uses are due to continue into 2024.

We are still waiting for the Mayor’s decision on the Hondo Towers proposal for the Sports Direct site in Popes Road.  The controversy centres on the 19-storey office tower which would dominate its surroundings.  The Mayor is likely to visit the site soon after Easter, but we suspect the decision will be delayed until after the Council elections, in order not to draw more attention to the Council’s failings.

Wayfinding in BrixtonThe Brixton BID (Business Improvement District) has been running a competition to select a design and designer for better signposting within and around the Town Centre.  The closing date for entries is 12 noon on Wednesday 20 April.  The winner of the £20,000 commission will be selected during May, with the new signs intended to be installed in the Autumn.  Enquiries to reece.simwogerere@brixtonbid.co.uk

Review of place-names linked to Slavery

As a diverse borough, Lambeth Council is keen to review troubling links with slavery and the colonial past through old place names and monuments. Research by Lambeth’s Archivists has revealed a small number of questionable place names, and the recent change of Council ward boundaries has provided an opportunity to replace Vassall and Tulse Hill wards.  Changing road names however is rather more cumbersome and expensive, so the Council is still consulting on this issue – comments can be made on their Commonplace website until 31 May – go to https://lambethunited.commonplace.is/

Brixton Bugle Art Show is back!

It’s been good to see the re-appearance of the Brixton Bugle as a paper edition this month.  They are also bringing back their popular Art Show, open to both professional and amateur artists based in Brixton.  The closing date is 20 May for potential inclusion in this summer’s show, at the Brixton Tate Library from 4 to 26 July.  Send up to 3 digital photos of the work to arts@brixtonblog.com together with your name, address, e-mail, contact phone number and social media, together with a title and brief description of the work. You can submit up to two pictures, but they must each be no larger than 1 metre square.

And finally, a few words from the Forum Team

Last Call for Ideas for the Year Ahead

We are about to bid for continued Council funding for the year ahead, so if you think there is something else that the Forum should be doing, or a gap in what other people are providing, you need to tell us NOW.  The Forum’s officers are meeting next week, and will confirm arrangements for the Forum’s Annual General Meeting soon after.

Make the most of these bulletins!Please make use of these bulletins to announce your events, share your concerns, and report what your group or enterprise is doing.  We don’t have time to chase if you send us incomplete or contradictory information, so clear and succinct e-mails are very helpful.  Please send in before the 5th of each month, for publication by the middle of the month, to the Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com

Are you all receiving us?

We want to reach as many local organisations and activists as possible, so please contact us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org

– if you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list.

– if you want bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so you receive them more reliably or quickly.

March 2022

Events coming up

Brixton Rec Public Meeting

A public meeting organised by BRUG at 6 pm on Tuesday 15 March in the Brixton Rec, Level 6 meeting room.  Lambeth Council is bringing management of the Recreation Centre back in-house from April next year.  Find out what Lambeth Councillors and officers have in mind, and tell them what you would like to see!  Enquiries to brixtonbrug@gmail.com

People and Planet Before Profit

Rally on Windrush Square Thursday 17 March from 5-30 pm.  Despite declaring a Climate Emergency, Lambeth Council continues to champion unsustainable high-density high-rise development and demolishing Council estates to make way for more private housing.  Organised by Extinction Rebellion Lambeth with other groups including Cressingham Gardens TRA, Save Central Hill Estate and Refurbish Don’t Demolish.  More details at https://linktr.ee/xrlambeth or support the petition at https://www.change.org/p/refurbish-don-t-demolish-social-housing/u/30293471   

Health Advice for Young People

A drop-in clinic for young people on Monday 14 March, between 4 pm and 6-30 at the Education Centre alongside Brixton Windmill, in Windmill Gardens SW2.  A chance to talk about emotions or mental health, the struggle to stay physically healthy, or obtain contraception advice. Supported by Herne Hill Group Practice and NHS Well Centre.

Brixton Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood

If you missed the round of consultation that closed on 4 February, you now have another chance.  Lambeth Street Design officers have a Walk and Talk event between 12 noon and 2 pm on Friday 18 March.  To join in, contact Nicola Doal on (020) 7926 2975 or ndoal@lambeth.gov.uk  They are also willing to set up on-line meetings or walkabouts for local groups. Streets between Acre Lane and Windmill Gardens have long-standing restrictions which seem to work well, but the ambition seems to be to add more measures further south, between Kings Avenue and New Park Road

Council Consultations Closing Soon

Also see the Consultations pages on the Lambeth Council website for links.

Affordable Workspace

supplementary planning document – the revised draft is only open for comments until Sunday 13 March – respond to localplan@lambeth.gov.uk

Ferndale Low Traffic Neighbourhood 

is open for comments only until Sunday 20 March.  Use the Commonplace website at https://fdstreets.commonplace.is/ or e-mail to lowtrafficneighbourhoods@lambeth.gov.uk

Clean Air in Lambeth

Comment on Lambeth’s Air Quality Action Plan, deadline Sunday 27 March. See https://cleanairlambeth.commonplace.is/

Pharmacies in Lambeth

Lambeth is undertaking a needs assessment to identify gaps in provision – residents are invited to complete a short online survey, closing date Friday 1 April

Child Friendly Lambeth

Windrush Square, Saturday 19 MarchLambeth Council has organised a launch event for its Child Friendly Lambeth Campaign on Saturday 19 March from 12 noon to 5 pm. Various organisations working with children or young people will have presence, together with relevant Council departments and several performances or demonstrations.  Lambeth aims to become a child-friendly accredited community through UNICEF over the next 3 to 5 years.  More information on the Council website at www.lambeth.gov.uk/childfriendly or e-mail enquiries to childfriendly@lambeth.gov.uk

Windmill Tours

Now open for booking Tours of the Windmill open for bookings 30 days before each open weekend.  The next few openings will be on these weekends

-12 & 13 March

– 9 & 10 April

– 16 & 17 April (plus Easter Family Day on Sunday 17th)

– 7 & 8 May

Free Tai Chi Sessions by Brixton Windmill. Thanks to a grant from IKEA Places Called Home fund, four free sessions are being offered to local residents on Wednesdays between 11 am and 12 noon, from Wednesday 16 March.  These are taster sessions organised by the Friends of Windmill Gardens, using a qualified Tai Chi teacher supported by volunteers.  Following each class, there will be half an hour to meet other participants and get help in finding other support services to suit. At the end of the series, you can progress to the current series of paid sessions (£3 per class) if interested. There will be a further block of free sessions from late April if you cannot make the first dates.  All booking enquiries to jean@brixtonwindmill.org

More details on the website at www.brixtonwindmill.org

Indoor Market at The Remakery

The Remakery have launched an Indoor Market Table Top Sale as a regular fixture on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. – that means the next sessions are on 20 March & 3 April.  Sell your pre-loved items or just come and have a look at what Remakery members have been making.  To book your table, go to https://www.remakery.org/indoor-market/  Remember, the Remakery is at the corner of Lilford Road and Paulet Road, SE5.

Brixton Performs Festival

22-26 March Brixton BID is supporting a number of performance events around Brixton during this week.  So far, we have heard that the Brixton Chamber Orchestra will be performing alongside Brixton Windmill on Saturday 26 March, between 1 pm and 2 pm – free of charge.

Free Tickets for Summer Events in Brockwell Park

There are limited numbers of free tickets available to local residents, to be allocated by ballot.  The deadline for applications is 6 pm on Sunday 27 March.  The links to the various events are as follows:

Wide Awake Friday 27 & Saturday 28 May (ages 17+) https://wideawakelondon.co.uk/community/

City Splash Sunday 29 May (all ages) https://www.city-splash.com/ community

Jubilation Thursday 2nd June (all ages) https://jubilationfestival.com/community/

Mighty Hoopla Friday 3rd & Saturday 4th June (LGBTQ-friendly events, age 18+) https://mightyhoopla.com/ local-residents/

Cross the Tracks Sunday 5th June (all ages) https://www.xthetracks.com/ community

general information supplied via Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses.

On Rush Common

Saturday 2 April Around the official opening of the refurbished playground on Rush Common, St. Matthew’s Estate TRA have organised a little event on the common between the Brixton Orchard and Brixton Water Lane.  Lambeth Parks, Brixton Windmill, Father Nature and Doctor Bike will each have a presence, in addition to a Tree Trail, planting workshop, play trail and dominoes workshop.  Enquiries to ms.maureen.simpson@gmail.com

Railway Track Maintenance

Network Rail is carrying out repairs to the tracks between Brixton and Herne Hill Stations, to grind down the rail surface for smoother running.  The next session will be overnight between midnight Thursday 24 March and 5 am on Friday 25 March.  Enquiries to the 24-hour helpline on 0345 711 4141. 

Easter Breeze 2022

4-14 April CEF Lyncx are holding another activities camp in Windmill Gardens, over 9 days to coincide with the Easter school holidays, for ages 7 to 16.  To register your kids, go to http://cefi.org.uk/our-sharp-offer or enquiries to Christian on 07 706 179 851 or e-mail to community7@cefi.org.uk

New Courses at Art4Space

Creative Community Champions is a free course aimed at Lambeth residents who are out of work, or on low incomes. Over 10 weeks, participants will create a collective textile project as well as learning about community art.  Fridays 10 am to 12 noon, from 6 May to finish on 15 July (no session on 3 June), at Art4Space Creative Learning Hub, 31 Jeffreys Road SW4 6QU.  Limited spaces, enquiries to jewels@art4space.co.uk 

Creative Remedies is another free course for Lambeth residents out of work or on low incomes, this time with a LGBTQ+ focus.  Again over 10 weeks, participants will undertake personal projects in mixed media, including mosaic, ceramics and textiles.  Wednesdays 10 am to 12-30 pm, starting on 4 May to finish on 13 July (no session on 1st June).  Location and contact as above.

 Art4Space are also seeking a Business Development Manager – closing date for applications is Friday 18 March, enquiries to jewels@art4space.co.uk

Impact Brixton Thrive Programme

Following the launch on 10 March, the series continues with monthly master-classes, mentoring opportunities and complimentary membership of Impact Brixton for 6 months.  Upcoming master-classes/ workshops are normally on Thursdays at 6-30 pm and  include Futureproofing Finances on 28 April and Building Diverse and Inclusive Businesses on 26 May.  Enquiries to team@impactbrixton.com

Health & Social Care News 

Mental Capacity – Planning for the Future

The Lambeth Safeguarding Adults Board have arranged a session for carers, volunteers and community organisations to explain how to support individuals who become unable to make decisions for themselves due to failing mental capacity.  The session takes place online on Wednesday 16 March at 10 am.  Booking enquiries to eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

Lambeth Healthwatch

Lambeth Healthwatch will be holding its Annual General Meeting on-line on Wednesday 16 March at 6 pm.  Healthwatch exists to support patients in their dealings with the various health organisations, hospitals and doctors’ surgeries.  This is an opportunity to catch up with their work locally and see who is involved as staff and volunteers.  Enquiries to lambeth@healthwatchcrm.co.uk

Lambeth Together – Public Forum and Partnership Board – 23 March

Lambeth-based groups and residents are welcome to attend the Public Forum to ask the Board about how health and care are planned, and share ideas about improving health and reducing inequalities in provision.  You can also stay to watch the Board meeting afterwards.  More information on the Lambeth Together website, at https://lambethtogether,net/about-us/get-involved

Managing Health Online – 31 March

Clear Community Web are running free sessions to help people use apps and other on-line techniques to connect to their GP and other health services, and find reputable health advice online.  The next session is on Thursday 31 March ffrom 2 pm to 4 pm at Myatt’s Fields Centre, Eythorne Road, SW9 7RH.  To book or get more details, please phone 07 523 646 277 or e-mail to info@clearcommunityweb.co.uk

Support for people with dementia and their carers

Age UK Lambeth recently shared with us details of these sessions run by Age Exchange with support from Lambeth CCG.
Mondays 1-30 to 3 pm at Stockwell Park Community Centre, 21 Aytoun Place SW9 0TE.  Activities include art, music and reminiscence. Cost £6 per session (no charge for carers).  To join, contact Lydia on (020) 8318 9105 or hello@age-exchange.org.uk
Thursdays 1-30 to 3 pm at Lavender Hope CIC, Deronda Hall, Deronda Estate, 6 Jarrett Close, Tulse Hill SW2 3DG.  Activities, cost and contact details as above.

Funding, Training & Support 

Grant Deadlines Approaching

A reminder, based on information previously issued by Integrate – if you missed the original notices, contact eoim.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk
The Rose Foundation – grants between £5,000 and £10,000 towards building works, for repairs or improvements, but excluding site purchase, professional fees or equipment.  Deadline 31 March.

The Prince of Wales’ Charitable Fund offers grants of up to £5,000 through its Small Grants Programme.  Applications may be made at any time but funds are allocated quarterly and the next meeting of their committee is in May, so don’t hang about!

Build a World of Play Challenge from the Lego Foundation will support up to 10 major projects around the country with sums from £730,000 to £22 million, to support early childhood development (age up to 6 years old).  Deadline Tuesday 7 April, with finalists to be announced in September.

Support Networks

In recent bulletins, we have flagged up the Directory of Social Change, Locality and the Charity Excellence Framework, in addition to Integrate.  If you are a social enterprise rather than a charity, the Brixton BID should be able to offer support through its training courses and bulk-purchase schemes. As we reported last month, sadly the Small Charities Coalition is no more, but here are a couple of others:

Neighbourly is a free-to-use platform currently used by nearly 20,000 good causes around the British Isles.  Through its partnerships with major retailers and manufacturers, you can tap into their giving programmes throughout the year.  This includes not only help in kind such as surplus food products, but also staff volunteering programmes and grants.  More details can be seen at https://hub.neighbourly.com 

The Charity Learning Consortium is worth considering if you have ongoing needs for staff training or if skills training is part of what you do.  They offer access to a huge library of e-learning courses and lectures, as well as to a community of learning professionals if you want to run something in-house. Enquiries to marketing@comms.charitylearning.org or see their website, www.charitylearning.org

Filling the Gaps

The Forum officers will shortly need to draft a budget for the new financial year from 1st April.  If you think there is something that we should be doing to support your efforts, we need to hear from you very soon.  Is there any training which is hard to find – or hard to pay for? Are there other things which the Forum should be doing?  Please feed back to the Secretary, Alan Piper, at apiperbrix@aol.com

History Corner 

Calling old residents of North Brixton. Did you live in or near Hackford Road or the Cowley Estate at any time between 1963 and 1980?  From April, Roma Tearne will be Writer-in-residence at the Van Gogh House, 87 Hackford Road SW9 0RE.  She recalls arriving in the area as a child refugee in 1963, and passing the house daily on her way to school.  She now wants to draw on the memories of other people who once lived nearby, as well as her own.  If you are interested in sharing your memories, please contact Mimi Lanfranchi at the Van Gogh House, at mimi@vangoghhouse.co.uk

Centenary of Stockwell War Memorial

The War Memorial Clock Tower outside Stockwell Tube Station was unveiled in 1922, and to mark the 100th anniversary, the Friends of Stockwell War Memorial are holding an exhibition at St. Michael’s Church in Stockwell Park Road, SW9 0DA.  This will run from Saturday 30 April to Saturday 7 May (closed Sunday), hours vary, 11 am to 4 pm Saturdays, weekdays 5 pm to 7 pm (except Tuesday 2 pm to 4 pm only).  Enquiries to naomi@stockwellwarmemorial.org

The Story of Brixton Windmill, 1816-2022

As part of the History Unlocked series of on-line talks arranged by Lambeth Archives, Jean Kerrigan will describe the history of Brixton’s windmill as a family business, and then the long campaign to restore and retain the mill as a community asset.  Thursday 17 March at 7 pm – to register and get the log-in details, go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/272616291667

Guided Walks

From early April, a number of guided walks are being provided by local organisations under the umbrella of the Lambeth Local History Forum.  Printed versions of the programme should be available in Lambeth libraries by then, or you can refer to the website,  www.lambethlocalhistoryforum.org.uk

One legacy of Covid is that all walks need to be booked in advance, but some of them are still free.

Keep in Touch 

Share your news – and views!

Please make use of these bulletins to share your concerns, to announce events and services, or just report what your group or enterprise is doing.We aim to publish monthly, around the 10th of the month, so we really need to hear from you before 5th April for the next issue.  Continue to send your news to apiperbrix@aol.com

Is our mailing list up-to-date?

E-mail to admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org

If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list.

If you want bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so you get them more quickly or reliably.


Quick Reminders

February Half-Term Boot Camp
CEF Lyncx is running another activity camp for young people at Windmill Gardens from Monday 14 to Friday 18 February,  10 am to 3 pm each day.  Age range 7 to 16, contact community7@CEFI.org.uk in case there are still places, or see the website, www.cefi.org.uk

Power to Change – film at Marcus Lipton Centre
The first public screening of this film by Celebrate Life will be on Friday 18 February at the Marcus Lipton Centre in Minet Road SW9.  Real stories of Londoners, from loss and violence to resilience and hope.  Free entry for residents of Coldharbour and Vassall Wards, open from 6-30 to 10 pm, evening also includes a DJ, Youth Talent and Caribbean Food.  Enquiries to surjit@mlcommunity.co.uk or walleemcd@yahoo.co.uk

Homes for Lambeth isn’t Working
That’s the theme of a rally this Saturday, 12 February, 2 pm to 4 pm outside Lambeth Civic Centre, Brixton Hill.  Spurred by Lambeth’s ongoing plans to demolish several of its estates at great cost for a minimal increase in Council-rent homes after 20 years, several groups including XR, Acorn, Radical Housing Network, Refurbish Don’t Demolish and Save Central Hill Estate are coming together to resist Profit over People.  Rather than demolish social housing to create 3000 investment properties, they say that retrofit and sensitive infill is better for both the environment and communities.
Enquiries to diskid.22@ntlworld.com

Brixton House Theatre is coming alive
Shows are getting underway at Brixton’s new performance space.  Mugabe, My Dad and Me will run at the new theatre on Coldharbour Lane from 24 February to 5 March, and again from 29 March to 1st April.  It charts the rise and fall of one of the most controversial politicians of the 20th century, through the personal story of Tonderai Munyevu’s family and his relationship with his father.  Duration 85 minutes, shows generally at 7-30 pm, plus selected matinees at 1-30 pm.  More details at https://brixtontheatre.co.uk/whats-on/ or enquiries to beatrice@mobiusindustries.com   

Community Health and Wellbeing Days
Late news from SE London Clinical Commissioning Group about walk-in events at 4 Lambeth sites, around the February half-term holidays.
Various health checks and advice will be available, and Covid vaccinations will be available for those over 12 years of age.  Enquiries to sam.alexander@nhs.net

Hillmead School, Moorland Road, SW9 – Saturday 12 or Sunday 13 February, open 10 am to 3 pm each day.
St. Stephen’s Primary School, Dorset Road, SW8 – Monday 14 or Tuesday 15 February, 10 am to 3pm;
Glenbrook Primary/ Harris Academy, Clarence Crescent, SW4 – Wednesday 16 or Thursday 17 February, 10 am to 3 pm;
Fenstanton Primary School, Abbots Park, SW2 – Friday 18 or Saturday 19 February, 10 am to 3 pm.

Youth Mental Health First Aid
Issues such as depression, anxiety and eating disorders are common and often start at a young age.  Once again Art4Space are hosting a course at their Stockwell Studios, working with IT’s aPlayground and Studio Moross.  The course is designed to teach people how to spot signs of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis, to young people aged 8 to 18.  This will be a two-day course on Thursday 24 and Friday 25 February, but there is a discounted fee if you book by Monday 14 February – enquiries to jewels@art4space.co.uk or see the website, www.art4space.co.uk

More events and deadlines coming up soon

Ferndale Low Traffic Neighbourhood – Consultation starts 
Finally the scheme is open for comments – officially from Monday 14 February, and closing on Sunday 20 March.  Once again, this will be via a Commonplace website, so you should be able to see other people’s inputs.  See https://fdstreets.commonplace.is/

If you are disabled, or supporting a disabled person, Transport for All is offering 30-minute consultation slots between 10 am and 4 pm on Tuesday 15 February to discuss how this LTN affects you.  To sign up, contact Caroline at caroline@transportforall.org.uk or phone (020) 8124 8155 – and please confirm where you would like to meet up in the LTN area.

Lambeth Site Allocations Document
We flagged this up last month but briefly, Lambeth Planners have identified 3 sites around Brixton for high-density development, together with 2 further sites at Loughborough Junction.  If you have specific concerns, our colleagues at the Brixton Society would love to hear from you – e-mail to planning@brixtonsociety.org.uk  
Among other things, the proposals would impact on two place of worship, numerous voluntary organisations at 336 Brixton Road, and Mosaic Clubhouse on Effra Road.  Curiously, the document is silent about the future of Brixton Waterworks.

We must remind you that the deadline for comments is midnight on 21 February – you can use the Commonplace website https://lambethsadpdsite21.commonplace.is/ or e-mail representations direct to sadpd@lambeth.gov.uk 

Air Quality Consultations
Two consultations are currently underway – one by Lambeth and another by the Greater London Authority – but both are considering measures to reduce air pollution.  Is it all about diesel vehicles or are there other sources that need to be considered?
The GLA consultation closes first, on 27 February and the link to proposed Planning Guidance is at https://consult.london.gov.uk/air-quality-neutral

Lambeth Council is drafting an Air Quality Action Plan, based on a vision adopted last November.  Closing date for comments is Thursday 31 March.
Lambeth have promised a further round of consultation on the draft plan in July/ August.  Refer to the Consultations page on the Council’s website, or use the Commonplace site, https://cleanairlambeth.commonplace.is/

Lambeth Country Show
The Show returns to Brockwell Park over the weekend 16/17 July, but if you want to run a stall or put on a performance, you need to start the booking process now.  Enquiries to countryshow@email.lambeth.gov.uk or see the website https://lambethcountryshow.co.uk 

Are you working with under 5s?
Lambeth Early Action Partnershipare publicising an on-line conference to be held on Tuesday 22 March, 9-30 am to 1-30 pm, organised by the National Children’s Bureau.  The theme is Reducing Inequalities in Early Childhood – for more details and to register see www.ABS_Annual_Conference/register

Funding, Training and Support

Grant Deadlines
These grants were previously flagged up by Integrate – if you missed the original notices, contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

Your Best Friend grants are available to support activities with girls and young women aged 13-24, but the deadline for applications is Friday 18 February.

Ragdoll Foundation offers funding for projects that use the Arts and Media to address the concerns of Children, up to £50,000 for up to 3 years.
Deadline for applications is Monday 28 February.

Impact Hub
IB Thrive is a free programme of masterclasses and mentoring to help Lambeth business owners recover and then thrive. Monthly sessions will kick off with a launch event on Thursday 10 March at 6-30 pm at Impact Brixton, above Market Row in Electric Lane SW9.  Following events will also be Thursdays at 6-30 pm.  Enquiries to team@impactbrixton.com

Support Networks
The Charity Excellence Frameworkoffers a number of support services including a free funding finder service, resource hub, advice on governance and a regular newsletter.  See their website at https://www.charityexcellence.co.uk or enquiries to cynthia_roomes@yahoo.co.uk

Due to our limited Forum budget, we had to scale back our membership of Locality but we are continuing to receive their monthly bulletins.

Back in December, the trustees of the Small Charities Coalition decided to close the organisation due to a shortfall in funding.  In the last months of the financial year, they are winding down and supporting existing members in their transition to other sources of support.  A final evaluation report is expected to appear in March.  
Business Support through Lambeth Libraries
If you have a business – or are looking to start one – Lambeth Libraries can still provide support: contact Rachel Samuels at 07 944 733 172 or rsamuels1@lambeth.gov.uk

Over to you!

Share your news
We are keen to include news and requests from our member groups in these bulletins.  We aim to publish around the 10th of each month, so ideally tell us about coming events in the later half of the month, or early next month.  If there are other issues or sources of help that you would like to see in future issues, do tell us.  Please send any news for next month’s bulletin to arrive by 5th March, to the Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com

Time to get out more?
Over the past year we have focussed our efforts on putting out these bulletins at least monthly.  With Spring approaching and social distancing being relaxed, we should be thinking about live meetings and events again.  The Forum officers will shortly need to draw up a budget for the financial year starting 1st April, so if you think there is something else that the Forum should be doing, we need to hear from you very soon.

Is our mailing list correct?
We want to reach all groups and interests, so please notify us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our e-mailing list;
– If you are changing your e-mail or other contact details;
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested.


Current Issues

Hondo Towers – decision paused again
The Mayor has had to defer his decision on the 20-storey development in Popes Road, because some objections may have gone astray during the move of the Greater London Authority from City Hall to The Crystal in East London.  The deadline for objections has therefore been extended to 4th February – send to popesroad@london.gov.uk 
To see recent documents, go to: www.london.gov.uk/what-we-do/planning/planning-applications-and-decisions/public-hearings/popes-road-public-hearing and use GLA ref. 2021/0265.  Documents should also be on Lambeth’s planning applications database.
Hondo made a “smoke and mirrors” enhancement to their promise of training and employment benefits, but have also updated their energy reports in an attempt to “greenwash” this old-style office tower.  

More big developments in the pipeline
If that was not enough to contend with,  Lambeth Planners are currently consulting on Site Allocations to be added to the Lambeth Local Plan.  They are not briefing a select few local stakeholders until 3rd February, so we don’t know the full story yet, though it sounds bad.  Three new Brixton sites are proposed for large-scale development:
– Tesco site on Acre Lane, to allow flats to be built over the car park.
– 51-65 Effra Road, that is from Halfords to the Mosaic Clubhouse, including the sheltered housing at Fitch Court.
– 330-336 Brixton Road, which would impact on several VCS groups using 336 Brixton Road.

Two sites at Loughborough Junction are also included, and the planning framework for Somerleyton Road and Brixton Central is intended to continue unchanged.  Deadline for objections is 21 February – more details via the Consultation pages on the Council website, www.lambeth.gov.uk

That reminds us that Lambeth’s Cabinet is about to select a developer for the Pop Brixton and International House sites.  The choice seems to be between a straightforward rebuild package from London Square, and a bid from Hollybrook and Ministry of Sound which is more amenable to retaining International House as a hub for local employment.  The chosen developers are due to launch their own round of local consultations in May.

Windrush Square
Questions were raised when two separate commemoration events were held on Windrush Square on Sunday 14 November.  In recent years, the Nubian Jak Foundation have co-ordinated an event at the Afro-Caribbean War Memorial on the Square, but for 2021 Lambeth Council decided at short notice to have their own event in the morning.  Even Councillor Anyanwu, who was due to preside, got confused about the timing and it fell to Councillor Sonia Winifred to open proceedings.
Roz Griffiths recently convened an on-line meeting of stakeholders.  A number of concerns were raised, not only programming of events, but also inadequate maintenance, creeping changes and the ongoing issue of the closed toilets.  Contacts are continuing, and may bring an opportunity to re-launch the Friends of Windrush Square.

Summer Events in Brockwell Park
Major commercial events in the park are often controversial, partly from the disruption during the events themselves, but also because a large chunk of the park is out of public use during the setting-up and then the taking-down afterwards.
This year it will occupy up to 23% of the park for several weeks.  The events themselves will link two weekends, starting on Friday 27 May and including Wide Awake, City Splash, Mad-stock, Mighty Hoopla and finally Cross the Tracks on Sunday 5th June.

Lambeth has announced the return of the Lambeth Country Show for the 16/17 July weekend, and bookings are already open for traders and charity pitches.  Enquiries to: countryshow@lambeth.gov.uk 

Lambeth Council – Elections coming
The next election for Lambeth Councillors takes place on Thursday 5 May.  It will be based on the new Ward boundaries, and some of these wards will only have 2 Councillors, rather than three.  If you want us to host a local hustings meeting for candidates in April, you need to tell us now, so that we can get funding for it.
We have mentioned before that, although we will elect 63 Councillors, scarcely a dozen of them will control how the Council is run, as Cabinet members.  There is currently a petition to return to a more inclusive way of running the Council which gives them all a voice – for full background see: https://lambethref.co.uk or to sign the petition, go to: https://www.gopetition.com/petitions/make-lambeth-council-work-for-all-voters.html

To staff polling stations on the day, and to count the votes after the polls close, the Council is recruiting temporary workers – e-mail to electionstaff@lambeth.gov.uk for a recruitment form.

Coming Events

Pantry opens at Myatts Fields North Community Centre
The Healthy Living Platform is opening the Pantry on Tuesday 1st February.  It will provide a mix of fresh fruit and vegetables and donated food items for £5 per basket.  It will operate on Tuesdays between 11 am and 2 pm at the Myatt’s Fields North Community Centre, 24 Crawshay Road, SW9 6FZ.  Enquiries to Helen at 07 701 365 551 or we can e-mail you their poster with more details.

Overnight Rail Works
Warning of noisy operations on the lines between Brixton and Herne Hill Stations, overnight between midnight and 4-50 am on Tuesday 1st February.  This involves grinding down the rails to an even surface to ensure a smoother ride with less noise in normal use.  Enquiries to the 24 hour National Helpline on 0345 711 4141 or see www.networkrail.co.uk

Longfield Hall Events
Regular classes are back, with something happening every day except Sundays, including Tai Chi, Yoga, Capoeira, various dance and drama classes, and the Longfield Voices choir. For further details of the programme of activities, see their website www.longfieldhall.org.uk
Several of these groups are taking part in the next Longfield Hall Celebration, a Cabaret evening at 7 pm on Friday 11 March, tickets from £8.

Black Culture Market, 5 & 6 March
This indoor market will return to the basement of the Department Store, 248 Ferndale Road SW9, on both Saturday and Sunday, open 11 am to 5 pm each day.
We are flagging this up now, in case anyone wants to run a stall themselves – in which case, find more details at https://www.blackculturemarket.co.uk
This is a free event for customers, but to manage numbers, please book in advance via the website or Eventbrite.

Funding, Training and support

Funding deadlines approaching!
The Integrate Agency has already circulated details of these funding schemes, which close for applications soon.  If you missed the links, please contact Eoin Heffernan at eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

Community Empowerment Grant Programme (Rosa’s Rise Fund) – closing date Monday 31 January at 5 pm.
Lambeth Holiday Activity and Food Programme (HAF) – closing date Friday 4 February at 5 pm.
Your Best Friend (peer support for young women and girls, age 13-24) – closing date Friday 18 February.
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Activity Fund (Sport England) – closing date to be confirmed.

Grants from Paul Mellon Foundation
We have mentioned before that they offer several funds and awards to support study of art, architecture and related history – for an overview, see their website: https://paul-mellon-centre.ac.uk/grants-and-fellowships or to apply, use the on-line portal at grants.paul-mellon-centre.ac.uk
The deadline for most of their Spring grants is 31 January (27th for Art in Motion) but their New Narratives scheme does not close until 28 February.
Their Write on Art competition for students aged 15-18 was launched on 10 January and closes on 30 June. 

Support with Fund-raising
The Directory of Social Change publish several directories of funding sources, as well as handbooks on running voluntary and community organisations.  New editions of their Directories of Grants to Individuals in Need and of Grant-making Trusts have appeared recently.  See more on their website at: https://www.dsc.org.uk

Training Courses & Events
Integrate are hosting a few on-line briefing sessions soon – to join in, contact Eoin Heffernan, as above:
– Lambeth’s Holiday Activity and Food programme: Monday 31 January at 10 am.
– Trans Awareness Training: Wednesday 9 February at 1-30 pm.
– Millennium Community Solutions CIC with Rev. Gail Thompson: Monday 21 February at 10 am.
– Theory of Change: Principles: Monday 7 March at 10 am.

Help with Computers and IT
West London Mission has a few upcoming courses, mostly on-line:
– Family Safety On-line, to help parents and carers keep children safe when using the Internet: 3 sessions on Wednesdays in February, 2 pm to 4-30 pm (9th, 16th, 23rd).
– Get Connected, to help you gain the skills to use the Internet and e-mails confidently.  In person at WATMOS Community Homes, 163-165 Lambeth Walk, on Mondays from 28 February to 14 March, 2 pm to 4-30 pm.
– Scam Busters, to help you guard against identity theft, card fraud and other scams: 3 sessions on Wednesdays in March, 2 pm to 4-30 pm (9th, 16th, 23rd).
Enquiries to Abel on 07 903 629 544 or e-mail to stlukes@wlm.org.uk or see www.wlm.org.uk

Clear Community Web are still providing community tech support sessions at the Platform Cafe in Wyck Gardens, on Thursday mornings between 10 am and 12 noon.  A laptop loan scheme is also being set up.  Enquiries to 07 523 646 277 or e-mail to info@clearcommunityweb.co.uk

For small businesses, it might be worth exploring Digital Growth Funding for grants towards digital marketing and boosting your on-line presence.  Enquiries to Stephen Beard at 01829 707 860 or e-mail to ste@digitalmarketinggrants.co.uk or see www.cprogress.co.uk

For charities, schools and churches, Tekgia continues to offer most Microsoft programs at discounted prices – see www.tekgia.com

Age UK Lambeth report positive experiences with their first two 6-month placements under the Government’s Kickstarter scheme.  They are now recruiting for the next batch, for jobs including Admin Assistants, an Event Planner, Community Programmes Assistants and a Digital Events Assistant. All posts are for 25 hours a week at the London Living Wage of £10.85 per hour.  All enquiries to Dave at daveg@ageuklambeth.org

Market Stall Opportunities
Lambeth Council are currently inviting applications for market traders pitches in Brixton Market and a few isolated spots around the borough.For an application form, e-mail to street-trading@lambeth.gov.uk but applications must be sent in by 5 pm on Friday 28 January.

Health and Social Care

Covid Latest
The Government is hastily relaxing recent restrictions in the face of heavy lobbying from business – particularly in the entertainment and catering sectors.  Some of us prefer to live a little longer, so there’s been more caution among the wider population.  Health authorities, railway companies and major supermarkets are still encouraging mask wearing on public transport, in shops and in other crowded indoor locations.  After all, mask-wearing has been shown to reduce the incidence of Covid by 53%.
Officially, mandatory vaccine status certification ends on 27 January, and face coverings are no longer legally required inside schools.  The obligation to self-isolate if you have Covid may not expire until 24 March, though the isolation period has been reduced.

Vaccinations: If you have missed out, or are still in need of a booster, check the website of the SE London /clinical Commissioning Group for location and timing of vaccination sessions: www.selondonccg.nhs.uk/popupclinics or www.nhs.uk/wintervaccinations

Lambeth Schools Patrol
This has the worthy aim of providing some adult oversight and support for pupils travelling to and from their schools.  For the time being, there is a pop-up office in Unit 2a, Market Row for interested adults to find out more and maybe enrol in the scheme.  It will run for 4 weeks from 27 January.  The project is run by the Code 7 Music Charity, 110 Union Road, SW8 2SH.  More details also at www.code7.live/lambeth-schools-patrol or e-mail to lambethschoolspatrol@gmail.com
Air Quality issues
Not a very visible problem, but the build-up of pollution from road traffic and fossil fuels on cold calm days is bad for our health.  It tends to be worse along main roads, so one of our groups postponed delivering their newsletters by bike because of a pollution peak on 14 January.  And my envy of a friend’s recent Facebook post from Tenerife disappeared when I saw their local weather report warning of very poor air quality!

The Mayor is consulting on better guidance on air quality to enhance the London Plan which was adopted last year.  Draft proposals are open for comments until 27 February and can be found at https://consult.london.gov.uk/air-quality-neutral

In the meantime, Lambeth Council is hosting 3 on-line consultation events on its own Air Quality Vision:
– Thursday 3rd February at 4-30 pm;
– Tuesday 8th February at 10 am;
– Friday 11 February at 12 noon.

Greenspaces and Green Issues

Sustainable City Awards
If you are trying to do something about making your corner of Brixton greener or more sustainable, why not get some recognition for it?  Nominations are now open for the Sustainable City Awards, supported by the Mayor of London and organised by Global Action Plan.  Please make your nominations  before 22 February.  More details at https://www.globalactionplan.org.uk

Lambeth Biodiversity Forum
This is being set up as an off-shoot of the Lambeth Parks Forum, to share views across groups with an interest in wildlife and ecology.  The first meeting is expected during February, and is being convened by Kevin Crook, in practice head of Parks and Events.  Several groups active in the wider Brixton area are already lined up, so we have not sought direct involvement. Incredible Edible Lambeth, Open Orchard, Father Nature, Slade Gardens, and Susy Hogarth of Brockwell Park Community Partners are among participants, in addition to specialist London-wide organisations.

A Growing Year at Loughborough Farm
A workshop session on growing food crops in small spaces, whether  a balcony or garden, Saturday 5 February, 10-30 to 12-30 at the Farm on Loughborough Road.  Free but donations invited, limited places – e-mail to loughboroughfarm@gmail.com

Winter Wassail in Wyck Gardens
Join supporters of Loughborough Farm to bless the trees in the Wyck Gardens Orchard, Saturday 20 February.  Assemble at the Farm gates by 12-45 pm to process through Wyck Gardens to the Orchard.  Warming soup and home-made cakes available at the Platform Cafe afterwards.  Enquiries to Loughborough Farm, as above.

Where did all this come from?

We gather information from many sources, both locally and nationally, from the Friends of Tate Library to the Morning Advertiser.  We welcome news from local organisations and campaign groups, and we give priority to information that will help you all in your efforts for the community.  If something is being overlooked, please remind us!

Use it or lose it!
You could simply use the Forum bulletins to share news of what you are doing, or you could be more ambitious and use the Forum as a channel to organise meetings or events which bring local people and groups together to resolve our problems.  In any case we would love to hear from you – contact the Secretary, Alan Piper at apiperbrix@aol.com

Is our mailing list up-to-date?
If you only received this because somebody else shared it, or you found it in an inbox that you rarely check anymore, please make sure that we have an up-to-date e-mail for you – contact admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org to update your contact details.

november 2021

Coming up soon

 Last minute reminders

Lambeth Made Community Meetings are starting up again, for local Councillors to meet online with community groups and residents.  The emphasis is meant to be on community safety issues, but any local issue might come up.  For Coldharbour Ward, the meeting is on Thursday 4 November, 6 pm to 7-30 pm – to register, e-mail to lambethmadesafer@lambeth.gov.uk

Fiveways Health Day is also on Thursday 4 November, 11 am to 3 pm at Myatt’s Fields North Community Centre, 24 Crawshay Road, SW9 6 FZ.  Stay fit and healthy as we head into winter with health advice, blood pressure checks, keep fit starter sessions, and help with maintaining a healthy weight – despite a free hot lunch being served at 12 noon!  Free IT help with computers, tablets and smartphones also available throughout the day.

Support Southwyck Pantry – sign their petition, asking the Council to find them a secure location within Southwyck or Moorlands Estate.  They had to leave their base at Southwyck Hall but for the past month have been running a skeleton service from the Brixton Street Gym at 10 Somerleyton Road.  They hope to move to Moorlands Community Centre but it’s far from certain.  You can catch up with their recent Instagram posts at:
And here is the petition link:

Christmas is coming

News is already coming in of Christmas-themed events – here’s some for starters:

Windmill Christmas Market – Sunday 12 December, open 12 noon to 3-30 pm, in Windmill Gardens, off Blenheim Gardens, SW2.  Organised by Friends of Windmill Gardens.

Pop-up Christmas Markets in Brixton: My Pop-Up Events comes to Brixton with 2 Christmas markets bang in the heart of Brixton – a great opportunity for small businesses to come together and show their wares.  To book a pitch, contact Toyin Oke at info@mypopupevents.co.uk
Saturday 27 & Sunday 28 November in the Gallery room at Brixton Tate Library, open 10 am to 4 pm.
Saturday 4 December in Lambeth Town Hall.

Christmas Open Studio, Thursday 2 December, 3 pm to 9 pm at Art4Space Learning Hub, Studio 1, 31 Jeffreys Road, SW4 6QU, for cards, artworks, “mosaic in a box” gift packages plus mulled wine and mince pies.

Winter Pop-up Village in Brockwell Park – proposed by Lambeth Events to run from 1st to 19th December, on the Redgra pitch near Brockwell Lido. Free but individual activities charged for, which should include an “immersive” cinema, 9-hole crazy golf, side show games and food and drink stalls. This is still being firmed up, so please relay any concerns to brockwellparkcommunitypartners@gmail.com

Catering for your event: If you have been tasked with organising food for your office/ group Christmas event, Brixton’s branch of Domino’s Pizza is offering discounts for business orders – contact Nabeel at nabeel@passapizza.com or phone (020) 7737 0000.

Funding, Training and Support

Funding Streams

To remind you, Integrate Agency recently circulated details of these grant sources:

Sport Unites Fund from the Mayor of London is his community sport programme, offering up to £50,000 for activities taking place before June 2022 – closing date Tuesday 16 November.

Untold Stories Grants also from the Mayor of London help community organisations with changes in our public spaces, whether to create something new, highlight something hidden or forgotten, or present a different story to what already exists.  Grants range between £1,000 and £25,000 and the closing date is 12 January. 

Racial Equality Fund from Lloyds Bank Foundation, offering a 2-year grant of £50,000 plus development support.

Pebble Grants from the Rank Foundation offer grants of £250 to £4,000 for smaller charities and recognised churches for projects benefitting local communities, provided those groups have already found a third of the costs.  No set closing date.

Training Courses

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion – Monday 8 November at 10 am on Zoom.  A webinar presented by Elizabeth Takyi, free but book through Integrate,to eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

Chairs and CEOs Discussion 
Thursday 18 November at 10 am on Zoom.  Two local case studies and frank discussion of the roles of Chairs and CEOs in Voluntary/ Community organisations.  Book through Integrate as above.
Supporting LGBTQ people with their mental health 
Tuesday 23 November from 1-30 pm to 4-30 pm online.  Book through Integrate as above.

NFP Workshops
, based in York, also offer a range of on-line training courses, typically at £95 for a 10 am to 12-30 session.  Mainstream topics are bid writing, trust fund-raising, recruiting and managing volunteers, legacy fund-raising and corporate fund-raising.  Topics are repeated on a fortnightly or monthly cycle. Google nfp workshops to visit their website and book places. 

Other Resources

The Charity Excellence Framework has compiled several short guides for trustees or management committee members of community projects, on topics such as fund-raising and recruiting more trustees.  They also have 6 short videos on YouTube which can form part of your own trustee training programme.  See their website,  https://www.charityexcellence.co.uk or enquiries to charityexcellence@gmail.com

The Directory of Social Change publishes a range of handbooks and guides, not just funding directories but also titles like “Managing without Profit” which covers management and governance for any charity or community organisation.  They also continue to offer a wide range of half-day training courses on-line at competitive prices.  More details on their website at https://www.dsc.org.uk 


Has your organisation tried crowdfunding as a route to raising funds for a project?  How did it go?  Are there any lessons to share?
Brixton BMX Club launched an appeal last month to raise £30,000 for major works to their track in Brockwell Park.  
Brixton Wholefoods held a crowdfunder appeal to get the business in Atlantic Road back on its feet after lockdown, and succeeded in raising £20,000 within 3 days. 

Business Support

Impact Brixton in Electric Lane continues to host events for business start-ups and micro-businesses.
Social Enterprise Day will be a co-working day for local social entrepreneurs to network and share their ideas, on Thursday 11 November from 11 am with free brunch – but please register in advance.
Sustainability in Business is the theme for a launch event in conjunction with Start-ups Magazine on Thursday 18 November at 6 pm.
Finding Work in the Digital Age is a 5-week course, starting on Wednesday 17 November, to show you how to use digital tools and make sense of the shifting jobs market, including refining your CV and interview skills, building your personal brand and the finer points of freelancing.
Enquiries about all events to team@impactbrixton.com

Transport, Planning and Regeneration

Low Traffic Neighbourhoods – comments invited

The latest round of consultation on the Tulse Hill and Streatham Hill LTNs will open on 15 November and remain open for a month.  Comments should be sent to  lowtrafficneighbourhoods@lambeth.gov.uk but we encourage you to share your views with us too,
Consultation on the Ferndale LTN is now unlikely to start until January at the earliest.  Comments on the Railton LTN closed at the end of September.

Brixton Rec Quarter – meeting the bidders
Lambeth Council’s Regeneration Team has arranged for prospective developers of the Pop Brixton and International House sites to show their initial ideas to local stakeholders this Saturday, 6 November.  The Council’s brief was widely criticised at our April Forum meeting for both the loss of International House as a hub for creative businesses, and for the diverse range of benefits sought, rather than prioritising one or two features to make a real impact.

Health and Social Care

Covid Vaccination opportunities

For latest details of vaccination clinics, both regular sessions and special events, the best source is www.selondonccg.nhs.uk/popupclinics
More walk-in clinics have been offered recently, including for the 12-15 age group.

Questions? There is a live Q & A session on the vaccination programme on Thursday 11 November at 6-30 pm – you can join in at the start from https://www.facebook.com/nhsselondonccg
Recording of earlier Q & A sessions, some of them for particular interest groups such as pregnant women, are available via https://www.facebook.com/nhsselondonccg/videos/ 

Coronavirus infections hit a new peak recently, so please don’t drop your guard.  Please continue to wear a mask on public transport, while shopping, and in other enclosed spaces

Towards an Age-friendly Borough

Age UK Lambeth are seeking for Lambeth to be a more age-friendly borough, based on 8 themes set by the World Health Organisation. They are currently inviting feedback from residents aged over 55, plus their carers and families, about the priorities.  They are hosting 3 on-line focus groups this month, on Thursdays 4, 11 and 18 November, each at 3 pm.  To attend one of these, please e-mail cathi@ageuklambeth.org or you can ask for a paper survey form.  For more information on the 8 themes, see https://ageing-better.org.uk/age-friendly-communities/eight-domains

Cook an extra Christmas dinner
 for an isolated older person this Christmas.  Once again Age UK Lambeth is inviting people to cook an extra Christmas dinner for someone living by themselves and deliver it to them on Christmas Day.  Interested?  To offer your support, phone 03 333 603 990 or e-mail to volunteer@ageuklambeth.org

Improving Black Men’s Health
Tony Cealy has just launched a new 4-month arts and health programme, to improve men’s mental health and wellbeing, and identify ways in which members can influence the services that are provided for them in the community.  See https://theblackmensconsortium.com

Greenspaces and Green Issues

Distinctions for local parks

Myatt’s Fields Park achieved a Gold Award in the London in Bloom awards last month.  Planning permissions were recently granted for the remodelling and extension of the Park depot building, and also for new floodlighting for the all-weather football pitch which will reduce glare for neighbours.

Windmill Gardens received a Green Flag Award in the 25th year of this awards scheme, which recognises the both the standard of upkeep and the community input into additional activities in this small park.
The planned extra opening weekend of the Windmill on 13 & 14 November is in question due to impending repairs to the floor in the Education Centre – please check the website for the latest position www.brixtonwindmill.org

Brockwell Park Tree Sculpture: 
Just behind the cafe, next to the 600-year old oak tree, Brixton artist Morganico has carved a tree sculpture to commemorate those who lost their lives during the pandemic, not just from infection, but also from mental health issues.  Come and view the sculpture and meet the artist on Saturday 6 November at 3 pm. Funded by the Lambeth Wellbeing Fund and supported by Lambeth Mind and Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses.

Help with Utility Bills

A Community Energy Talk has been set-up online by Homes for Lambeth for Lambeth residents who are over 65 or with a long-term health condition or disability.  It will be on Wednesday 10 November and cover energy tariffs, smart meters, energy-saving tips and other help available.  Please book a place through Wendy at wendy@homesforlambeth.co.uk or phone her on 07507 644 645.

Lambeth Larder
 have put details of local support on their website at https://www.lambethlarder.org/money-issues
Tariff switching has been a popular way of trimming domestic energy bills, but this is difficult right now because several of the smaller companies have gone out of business, and it may take a while for things to settle down.  Even so, there is further advice at www.citizensadvice.org.uk/energy

Other News

Library Services Returning

It is no longer necessary to make appointments to visit or study in the library.  Please continue to wear masks if you can, follow social distancing measures and use the hand sanitiser supplied.
Events are also taking place in libraries again though the numbers allowed in rooms have been reduced by half to allow for social distancing.  CO2 monitors are also in use to check that the air quality is safe.  The Gallery room in Brixton Tate Library now has a working induction loop for the benefit of those relying on hearing aids, and the ambition is to roll out similar systems to the rest of Lambeth’s libraries.
Many library events are also being streamed so those still reluctant to attend live events can take part from the comfort of home.

Changes at Black Cultural Archives

Arike Oke stepped down as Managing Director at BCA at the end of October. She will continue to be involved as a member of their Archives Advisory Group.  Lisa Anderson will join as interim Managing Director from 6 December.  She is currently Corporate Partnerships Lead at the Lord Mayor’s Appeal.

Brixton Advice Centre moving?

The Brixton Advice Centre on Railton Road has become a valued local institution, but its immediate surroundings are now more respectable than they were in the 1970s.  The search has begun for a new base with level access, and perhaps closer to the Council estates where social deprivation is more concentrated these days.

Extra November Bulletin

QUICK REMINDERS Already we have received many updates and urgent items since our last bulletin went out on 4th November, so we have put out this extra bulletin so you do not miss out.

Green InspirationThe Blooming Lambeth Awards take place online on Thursday 18 November, between 7 pm and 8 pm.  Maybe your community project or estate could take part next year, to get some recognition for what you do?  Meanwhile, tune in for some inspiration – book via the Incredible Edible Lambeth website, www.incredibleediblelambeth.org

Christmas is Coming We highlighted several seasonal events in our last bulletin – please check back for more details:

Pop-up Christmas Market at Brixton Tate Library (Gallery room) on Saturday 27 & Sunday 28 November, 10 am to 4 pm.

Christmas Open Studio Thursday 2 December, 3 pm to 9 pm, at Art4Space, 31 Jeffreys Road SW4.

Pop-up Christmas Market, Saturday 4 December, in Lambeth Town Hall (Assembly Hall). 

Windmill Christmas Market, Sunday 12 December, 12 noon to 3-30 pm in Blenheim Gardens, SW2.

Containing Coronavirus – access to vaccinations…..Sorry to repeat ourselves, but this is important.  Despite the Government’s enthusiasm for reviving the economy, coronavirus infections remain high, so please don’t drop your guard.  Please continue to wear a mask on public transport, while shopping, and in other confined spaces.Details of vaccination clinics – especially walk-in sessions – usually reach us too late to share widely, so please refer directly to www.selondonccg.nhs.uk/popupclinics or contact your GP surgery. 

Cook an extra Christmas Dinner My Ho Ho Ho!  Could you cook an extra Christmas Dinner for an isolated older person this Christmas?  Once again Age UK Lambeth is inviting people to cook a meal for somebody living by themselves and deliver it to them on Christmas Day.  They will even supply the extra plate!  To register and be matched with a nearby older person, please e-mail to volunteer@ageuklambeth.org or phone 0333 360 3990.

Health and Social Care Achieving a Healthy Weight – Tuesday 23 NovemberFor residents of Coldharbour and Vassall Wards, or community groups working locally, there is a lunchtime session (12 noon to 1-30 pm) on helping people to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, including signposting them to expert support.  It takes place at Myatt’s Fields North Centre, 24 Crawshay Road SW9 6FZ, and lunch will be provided. Supported by Imperial College, London.

Wellbeing Workshops series starting now 
and continuing into February, a series of FREE sessions for Lambeth residents working or volunteering with community projects.  Choose from a wide range of themed sessions at various local venues (and some online) – the programme has just been updated, so see more at https://tinyurl.com/snv9vvxa Funded by Lambeth Wellbeing Fund and London Community Foundation.

Winter Wellbeing advice for older people – Wednesday 24 November
At Brixton Tate Library, open 2 pm to 5 pm, organised by Age UK Lambeth. Enquiries to ourcommunity@ageuklambeth.org

Making Lambeth an Age-Friendly BoroughAge UK Lambeth 
has another on-line focus group on Thursday 18 November at 3 pm, to gather feedback on making Lambeth more user-friendly for those over 55.  For log-in details, please e-mail to cathi@ageuklambeth.org as soon as possible.  

Mental Health First Aid Course – 9 & 10 December Once again, Art4Space are hosting a Mental Health First Aid Course, run by It’s a Playground and supported by Studio Moross.  This will be a 2-day course, held 6 minutes walk from Stockwell Tube Station.  This course is aimed at supporting adult “patients”, but a Youth-oriented course will follow on 24 & 25 February 2022.  All enquiries to jewels@art4space.co.uk

Funding, Training and Support Grant offers closing!These grant schemes were previously circulated by the Integrate Agency:

Walcot Foundation closes for expressions of interest at 2 pm on Wednesday 17 November.Fridge & freezer fund (round 5) closes at 11-59 pm on Wednesday 17 November.

Recovery Loan Fund operated by Locality closes at midnight on Sunday 21 November.

Grant offers still open Wellbeing Fund 
is managed by the London Community Foundation, to create community connections and improve wellbeing.  For full details and key dates, see the LCF website at https://londoncf.org.uk/grants/lambeth-wellbeing-fund

Three on-line briefing workshops are being offered. to help community organisations to draw up suitable bids, on 22 November, 29 November and 6 December.  There are also half-hour surgery slots between 30 November and 8 December, to discuss your proposals in confidence. The deadline for all applications is 7th January 2022.

Ecosystem Coldharbour Micro-Grants programme – Round 2 is now open, with a closing date of 29 November.  The grants are targetted at smaller organisations (turnover up to £20,000 pa) in Central Brixton including Angell Town, Loughborough and Moorlands estates.  The main aim is reducing youth violence but projects are also encouraged to build skills, support employability, sports or other recreational activities.  See www.ecosystemcoldharbour.org or all enquiries to grow@ecosystemcoldharbour.org

Free training is also being offered to local groups, including:

Organisation Governance on 23 November,Volunteer Management on 6th December,Both from 10 am to 12 noon at the Baytree Centre, 300-302 Brixton Road SW9 6AE, enquiries as above.

e-Cargo Bike Grant Fund 
– in case you missed the launch in August, the Department of Transport have partnered with the Energy Saving Trust to offer up to 40% of the cost of electric cargo bikes for small businesses.  The closing date of 14 December is approaching, and approved grants must be claimed by 14 February 2022.  For details see https://energysavingtrust.org.uk/grants-and-loans/ecargo-bike-fund/

Peter Minet Trust – Open Grants Fund – details recently circulated by Integrate Agency – if you missed the link,contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk  

For projects based in Lambeth or Southwark, and this time prioritising black-led charities and expecting to fund 5 or 6 projects in this round.  Application deadline 20 January.

Trans Awareness Training – Monday 22 November
An on-line workshop, led by LGBT Foundation, from 1-30 to 5 pm – enquiries to justin.m-jones@lgbthero.org.uk 

Skills for Tomorrow
This is a free coding class for BAME members of the community aged 18 to 25 years and living with a disability.  It will start in January, so if you are interested, contact Millennium Community Solutions at gail@millenniumcommunitysolutions.com

Learning for Life at Morley – Stockwell Morley College 
is running a number of courses at their Stockwell Centre, 1 Studley Road SW4 6RA, behind Stockwell Tube Station. Courses include computers, office administration, and working with children.  Courses are for adults aged over 19, and free if you are not working OR if your annual earnings are less than £21,157.  Before enrolling, you will need to complete an assessment, on either Tuesday 7th or Wednesday 8th December – to book an appointment, e-mail richard.mason@morleycollege.ac.uk

Worth mentioning too that various courses are offered at High Trees Community Education Hub in the former St. Martin’s Library at the corner of Tulse Hill and Upper Tulse Hill – enquiries to the team at courses@high-trees.org

Hope in the Heart
Brixton resident Sophie Coxon has alerted us to a couple of workshop events that may be of interest to people involved with local groups, particularly if working with people with health or social issues. Both will be held near Victoria Station, at 24 Greencoat Place, London SW1P 1RD, from 10 am to 1 pm.  Enquiries to sophiehopeintheheart@gmail.com Thursday 25 November – The gifts of Lived Experience, harnessing our strengths, skills and gifts to contribute to a better world.Tuesday 7 December – Messages from the Heart – create a piece of art, poetry or creative writing to include in Hope in the Heart’s forthcoming exhibition – see www.hopeintheheart.org/lived-experience-messages-from-the-heart.html Hope in the Heart CIC is supported by the National Lottery.

Arts Video Funding:The Paul Mellon Foundation 
offers several funding streams linked to the arts and art history.  They have just launched a film competition for undergraduate students, to generate short films about British works of art or architecture from any period.  They aim to support 10 successful entrants, with a top prize of £10,000 for the winning film.  The application deadline for the first round is 5 pm on 27 January.  Full details on their website at https://paulmelloncentre.ac.uk

Business Support
A reminder that the Business Show takes place at the Excel exhibition centre on 24 & 25 November, with lots of ideas and advice for small businesses and start-ups.  You can still register for free tickets if you go to the event website at www.greatbritishbusinessshow.co.uk

Other News

Festive Bake Competition Once again, Friends of Windmill Gardens are holding their competition for amateur bakers, using Brixton Windmill Flour.  Entry is free but you need to bring your entry to the Windmill Centre by noon on Sunday 12 December, for judging at the Winter Market.There will be 3 adult prizes and under-12s prize to be awarded.  See also their website www.brixtonwindmill.org

Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses
They are getting ready to run workshops on making Christmas decorations and Wreaths during the weekends 4 & 5 December and 11 & 12 December.  Places should be booked via the website, where more details should be available by the time you see this – go to www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/events/

Low Traffic Neighbourhoods

Consultation on the Tulse Hill LTN opened on 15 November.  Lambeth is vague about the closing date but try to respond before 15 December, to lowtrafficneighbourhoods@lambeth.gov.uk It’s important to share what works and what makes life more difficult!  A similar consultation on the Ferndale/ Landor LTN should follow early in the New Year. 

Projects seeking paid staff

Loughborough Farm seeks a manager – This food-growing project on Loughborough road is seeking a Manager to work alongside farm co-ordinator Emily Myers, on a 12 month contract.  Full details are on the LJAG website, at https://loughboroughjunction.org and the closing date for applications is 15 December, with interviews expected in early January.

Repowering London will shortly have a vacancy for a Community Champion because Chloe is returning to Australia.  Again, this is a 12-month contract, starting in January and home-based.  The closing date for applications is 12 December.

Winter Windows on Ferndale Road
Between the old Post Office and the new one, the restored shop windows of Squire & Partners offices on Ferndale Road have been decorated with illuminated designs by Year 6 pupils from Reay Primary School in North Brixton.

Keep in touch. Share your news!

We are keen to share news and requests from our member groups in these bulletins.  Short items are easier, bearing in mind that more people nowadays are trying to read this on a smartphone or tablet, rather than a desktop computer.  Distribution is normally monthly, so please send any news for the December issue before the end of November, to the Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com
Please try to provide web links or contact details so people can follow up for more details.

Is our mailing list up to date?
Finally, our usual reminder for you to tell us – at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org
– If you would like to add a colleague or neighbour to our e-mail distribution list.
– If you prefer these bulletins to go to a different e-mail, so you receive them more quickly or reliably.
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested.

april 2021

Our next on-line meeting – Wednesday 28 April

This Forum meeting will be held on Zoom, starting at 7 pm.  We hope that you will want to join in, but please e-mail to the Forum Administrator at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org so that we can send you the log-in details a day or two before the meeting.

Fight The Tower Campaign

The Save Nour/ Save Brixton/ Fight the Tower Campaign continues to oppose Hondo Enterprises’ planning application for a 20-storey office block on Pope’s Road in the heart of Brixton, pictured above.  The application is now in the hands of Mayor Sadiq Khan, and he (or a new Mayor) will decide its fate at a public hearing in a few months’ time.  Meanwhile, the Campaign is engaging with local community groups, activists, residents, traders and skilled professionals to build the case against this monument and symbol of gentrification.  Brixton is our neighbourhood and London is our home. If the Tower is built, it will have a direct and detrimental environmental impact on the lives of thousands who call Brixton home.  Brixtonians, and Londoners in general, will keep demanding more meaningful consultations from local authorities, and more transparency for any future projects.  Join the conversation on 28 April online with Brixton Neighbourhood Forum.

More to come

If there are other local groups that want to make a presentation or report at this Forum meeting, or one coming up, please contact the Forum Secretary soon, at apiperbrix@aol.com   We are also setting up an on-line briefing on the Planning system, to help you with responding to other planning applications that come along. More news of that soon.

Funding, Training and Support

Designing London’s Recovery programme

The Mayor has launched an open innovation programme that supports London’s economic recovery.  Applications close at midday on 15 June.  There are 3 themes:
– Helping Londoners into good work;
– Building strong communities;
– Green New Deal and High Streets for all.
For more information, go to https://london.gov.uk/what-we-do/civil-society/grants-and-funding

Black on Track 2.0

This is an empowerment programme for Black people in Lambeth who are aged between 35 and 65 years old. It involves 10 training sessions in community enterprise development.  Application deadline is 30 April.  More information at  www.ubele.org or enquiries to Tishauna Mullings on 07 827 531 035 or tishauna.mullings@ubele.org

Sport England – Community Asset Fund

Capital grants from £10,000 to £50,000 are available to help sports clubs and community organisations adapt and re-open their premises in the wake of the pandemic. The closing date for applications is Friday 30 April.  More information at https://www.sportengland.org/how-we-can-help/our-funds

Windrush Community Fund

This fund is for charitable, voluntary and community organisations that work with communities from the Windrush generation.  Groups can bid for between £2500 and £25,000 from a total pot of £200,000 in phase 2 of the programme.  The aim is to ensure that people affected by the Windrush scandal are aware of the support available and are not missing out on compensation schemes.  The fund is administered by Voice4Change England on behalf of the Home Office, and deadline for bids is 30 June.  There is an on-line briefing event for interested groups on Wednesday 21 April between 2 pm and 4 pm.  More information from www.voice4change-england.com

Community Use of Lambeth Buildings

Lambeth Council is consulting on its Voluntary and Community Sector Asset Strategy, but the deadline for comments is Sunday 25 April.  Community organisations occupy a variety of Council buildings, but with wide variation in their rents and terms. The Council is seeking a more standardised approach, which also provides for upgrading buildings and ensuring lasting community use and sustainability.  The thinking seems to be to encourage more intensive use, and to give some credit for the number and range of users that a site provides for. Perversely, the scheme seeks to exclude Tenants Halls, Youth Centres, Adventure Playgrounds, despite some of these being among the most contentious under Council management.  Those for which there are already long leases are not affected.  Send comments or questions to VASA@lambeth.gov.uk

WinTrade Global Talks continue

The series of on-line get-togethers and talks for Women in Business continues on Thursdays 12 noon to 3 pm, now using the Airmeet conference platform.  Enquiries to Yvonne Thompson of 7 Traits Leadership Learning – yvonne.thompson@wintradeweek.com

Incidentally, 7 Traits Leadership Learning now bears a blue plaque provided by the Nubian Jak Foundation, to commemorate the first broadcast by Choice FM from the premises at 16 Trinity Gardens back in March 1990.

Arts Funding from the Paul Mellon Centre

Their grants programme opens for applications on 26 April, with a closing date of 17 May, with grants being released in July.  Once again, priority is being given to supporting organisations and individuals affected by the Coronavirus pandemic.  Research Continuity Grants of £10,000 are to support research on British art and architecture by institutions.  Research Continuity Fellowships of up to £5,000 will similarly support individuals with their projects. Write on Art, the national art writing competition for young people, now has a closing date of 30 June. More details on their website at https://paulmelloncentre.ac.uk/fellowships-and-grants

Tai Chi by the Windmill

Real time sessions are happening again between 11 am and 12 noon on Saturdays in Windmill Gardens, off Brixton Hill.  The adjacent cafe is also now operating, under the latest Covid regulations.  See www.brixtonwindmill.org

Other Local News

The Cherry Groce Memorial

Unveiling of new memorial in Windrush Square Sunday 25th April 2021 at 11am. On the same day Together We Rise: Remembering Cherry Groce online event 4 – 6pm via Eventbrite to register.

Friends of Loughborough Park

A Friends group has now been formally constituted to champion this pocket park on the east side of Brixton.  Lockdown had frustrated earlier efforts to organise, yet more people were discovering the park on their daily exercise.  It has helped that, after years of neglect, Lambeth found some funds to repair the children’s play area.  Enquiries about the Friends should go to friendsofloughboroughpark@gmail.com

Food Banks and Food Projects

Healthy Living Platform has been awarded a contract from Lambeth Council to co-ordinate and distribute surplus food in the borough, following a collaborative bidding process.  HLP have been providing food parcels to vulnerable or shielding residents since March last year.  They have developed a partnership with 33 other charities and food hubs, and linked up with schools and children’s centres.

HLP will provide a single point of contact for collection of surplus or unwanted food.  Distribution to local outlets will be via 3 hubs, the Brixton one being at Southwyck House Community Hall, off Moorland Road.

If you are involved with a community group interested in joining in, or with a business that can donate food or toiletries etc, contact Mala Naicker at malafpm@googlemail.com

If you are aware of families in need, refer them to the MyCommunity Gateway run by AgeUK Lambeth at mycommunity@ageuklambeth.org or phone 0333 360 3700.

Pop Brixton is back

The site has re-opened, with table seating for groups of up to 6.  There are now 14 street food traders on site, plus bars.  Social distancing measures are in place throughout, so please bring your face mask.  You do not need to queue if you are visiting one of the retail units, or have booked a table for Caribe, Only Food & Courses or the Greenhouse, but please tell the security team on arrival.

Incredible Edible Lambeth

The next in their series of Lambeth Food Stories will be on Tuesday 20 April entitled “Whose space is it anyway?”  They will be talking with people on Lambeth estates about what they would like to see happen on their land, with several residents due to talk about their experience of getting engaged with the greenspace on their estate.  The aim is to get more people involved with managing their outdoor surroundings, and supporting biodiversity and food-growing.  More information at www.incredibleediblelambeth.org 

Lambeth Life Returns

Lambeth Life is re-launching its print publication.  It mainly circulates in the north of the borough, but it may still be a useful channel for publicising what you are doing.  The editor is Josiah Mortimer, who can be contacted on 07 717 211 630 or josiah@lambethlife.com

Lockdown Lifts – with Music

Brixton BID is marking each stage of Lockdown lifting with music performances in the Town Centre by the Brixton Chamber Orchestra.  The next will be on Monday 17 May, and then Monday 21 June, at 1 pm, 2-30 and 4 pm.  The sites will be Electric Circle (crossroads of Electric Lane and Electric Avenue), Tunstall Square (opposite the Tube Station) and Brixton Station Road.


Sister2Sister is a Women’s Empowerment Group, inspiring Women in their wellbeing, confidence and self-esteem. Latest news here: https://mailchi.mp/9c549d24658d/welcome-4753022

Yellow Qube Community Space St Martins Tulse Hill

The Yellow Qube is a lovely yellow building in Tulse Hill run by the Community Interest company (CIC), Lambeth’s 4NS. Historically St Martins TRA, local residents and local organisations campaigned for it and it was seed funded by Lambeth council. Metropolitan housing association, Optivo housing association (then Amicus Horizon) and Notting Hill housing association. Latest news here: https://yellowqube.org

Keep on networking!

Make use of this bulletin

We are keen to include news and requests from our member groups in these bulletins. If there are other issues, or sources of help, that you would like to see in future bulletins, do tell us.  Please send any news for next month’s bulletin to arrive by 2nd May, to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com

Support your Forum

We aim to supplement our basic Council funding with membership subscriptions from local organisations.  To keep things simple, we encourage you to use the PayPal facility on this website. We are not fussy about your location – if you think you are in Brixton, you are welcome!

Is our mailing list up-to-date?

We want to reach all local groups and interests – please notify us, at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list;
– If you are changing your e-mail or contact details;
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested in what we do.

black lives resources and endemic racism

Learning and understanding are key.

Brixton has come along way… where is it going? Ever since the uprisings in the 1980’s, many people, community organisations and authorities in Brixton have put in a lot of hard work to make black lives better in the area. Many children and young people of the riots now own the businesses, teach in our schools, and play key and leading roles in our community. But we have also known that there is further to go. Recent events like the Windrush scandal and the disproportionate effects of the coronavirus on black and other minority communities has brought this into sharp and undeniable focus – the endemic pervasive disadvantages still faced by too many people.

Why should black achievement still be against the odds and such an uphill struggle? What’s this ‘white privilege’, even when some face some similar issues? Look at institutions, and societal norms, and call them out. This is what ‘silence is complicity’ is about. Find the barriers, the common challenges, and what unites us. How can everyone work together for justice and parity across the artificial divides?

The page banner shows images of the Olive Morris window in the building named in her honour that’s about to get demolished. Blended onto this image is the face of George Floyd, which will join Olive and too many others as icons of the push for righting the injustices. Below the image is spelt out the action we need to take, how we all need to be, and what needs to be behind our actions, whether neighbours, employers, authorities, or whatever we are. We can all act now.

These words are here for another reason too:

In an unusual move for a non-politically aligned community organisation, it’s time to stand up and call out the way the current outcry is being handled at its epicentre… to call out President Trump. Those words characterise what is needed, none of which remotely apply his actions. Think of the opposite of those words and that’s what comes from him. This is not a matter of politics, it’s a matter of common humanity and decency.

He may have been voted in; he might be again; but he has responsibilities with global consequences, and we need to call him out. We do not accept how so many organisations, politicians, influential figures and institutions tread on eggshells around his blatant lies, vindictive victimisation, and unprecedented abuse of power in the hope that he’ll conveniently disappear soon. There are people and politicians in this country hungry to follow his copybook. Silence in this country is complicity. It’s not acceptable.

Recent marches have shown what ordinary people think. Mass gatherings are currently against the coronavirus restrictions and carry well known risks. Other methods are possible too. Whatever your means, some selected resources are below:

UK Black Lives Matter – http://blacklivesmatteruk.com/

BLM Toolkits – https://blacklivesmatter.com/resources/

Informed reading and resources – https://gal-dem.com

What to do if you can’t attend public demonstrations – https://gal-dem.com/what-to-do-if-you-cant-protest-on-the-streets-for-black-lives-matter/

And if travel is irresistible, go by the advice at all times, and organisers advise self-isolation for two weeks afterwards.

Some interesting reading here about public space and systemic racism here: https://www.citylab.com/ including an inspiring story about Washington DC’s local government response to the recent Road Closer in Chief’s activities – https://www.citylab.com/equity/2020/06/white-house-fence-washington-public-space-black-lives-matter/612592/